March 20

How To Stop Being A Weak Man


Subject: how to stop being a weak man

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: You learn the mindsets and behaviors of weak men. This list will give you some awareness of what you can improve on, what you are doing well so that you can improve as a man. 

Just because you were born a man, doesn't mean you're good at being one. 

Being a man is more than having a dick.

It's more than being able to grow a beard.

It's the mountain energy. The oak tree. The ability to flow and be firm. 

Being a strong man doesn't mean you can lift heavy weights.

It means having strength of character. Being someone who stands for something. Someone people can rely on.

In this article we will go over behaviors and mindsets of weak men. 

You can continue reading and be offended. Or you can look at this list objectively and work on improving yourself. 

The choice is yours. It always is. 

Let's begin.

1. Stop complaining

As we discuss in this article about power, power is not gained. Power is given up.

It's given from the weak to the strong. 

Every time you avoid responsibility. You blame others.

You complain. You become weaker as a man.

You give up your power. Your ability.

Stop complaining about your life and begin working on fixing it.

You are responsible for YOU. 

2. Stop being a victim

This is crucial. 

I've come to the point where I can smell someone being a victim from 100 yards away.

These are the people that are completely selfish. The real definition of selfish.

They think that the whole world is out to get them. Everyone is conspiring for their demise. People are picking on them in particular.

They walk around showing everyone their emotional injuries.

"Look! Look! Anyone! Please look! THIS happened to me!! Can you believe it! That's why I wasn't able to X, Y and Z."

If you can get this one idea down you will stop being a weak man.

Be a creator not a victim. 

Accept responsibility for your life. Stop complaining. Stop blaming. View everything in your past as happening FOR you not AGAINST you.

Be an emotional adult. 

3. Stop closing your body

Body language is paramount.

You can fake this all you want but for top tier men, it's obvious.

Body LANGUAGE. It's a fucking language.

Just like English. Indian. Russian. Arabic. Hebrew. French. Spanish. 


You are communicating to the entire world data that you are not even aware of.

You are communicating weakness. Pink flower energy.

You close your body because you are not engaging with reality. Your subconscious mind is in defense mode. It's in a survival/fear based state.

In order to stop being weak, you must change this. Begin to open & relax your shoulders. Straighten your back. Look up. Smile. Relax all the tension in your body.


Study this form of language as if you were learning something completely new. This one will be harder. 

Because if I was learning Indian for instance, It would be me starting from ZERO. I could learn the proper foundational grammar and work my way up.

With body language you might have 20+ years of bad habits to eradicate. The easiest way to fix this is through deep identity change. This subliminal can help that. 

4. Stop asking for permission

Your parents. Your friends. People you don't even know.

You are seeking permission from a higher value person. 

"Please tell me it's okay to do X, Y and Z oh master of mine up there. I don't want to risk your anger so that you would kick me out of the tribe."

That's what's really going on and it must be eliminated.

Give yourself what you need.

You are your own doctor. Prescribe the permission you so desperately desire.

You can heal yourself. You can be that person for YOU.

5. Stop seeking approval

Permission and approval are similar. All of these, incase you haven't noticed yet, are connected.

They are all pieces of the puzzle as to why you are a weak man.

This is how approval seekers look to the world: "Mommy! Daddy! Look at me! I drew this drawing at school today! Do you like it?!"

That's what you are doing.

You are seeking the approval of someone you think is an authority in your life.

The only approval you need is from yourself. The nuance of this is reserved for high status men. It's less about receiving approval and more about avoiding acting dishonorably in the eyes of your family and people you respect. 

6. Stop pleasing people

Approval seeking, permission seeking and people pleasing are all in the same family.

The idea behind this, is that you want to keep social harmony and avoid rejection from the tribe.

In order for you to stop being a weak man, you must build your self esteem and confidence up.

Create a solid foundational base for yourself.

Reach conclusions through independent thinking. 

Create a challenge for yourself and don't tell a soul when you complete it.

With awareness and discipline you can eradicate this people pleasing from your life. 

