March 16

13 Strategies To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind


Subject: 11 strategies to reprogram your subconscious mind

Location: Miami, Florida 

What you will get out of this article: you will learn the most powerful strategies to communicate and reprogram your subconscious mind. 

So you want to be the most powerful version of yourself possible?

I'm happy to hear it. It's a good start.

In order to do so, we must ask ourselves a simple question...

What resources do we currently have that we are not taking advantage of?

  • Are you friends with people in high positions?
  • Are you a funny person?
  • Are you disciplined?
  • Do you have access to certain material items?
  • What experience and skills have you developed over time that may provide use to yourself and others?

What external and internal resources can you capitalize on?

When making this list, it's crucial not to overlook the most powerful resource in the world.

Your subconscious mind.

We all have access to it, yet none of us use it.

Imagine begging on the street asking others for money, yet having 500 billion dollars in cash at home.

It doesn't make sense? 

That's what most of us are doing.

We are not utilizing our most valuable resource (our subconscious mind).

It's time to change that.

This article is written to introduce you to basic concepts you can internalize and begin implementing with great effect.

Let's begin learning the power of your subconscious mind.

1. Your subconscious never forgets

This is a fundamental principle that once internalized will change your life completely.

Read this carefully: Your subconscious mind never forgets.

It remembers everything you do.

The slip-ups. The mistakes. The failures. The wins. The successes. The victories

Begin shining a light into your life. Become more aware of your actions.

The moment before you do something stupid, remind yourself.

"My subconscious will always remember me acting stupidly. Do I still want to continue down this path?"

Realize that the subconscious determines your potential.  It has access to all your answers. It creates your future.

So decide right now to act in a noble, honorable way at all times. Even when no-one is looking.

The subconscious never forgets.

Every moment matters.

2. Internal action is still action

The outside world focuses only on external action. What you do.

While that is CRUCIAL, it does not address the power of internal action.

See, the war within is fought in the internal world.

The internal world creates the external world.

These moment by moment battles occur in your mind, with your subconscious watching from the sidelines.

Phil Stutz & Barry Michel's wrote the books 'The Tools + Coming Alive'.

In those two masterpieces they present various tools to counteract our inner Enemy's attacks. 

For example: The Reversal of Desire is one of the most popular tools that they created.

The following is a description taken directly from their website. You can read it here. I cannot recommend their work more highly. 

"If you've been avoiding something or facing something painful, get out of your comfort zone and get life moving again with REVERSAL OF DESIRE.

Avoiding pain is a powerful habit. You get immediate relief when you defer something painful. The cost - helpless regret at a life wasted - won't come until far in the future. This is why most people can't move forward and live life to the fullest."

 - Phil & Barry from The Tools

Here are the cues in order to use the tool:

"1. When you have to do something uncomfortable and you feel fear or resistance, use the tool right before you act.

2. The second cue occurs whenever you think about doing something painful or difficult. If you use the tool every time you have these thoughts, you will build a force that will allow you to act when the time comes."

Here are the three steps in order to use the tool:


Step 1 - Bring It On

Focus on the pain you are avoiding; see it appear in front of you as a cloud. Silently scream, "Bring it on!" to demand the pain; you want it because it has great value.


Step 2 - I Love Pain

Scream silently, "I love pain!" as you keep moving forward. Move so deeply into the pain you're at one with it.


Step 3 - Pain Sets Me Free

Feel the cloud spit you out and close behind you. Say inwardly, "Pain sets me free!" As you leave the clouds, feel your self propelled forward into a realm of pure light.

What happens if you use this tool consistently:

"The higher force that drives all of life expresses itself in relentless Forward Motion. The only way to connect to this force is to be in forward motion yourself. But to do that, you must face pain and be able to move past it. The reversal of desire let's you do this. Once the tool connects you to the force of Forward Motion, the world is less intimidating, your energy is greater, and the future seems more hopeful."

The above was taken from their website. Read more about their work here

Internal action is still action.

Using this tool changes your internal state.

Your relationship with the world.

Yet, it is done in the mind. Invisible to the outside world.

Other tools include:

Affirmations & visualization.

Both are extremely powerful, yet done internally.

This is how you reprogram your subconscious mind. 

3. The greatest energy is transferred through the smallest actions

This is a common misconception.

Our inner Enemy attempts to convince us that only through large actions does our live change.

When we finally make a million dollars.

When we win a championship.

When we get that promotion.

When we have a girlfriend.

When we get a six pack.

ONLY THEN...are we okay.

This is absolute garbage. The subconscious and your life does not work this way.

The greatest energy is transferred through the smallest actions.

It's the day by day 'micro moments' that determine your future.

That moment when you forgot to brush your teeth and you're covered up in bed about to fall asleep. Yet you still summon the willpower to brush them.

When you have zero energy to workout yet you force yourself to go to the gym.

These are the micro-moments that reprogram your subconscious. Your entire life and destiny changes in the micro moments.

Pay attention. Every moment matters.

4. Repetition and emotion are the soil for the subconscious mind

Repetition and emotion are the soil of your subconscious mind.

If you want to change your beliefs.

Your foundation.

On a deep, core level.

You must repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. This is how the subconscious hears you.

An affirmation repeated once will not change you.

It's the affirmation (done with emotion) 100,000 times that will completely reprogram yourself.

I've said this many times in the past. If you say 'I'm just the type of person that is delusionally confident' 100,000 times. You will be. No exceptions.

Change confident with any other trait you desire.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Add powerful emotion in your internal and external action.

