October 2

The Four Spiritual Laws of the Universe


Subject: the four spiritual laws of the universe

Location: Miami, Florida

Source: As many of you know, one of Declare War Within's greatest inspiration comes from Phil Stutz & Barry Michels. Authors of The Tools & Coming Alive. In this podcast episode, you can listen to here, they introduce the field and the four laws that govern it. Highly recommend listening to their own voice after reading this article. 

What you will get out of this article: You will learn the four spiritual laws of the universe (the field)  and an explanation of why you don't seem to 'get' what you 'desire'.

One of the most fascinating parts of life is the mystery behind it.

We cannot see oxygen and gravity yet they affect us every moment of every day. It's easy to logic out that there are other forces that are ruling our life which we are not aware of.

The universal Field is exactly that. This field is connected to everything we do.

We engage with it 24/7 just by the process of us being. We cannot see it but it is affecting everything that is happening to us.

I remember when I first heard Phil Stutz & Barry Michels introduce the concept of the field, I was in shock.

There is a universal field? Laws that govern it? An answer as to why most fail at achieving what they want?

As I continued to listen, it all began to make sense.

Before we discuss them, let me ask you this...

Have you ever pursued something, taken massive action to achieve it and you don't get it?

In a moment of discouragement, you say "fuck this, I quit." 

The day after, whatever you wanted magically pops up in your life?

It's happened to all of us. 

We apply to 50 jobs. No one responds. The moment we forget about it or get a job somewhere else, they all answer at the same time.

It's witnessed in the countless stories of women wanting to be pregnant for years, trying, trying, trying, trying and magically when they give up...it happens.

What is going on there? The Field explains all of this.

Let's go over the two main energies of the world:

Masculine: attacking, discipline, stillness, more action

Feminine: go with the flow, accepting, letting go

The field is feminine. That means it responds the way it wants, not the way we desire.

It explains why many people don't achieve their goals. They get stuck in the work, work, work, work mode and don't let go enough to let the Field do its magic.

"The field is an invisible force that is very creative, it's goal directed in terms of getting you what you need and less of what you want."

-Phil Stutz

In the podcast episode, he mentions how the people that understand the four laws of the field the quickest are the CEO's of big companies. So this article is especially written for entrepreneurs. 

Enough of an introduction, how do we use the damn field?

In your own exploration, keep in mind that it is feminine. You cannot control it. You cannot force it to do anything. You must relate to it.

Without further ado: 

Four Laws of the Field:

The Four Spiritual Laws of the Universe

LAW #1: Non Attachment:

Think about your goal. Your desire. Your vision. Your dream. Your aspirations.

You want it badly. You think about it constantly.

You take daily actions in order to bring it to existence. 

Law #1 states that you must be willing not to have it. 

Internally, meditate on the fact that whether it happens or not you are already whole. You are complete. You are enough.

You do not need the achievement in order to reach some status.

The funny part is that by letting go and being non-attached, you actually will end up achieving it or something better.

LAW #2: Micro Transactions:

Micro transaction are the small moments where you engage with people and the world.

Opening a door for someone and smiling. Saying hello to the janitor. Saying thank you. High fiving a kid. Listening intently when someone is speaking. Noticing someone when you walk by them.

It is the micro moments of you interacting with others and the world. Every single moment counts. The biggest change comes from the smallest moments. The Enemy wants you to believe otherwise.

The person with the most micro transactions wins.

Every moment matters and has meaning.

LAW #3: Commitment:

A commitment is a promise you make to yourself.

If you say you are going to do something, you must do it.

Let's say I decided to publish this article tomorrow, now I must do it.

If I say that I will wake up at 7:00 AM and I don't then I have broken my commitment.

A commitment is stronger than any emotional state.

It is your word. Your honor. Your promise.

If you feel like doing something or not doesn't matter. Your commitment will force you to continue down the path.

LAW #4: Self Restraint

There is a lower world and a higher world.

The higher world is filled with benevolent forces such as beauty, truth and goodness.

The lower world is the opposite.

It's filled with impulse, gratification, low vibration, fear and stress.

Phil recommends making a list of your worst habits.

Whether that be anger, social media, porn, drugs, overeating or anything that is addicting. 

If you let these impulses control you, they keep you stagnant in the lower world.

Nothing great can be done there.

These are the four laws of the Field. I call them the four spiritual laws of the universe just for fun. 

I highly recommend listening to Phil & Barrys podcast about the subject as it is fascinating.

Stay committed.

Avoid impulse with self-restraint.

Have non attachment as you pursue your objectives.

Every small moment (micro transaction) matters and is an opportunity.

Wishing you the best,



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