7. Stop filtering yourself

Of course there is social rules to follow and nuance versions of this.

But as a general rule, weak men filter themselves.

They are afraid to express themselves out of fear of punishment from the tribe.

This is all a deeply ingrained evolution in your mind.

You don't say that 'joke' because you are afraid of punishment.

Maybe the big bad Alpha will punish you. The girls (mate selection) will laugh at you. 

Big deal.

Think of the worst case scenario and become cool with it. 

People crave authenticity. People crave when others are genuine.

Would you rather be liked for who you are or the fake version of you that you built up for approval?

8. Stop agreeing with everyone

"You are so right! What was I thinking!"

"You are even more right!"

"Yes of course, I'll change my mind for the 56th time this hour."

Stop being Mr. Agreeable. 

People don't feel safe around you. Especially women.

Give yourself permission to disagree with others. Stop being a weak man and say "No, you are wrong for X reason." Beware though - people will begin to respect you.

9. Stop watching porn

High status men are known to have a vice. That's not the best thing in the world, but it is realistic.

Porn, however, is keeping you weak.

It's destroying your life.

It is wrecking your ability to communicate with women. It lowers your vitality. Your entire world view is warped. You're dopamine get's obliterated.

Porn is a super stimulus. A drug designed to give you fake pleasure. Why do I say fake? Because it simulates the feeling you get if you actually achieved something worthy.

It's fake.

Also - all arguments for porn are weak. Stop defending this behavior. You and I both know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you would be more powerful without this addiction.

10. Stop lying

People really don't understand how bad lying is.

First of all, it's an extremely challenging and mentally taxing way to live. Having to always remember the things you tell to others?

Imagine how easy it is being honest. You get to expend ZERO mental energy on remembering what you say. Because if you are ever questioned, all you do is tell the truth again.

Lying degrades your character. It makes you weaker, as you are avoiding pain (in the present) every time you do it.

Besides all of this (and much more), every time you lie, you end up trusting yourself less. Which leads me to my next point. 

11. Stop not following through on your word

Imagine a friend who never came through on his word.

He told you he would pick you up, and he didn't.

He said he would email you, and he didn't.

He said he would help you with X project, and he didn't.

How many times would it take before you wouldn't trust him? 

It's the same with you. Every time you lie you become weaker and less confident. Integrity is a core element of a strong man.

We talked about in our universal forces article, but commitment and doing what you said you will do connects you to the higher worlds. It's hard to describe. But when you consistently keep your word, you feel as if your life has more meaning. 

12. Stop blaming others

This is the expression of a man who is not taking responsibility.

Here is a math equation for ya:

You + blame someone = weaker and less powerful.

In order for you to stop being a weak man, notice every time you desire to blame someone else.

Yes, I know. Taking responsibility hurts in the moment. But it is the price you must pay to become strong.

13. Stop being dishonorable

Think of the people in your life that you respect.

If everyone around you is a scrub, imagine someone you admire. Real or fake.

Now, imagine if they were in your friends circle. Every day they would see how you behaved in private and public. 

What would they think of you?

Would they look at you in disgust? Or...Would they look at you with mutual respect and admiration.

Act in a manner that brings you pride and self respect. 

Stay away from the behaviors of the shadows.

Stay visible in the light.

14. Stop being weak physically

Part of the puzzle to stop being a weak man, is to get physically stronger.

See, there is no secret to a greek god physique.

It takes time.




All masculine traits.

Imagine looking at yourself one year from now and having a body to be proud of. You worked for this. You sweat. You pushed yourself. And now, just like everything in life, you get to reap the reward.

It's also a key component in your road to power. 

15. Stop being a snitch

Snitches get stiches.

Stop telling on others.

Stop looking to always save yourself. Powerful men have honor. They want the respect of the people that have earned their respect.

I'm not talking about gangs for you guys. This can be micro moments where you gossip and spread rumors.

It's the behavior that's sneaky.

If you truly want to stop being a weak man, act in a strong manner. Don't behave in a slimy manner. 