Charge everything you do with an empowered intention.

Your thoughts are things. Watch them carefully. Think great thoughts consistently.

As we learned, your subconscious always remembers. Act accordingly.

Little by little you will reprogram your subconscious if you do this consistently.

Small cuts chop big trees. That is the Way.

5. Abacadabra 

I'm sure you've seen this word in the past.

The fake spell that we heard in Harry Potter or playing around as kids.

Yet, do you know the real meaning of it?

Abacadabra =  “I will create as I speak"

​You create your reality through the words that you say.

Every single word you speak become the building blocks to your reality.

Your word matters.

That is why so many successful people speak success.

They speak their dreams into reality.

They tell others what will happen.

Then, they back it up with action and integrity.

This is why we are so big on honesty. Every time you lie, you create falsehood in your future. Why would anyone do that willingly?

To reprogram your subconscious begin talking as if your words are creating reality in real time.

One side note of nuance.

When you tell others your goals and you speak success.

Do not feel enjoyment. Do not smile. Do not get happy.

This is a common trap. People get a dopamine hit from telling others their goals. This dopamine actually bites them in the ass.

They end up taking zero action in pursuit of their dreams because they already felt the pleasure from talking about it.

The pleasure must come from the process of pursuing your goal.

The dream is working on the dream.

6. Ask a question before sleeping

Your subconscious mind is constantly working in ways we might never fully comprehend.

It is the super power of super powers.

Whatever problem you currently have. Your biggest challenge.

Understand, that the subconscious has the answer.

The answer is within you.

Before falling asleep from now on, ask yourself a question. Any question pertaining to your life, your problems and your challenges.

Ask it 5-10 times inside of your mind then fall asleep.

Upon waking up, keep your eyes closed. So you are in between waking up fully and the dream state. 

From this vantage point, remember your question and listen peacefully as the answer is delivered.

Once you have an answer... (this is the most important part) you must take action on it.

If you don't, you are telling your subconscious that whatever guidance it is giving you, is not worthy.

Take action on it immediately and begin a relationship with your mind.

7.  Notecards

This one is rather simple.

Create 5-10 notecards with powerful affirmations.

Upon waking up and right before you fall asleep read them to yourself with emotion and intensity.

The morning and night are the two times when you can easily communicate with your subconscious.

This micro habit done consistently will completely change your reality.

8. Master Destiny

“The reason man may become the master of his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind.”

-Napoleon Hill

If you learn these strategies.

You apply these ideas.

You develop an ability to consciously influence you're subconscious. 

Now, you can influence your destiny.

Your future is in your hands.

It is dependent on the decisions you take starting right now.

Every moment matters to the subconscious mind. 

9. Real vs. Imagined 

The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and imagined.

For the internal world, they are the same.

As an experiment. Imagine in your right hand you hold a lemon.

Bring it close to your face.

Read the following and then close your eyes.

Imagine smelling this juicy lemon.

Now imagine biting this lemon.

Chewing it over and over again. The juice entering and swirling in your mouth.

Open your eyes.

Notice how, even though you imagined this, your mouth began to water?

The mind doesn't know the difference between real and imagined.

So, in order to influence and reprogram your subconscious mind. Begin to visualize everything going correctly. Even in the past. Bring past events that you 'failed in' and re-imagine them as going your way. 

This is the Way.

10. Inside Outside

"What you write on the inside, you will experience it on the outside." 

- Joseph Murphy

This quote sums up the subconscious mind.

What you write on the inside.

You will experience on the outside.

The subconscious is the core. The seed. That if watered correctly, grows into a magnificent forest.

Making every moment count. Acting honorably. Internal actions.

All of this and more, reprogram your mind.

If you want personal growth. Real change for your health, wealth, business, body, relationships, social life. It begins by changing the internal world.

11. The soldier

Your subconscious mind is subjective.

It does not think or rationalize independently.

It does not come to its own conclusions.

It is there to obey and receive commands from the conscious mind.

It is the soldier. The servant. You are the general and the king. 

Through your conscious and unconscious internal actions, you are sending commands that it follows without question. 

Your conscious mind plants the seeds. Your subconscious is the fertile soil.

This is why it's crucial to repeat positive affirmations, listen to subliminal audio, repeatedly and consistently. 

12. Winning the battle of your mind

Since the internal world --> transforms external world.

The battle within becomes priority number one.

That is why I started this blog in the first place.

To become aware and then conquer all your internal enemies, day by day. 

To win the battle of your mind.

It is you vs. your inner Enemy.

We must remain constantly vigilant in order to fill our mind with abundance and discipline in order to fend off all of our attacks. 

13. Subliminal audio

This is the secret nuclear bomb of personal development.

It shocks me that people don't use this more often. 

Subliminal audio is the ultimate life hack.

These tracks are created with certain frequencies to put your mind in an alpha or theta state.

Once the mind is experiencing these brainwaves, it makes it more susceptible and suggestible to affirmations and commands. 

So a subliminal audio is filled with thousands of affirmations repeated over and over (faster than you could ever consciously do) to reach the subconscious mind.

This is the fastest and most powerful way to change your life.

Thinking and using affirmations is amazing. This, however, is the shortcut.

I highly recommend checking out

Full disclosure, I am a partner with this company. I have a vested interest in your success and have skin in the game.

The other half of the operation is an engineer that has been using binaural beats and this technology for over 10 years.

I use these subliminals every day.

You can check them out here. 

Use code BESTDECISIONEVER for 25% off. 



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