March 21

How To Increase Your Desire For Success

Subject: how to increase your desire for success

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: learn what's actually stopping you from pursuing success and how to light that fire under your ass.

It's easy to notice if you are paying attention. Just go to Youtube and check out the motivational videos.

They have hundreds of millions of views.

Now, look at a three hour chat with a billionaire self made entrepreneur, less than 5,000 views.

You say you want it. But you don't. You really don't.

It's not a surprise when you look at any of the self made successful people on earth. They all started their journey with a massive amount of pain.

An extremely painful breakup. Bankruptcy. Family death. A tragedy. Mom feeding 7 kids. They all experienced some type of massive pain which became the catalyst for them pursuing their dreams. 

All the stories have this. 

It's the ultimate form of magic. Taking the energy created by something so painful and transmuting it into a creation of beauty.

And we look at the average person alive right now. 

Netflix. HBO. Disney GO. Instagram. Twitter. TikTok. Facebook. Youtube. Xbox. Playstation. Games on your phone. Internet games. CNN. Fox News. Any internal news. Email.

Dopamine. Dopamine. Dopamine. Dopamine.

The feel good chemical is getting crushed on all fronts. 

All of these programs, apps and companies give us fake feelings of happiness and accomplishment.

See, there is no better feeling than setting a challenge for yourself and making it happen. For example, running a marathon. Completing a triathlon. Setting a personal goal and reaching it.

The real feeling of accomplishment.

Yet, shows on Netflix and social media like Instagram are fucking with your chemicals. They are giving you the same feeling of climbing Mt. Everest from your bed. Do you see how bad this is? 

You must reduce your dopamine consumption by 75%. Call it a dopamine fast.

We must reset your ability to feel good and associate with work and positive habits.

All of those softwares relax us into a lull. Napoleon Hill in his portrayal of the devil calls it "drifting".

We know that our inner Enemy could not be happier right now. Its main mission is to destroy our potential. 

It's no surprise then when we see everyone 'wanting' success but not getting after it. 

Imagine the con? Convincing everyone that they are pursuing their dreams when in reality they haven't done shit and are going deeper and deeper into drifting. 

No one is putting in the fucking work. I don't know how else to say this. No one is putting in the work. THE work. The work that matters. The work that's painful. The work that no one wants to do. The work that's done in private when no one will ever notice.

THAT work.

Is it still a surprise that you are where you are in life right now?

You say you want X, but do you really want it...and DESIRE IT?

Probably not enough. Because if there was enough pain, you would be working on it every minute you were awake. 

In order to reach the top, you must desire it with your entire heart. You won't reach your big dreams by accident. I guarantee it. This article was created to show you different ways to engineer this desire so that you can start REALLY wanting it. 

Let's learn how to increase your desire for success:

1. Don't be a motivation racist

That's a term I just made up and never saw before.

What I mean by that, joking aside, is for you to accept all motivation equally.

I used to fall for this trap when I was younger. For instance, I would force myself to workout because I knew it would make me feel good and improve my overall health.

Yet, that motivation would rarely work in getting me to go to the gym. 

The other motivation was thinking about looking more attractive and having increased attention from the opposite sex.

See, one of them is 'higher level' the other is 'lower level'. What I'm telling you here is to forget all the levels.

Whatever motivation works, use it. The most important thing is for you to do the action that benefits you.

2. Be a spartan

In this day and age of more, MoRe, MorE, MORE!!

It's useful to be less, less and less.

With productivity, stop focusing on doing more stuff. Focus on the stuff that you must avoid in order to create space for your natural productivity to appear. 

Donate your clothes away. Have less furniture. Create more space.

Adopt a minimalist mindset. All of this helps the brain defeat it's inner Enemies. 

By having less clutter in your external world, your internal world is free.

Free to think about your goals. The work that is required. The sacrifice that you will be taking. This will make you hungry for success. 

By imagining yourself as a spartan, you can see yourself preparing to defeat all the obstacles and challenges on your way to you becoming successful. 

3. Do what works

Jumping off of number 1.

Do whatever is working.

I remember when I first started this blog and I was making every mistake imaginable. Then I learned from one of my mentors. Even though I disagreed with his advice, and it looked too simple. I shut up and did it. Ever since then I received maximum results from that particular strategy.

Don't butt your head into the argument for ego's sake. Do what works.

On your quest to increase your desire for success (that rhymes), do whatever is working.

Double down on the winners. The more you win, the more energy you will have to pursue your goals. 

4. Brainwash yourself

Our mind is programmable.

What you like can be changed.

When it comes to success, you must brainwash yourself into loving every part of it.

You must change your self-image to reflect the successful person you desire to be in 5 years and act as if you were him, now. 

This can be done through:

  • Affirmations. Read this article for a more in depth approach. 
  • Hypnosis. We will be providing extremely powerful hypnosis sessions on really soon.
  • Visualization. Make sure to visualize you taking the daily steps and the road to accomplishing the goal. Not only the finish line. 
  • Subliminals. I keep mentioning this because it really works. This is the fastest way to change your reality and brainwash yourself. I cannot express my love for this more highly. 
  • Mantra. Create a mantra that is easily repeated and fun to say. One of mine was "I'm on my way to making over $300 a day". When it rhymes, it becomes easier to program your mind. 

The next way to brainwash yourself is through powerful language

Use the following words:

"I choose to do this."

"I choose to be happy about this." 

"I feel excited doing this work."

"I choose to feel good about this."

By speaking like this to yourself, you are commanding your subconscious. Remember, your subconscious mind is the soldier. You are the general. It will do what you want as long as you are clear in your communication. 