16. Stop following everyone start leading

The first step in leadership, is leading yourself.

Get your fucking life in order.

I wrote a deep, very inspired, three part series on how to do exactly that:

  1. How to get your life in order Part 1
  2. How to get your life in order Part 2
  3. How to get your life in order Part 3

The other part of this is to be a real leader. Be the rock for your girlfriend. Your family. Your friends. 

Be the person that others can rely on. The shoulder to cry on. The role model. The person that will inspire OTHERS to get on their game and kick ass.

Lead yourself. Your family. Your friends. Your community. Your world. 

17. Stop being spineless

Stand up for something.

If someone insulted your sister in front of you, what would you do?

If someone attempted to bully you, what would you do?

If you want to stop being a weak man, you must develop a spine.

We call it the mountain energy.

The stillness within. The deep conviction.

The ability to carry a big weight on your shoulders. That's the goal I have for you. 

18. Stop being a ghost 

A ghost. A pink flower. A blade of grass.

These are all metaphors for movable. Flowing wherever the wind blows them. 

And I don't mean that in a Bruce Lee sort of way. 

Ghosts don't have their own opinions. They are sheeple. They just say what others have thought for them. 

In order to be a strong man you must begin to think for yourself.

Develop critical thinking.

Take a pen. A piece of paper. Think of a subject you're undecided on.

Begin journaling and debating. Come to a conclusion. Stand by it (not blindly). If in conversation this subject comes up, give your opinion. Let's say someone else has the opposite view point and they make a valid and true statement. 

Listen to them. The point is not for you to be right. The point is to get closer to the truth.

However, as a strong man, you started the journey with your own brain. Your own conclusion. 

Now THAT is admirable. 

19. Stop pushing everyone down

No one likes a bully.

Someone that pushes people below them

That is not BY ANY MEANS what a truly strong man does. 

King energy lifts people. It compliments them. It supports them.

It realizes the pain and suffering going on the journey has. They empathize because they are on the journey as well. 

Raise others up. Give a hand. Inspire others.

That is what a strong man is all about. 

20. Stop disowning yourself

There are parts of you that you have completely disowned.

It could be anger. You are afraid to be angry.

It could be shameful aspects of your past that you keep in the dark.

It could be your passion that you are afraid to talk about.

Our goal is for you to be an integrated whole. 

This is where your true masculine power comes from. 

Imagine the masculine psyche as divide into the following groups:

Trickster / Peacemaker / Lover / Warrior / Magician / Wildman

  • Comedian and truth giver (trickster) vs. (peacemaker) caretaker and friendly listener.
  • Enjoyer of life (lover) vs. (warrior) Discipline and action taker. 
  • Thinker and master (magician) vs. (wildman) primal dancer and body dominant

These are the six areas of the masculine psyche. 

If you combine them all, they equal the KING. The true masculine essence.

The stronger each part of your psyche, the stronger your king is. 

Own every part of you. Stop suppressing your energy.

Stop disowning who you are.

Allow YOU to BE YOU!

21. Stop being an emotional child

This is a common misconception. The alpha dominant man has emotions.

An emotionless man is fucking boring. It's a false ideal.

Yet, a strong man has it under control.

He runs the show, not the emotions.

Emotions are just signs, not commands.

A sign of a weak man is how they don't have any control over how they feel.

The weather is bad? I'm sad.

The commercial is happy? I'm happy.

To be strong, you must control your emotional state. You allow yourself to feel what you feel and then you let it go.

Emotion = Energy In Motion.

22. Stop whispering

Weak men almost always whisper.

You can barely hear them.

They do this because they fear attention from the tribe. 

"I can survive if I don't talk loud so no one will hate me."

It's weakness.

Learn to enunciate clearly. Speak loudly. Speak with authority.

Speak like your words matter.

Don't rush what you want to say.

Speak clear. Passionately.

This is so fucking crucial it's tough to express over words.

23. Stop avoiding confrontation

This does not mean go around seeking to fight everyone to prove how strong you are. 

It's connected to previous points.

People pleasing. Being spineless. Being a ghost.

You must be willing to 'go there'. A true gentlemen will avoid it at all costs, because the downside risk of fighting is huge.

However, confrontation does not usually mean physical.

It could be an argument. A disagreement. Reinforcing a boundary (my most common one).

Remember, the subconscious always remembers. Stop being a weak man and stick up for yourself.

24. Stop seeking confrontation everywhere

The rare case is the exact opposite.

The person who is literally trying to fight everyone.

If you go out with them they get into at least 3 verbal altercations and one physical one. 

It's immature and weak.

Stop thinking the entire world is disrespecting you. Stop being a victim.

Stick up for yourself (YES) but don't overdo it to the point your entire identity is wrapped up in fighting for no reason.

25. Stop being afraid to talk to women

Women are beautiful. Women are amazing. 

They are the reason we pretty much do everything we do as men.

You must be able to talk to beautiful women.

I don't care if you feel scared to death. Overcome that fear and say hello.

There are men who just fought in the front lines of wars, did the real scariest shit imaginable. Yet, when they come home they still can't talk to that hot girl at the bar.

Weakness. Work on this one as it is connected to every other point on this list.

26. Stop being afraid to win

Many weak men are afraid to go for it because they are afraid of the tribe rejection if they win.

Winning is for the dominant men.

It's a marker of high testosterone. Ambition.

If you play sports, from now on decide to take the last shot. Relish those opportunities.

Look to dominate on the scoreboard. 

Win a game 100-0. When you are winning in life, you have 100x more energy, enthusiasm and life force. It's an actual scientific fact called the Winner Effect.

Begin winning and noticing all the micro wins you are experiencing as you go through your day. 

27. Stop being afraid to look silly

Be real. Be You.

If you fuck up or look silly, run with it.

It will add to your authenticity.

No one likes someone that is perfect. We love each other for our mistakes and vulnerabilities. 

Go after what you want. If you fall down, it's okay. Take it on the chin and stand the fuck back up.

A strong man has an ability to laugh at themselves.

28. Stop saying yes to everything

You can say no.

You can decline.

Stop saying yes to commitments due to social pressure. Understand this fundamental law of the world. What's truly best for you is best for everyone else.

As a strong man you must be willing to do what YOU want versus what everyone else wants OF you.

Their time is not more important than your time.

29. Stop being a simp or a scrub

Definition of a simp: "A man that puts himself in a submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table."

Don't make a fool of yourself and your ancestors by acting this way.

Be real. Don't be fake. 

If you want a date, go for it. Don't give up your entire life for a woman or anyone in fact. 

Definition of a scrub: "A guy who mooches off of everyone else and has nothing going for him in life."

Scrubs are what I call weak men.

Men who have no drive. No dedication. No character. No honor.

It could be you. It could be 10% of you.

Whatever it is, I hope this article was enlightening to you.

The reason I was able to write this is due to my hospitality experience from a young age. I was in a job that forced me to talk to hundreds of guests a day.

I've seen every type of boss and every type of scrub.

This was written from experience.

Use this information to become stronger mentally, physically and spiritually.

I wish you the absolute best. If you want any of these points in more detail, email me or write a comment below.

PS. If you are looking for the worlds greatest life hack to personal growth, look no further.

Invest in yourself and start listening to Powerful Subliminal Audio.

The fastest way to upgrade your financial situation, physical shapesocial statusoverall ability as a man.

Use code BESTDECISIONEVER for 25% off. Click here to learn more. 


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  • Thank you. I called my “boyfriend,” a weak man in an argument today… “I do not want a weak man in my life, you are a weak man,” I said. It came out unintentional… Soo I Google the sentence, because it bothered me that I said it… Lead me to this article… It is ALL true. I just do not think that me sending him this link would do any better, because he is so weak that he would be to proud and would not even click on it to read through it. I am a female and I do not think I emasculated him at all… An article about that would be interesting… IF A MAN OWNS HIS OWN, EMOTIONALLY- WHY WOULD HE EVER FEEL EMASCULATED?

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