5. It doesn't matter how you feel

This is such a rookie mistake. A mistake that only an amateur would do. Never a professional.

See, a professional doesn't give a fuck how he feels. He does what he needs to do.

The mission must be accomplished whether you feel happy, sad, fearful or confident.

This includes the work for your business. In the road to increasing your desire for success (until you have macro momentum), everything will feel like suffering.

All the small tasks that you avoid to do. They will all be terrible to do. However, it doesn't matter.

Do them. Fight the feeling with powerful language, so that over time you will actually change your relationship to the task. But in this moment, take note of how you feel and tell yourself it doesn't matter. The mission must be accomplished. The work must be completed. This is the signature of the professional. 

4. Delay gratification

Phil Stutz & Barry Michels talk about this in depth in their book Coming Alive.

Here is a quote taken from their website:

"When Part X is tempting you to give in to your impulses, what it's trying to do is steal your Life Force. Self-restraint not only preserves your Life Force, it increases it. When you hold an impulse back, the lower, greedy energy is transformed into a higher, giving energy, increasing your Life Force."

Self gratification keeps you in the lower worlds.

Everything great you desire to do. Every dream you want to bring into reality.

Requires sacrifice and delaying pleasure NOW for pleasure LATER.

It means saying no to social media. Netflix. Distractions. Fun. Right NOW, in order for you to live like a king later.

Live like no one will now, so you can live how no one can later. 

5. Take action in pursuit of your goals everyday

This is the most important point in this entire list.

Do not overlook this. 

Every single day, take an action in pursuit of your dreams.

It could be extremely small. For example, writing your dream and thinking of 5 actions you could take.

It could be a 5 minute visualization.

It could be sending an important email.

Every single day for the rest of your life. Tattoo this into your brain. You must take a minimum of ONE action in pursuit of your goals.

If you truly want to increase your desire for success, you must have the power of momentum on your side.

Small gains over time = compound interest. The most magical force in the world.

6. Journal your goals and work backwards

Write down your goal. Imagine it was completed.

Now, once a week journal how you did it. Go reverse.

Imagine all the steps (from finish to beginning) that you took.

This type of exercise creates a thread in your subconscious. It communicates the connection between what you are doing TODAY and the FUTURE result that you desire. 

Not only will it increase your desire, it is an exercise that will give you clarity of the next steps you must take to progress. 

7. Be a slave to your word

Become a slave to your word.

If you say you will do something, now you MUST do something.

If you live like this, you will have unlimited motivation for life.

All you have to do is muster the strength to say it out loud. 

In order to live like this, you must be hyper aware of all your commitments. Do not agree or say you will do something without understanding the severity of that statement. 

If you say something out loud, it must be done.

If you become like this, your word turns into law. Your subconscious understands this and makes an extra effort to aid you in your goals. 

If you say "I will do 200 pushups today" you must.

If you say "I will make $300 every day or more by the end of this year" you must.

However, this only works if you always do what you say. That is where the magic comes in. This is how your goals and success becomes inevitable. 

8. Do what you hate first

Whatever task you despise the most, do it first.

Brian Tracy called this age old principle 'Eat the Frog'.

Do what you hate, first. This is a habit of the most successful people on earth.

When you do this consistently, you will notice how much more energy you have. Every time we avoid important work we become weaker. By eating the frog every day you are developing a deep, powerful energy.

The other benefit is that you are actually becoming successful. This is one of the hardest things for any human to do.

We resist this with our entire being.

If you do this, daily. Your success truly is inevitable. I guarantee it. 

9. Change your perspectives

Think about the current challenge and problem you are facing.

Broke. Overweight. Girlfriend problem. Work problem. Business. Spiritual. Emotional. Criminal. Societal. Political. 

Whatever it is, you must change your perspective of it. 

Instead of seeing these are handcuffs that are ruining your life. See them as opportunities. 

Imagine you are a hero in the movies.

These are the criminals and the bad guys.

You must save the day by defeating them and conquering your challenge.

Take out a piece of paper and write the challenge on the left side. On the right said right a new, more empowered way you can look at this 'problem'.

10. Imagine if you were a loser

This is an incredible way to increase your desire for success.

Most of you already have your goals and vision

Now, imagine the anti-vision. The opposite.

Imagine your life if you don't become successful.

Imagine your life if you continued following through with your bad habits.

What if your shadow took over?

How would you look physically?

How would you feel mentally?

Think about if you continued acting in the worst way possible for 1 year, 5 years, 25 years.

Where will you end up?

Make this image worse and worse. Make it so bad, that it will increase your desire for success.

Every time you feel like not doing work, think back this picture and image of how bad you could become.

This will give you access to instant motivation and desire. 

11. Become obsessed

If you kind of sort of want your goal to become a reality. Nothing will happen.

You must go all in. 

The universe doesn't listen to scrubs.

You must DEMAND it from the world. You must take so much action that the world has to shrug and give it to you.

Whatever your goals are, become obsessed about them. Work on them every day. 

Think about them.

Talk about them.

Be a man on purpose. Driven. Dedicated. Committed. Obsessed.

Society talks about balance, but it's all bullshit.

Focus 1000% of your mind on making your dreams into realities.

Working on the dream is the dream.

Now in conclusion, take action on what was mentioned.

Go on a dopamine detox. Don't look at your phone for a day.

Reset your body so that you can truly increase your desire for success.

If this was useful to you, let me know in a comment below.


PS. Use code RICHWITHIN for 30% subliminal audio by clicking here. This is the actual cheat code to changing and improving yourself. Be the person you always dreamt of being. Use Subliminal Audio to get their as fast as possible. 


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