September 14

Life Cheat Code #1: Creating a Vision


Subject: Creating a vision

Location: Miami, Florida

The first cheat code to the universe. 

Definition of a cheat code: "A cheat code is generally a code, method or device used by gamers to advance levels, or to get other special powers and benefits."

This series we will be going over practical codes that will allow you to live an extraordinary life. 

It's the type of information that allows you to skip levels and achieve your goals at a much faster rate. You will wish you knew them from the start. 

Cheat Code to the Universe #1: Creating a vision.

So, being in personal development for all these years I've noticed similarities. Certain themes have surface. Sifting through all the garbage to find diamonds. 

A lot of the 'gurus' talk about how you must have a vision and constantly stress how important it is.

Why is having a vision is important in the first place?

The world wants to make decisions for you. It wants to eliminate all sense of responsibility for your life. Things like "we are all equal" and we are all the same are communistic dogma. You are born into this life with a script already assigned to you. You will go to school, graduate, get a job you don't like, find a girl, marry etc etc...

When a man decides to have a vision for a future. Not just any vision. His own creation. His own idea about how HE at his deepest core wants his life to look like, he becomes free.

Without a vision of how you want your life to look like + who you want to become, your life will lack meaning and fulfillment.

So, understanding this I set out to create a vision of my future. 

Between you and me...I tried every iteration of a vision and I didn't feel any more motivated. I wrote 5 year visions. 10 year visions. 90 day visions. I'd finish my vision, and feel good for a day.. maybe a week? Eventually that 'feeling' would disappear. 

This has been something I struggled with for years now.

No more.

I figured out this system. Do this and you will be pulled to your dream. It will no longer feel like you doing boring work. Everything will be connected to your goals. Nothing is mundane anymore once a vision is in place. 

You...reading these words right now. Listen up. I'm sure you already have goals. If you don't, we'll handle that also. Without a vision of how you want your life to look like, someone else will decide for you. 

The best way to predict the future is to create it. 

Let's get started with this cheat code.

Creating a Vision That Pulls You Toward Your Dream

People get stuck in the past.

When they think of the future, they use their past as a reference.

Ex. "I probably won't get this ideal job because I got rejected in an interview in the past".

The sad thing is, for most of us, our past sucks. The environment we grew up in wasn’t the best ‘soil’ for our growth.

Yet... we still turn to it for evidence.

Look, here is the truth. Science has proven this. Most of our ‘memories’ of the past didn’t even happen. They are called ‘false memories’.

What we 'thought' happened didn’t. 

Here’s the kicker. Not only did the event that we hold onto with tightly clenched fists might have not even happen to us...

Our interpretation of whatever we THINK happened was absolutely wrong. 

Think about it. We were young and didn’t have great filters of reality. We interpreted the past in faulty terrible ways.

Ex. The way you interpreted receiving an F on an English test in 8th grade would be different than if you got that grade today.

We have upgraded our mental thinking. Yet, we still hold onto our Ice Age perspectives.

This might hurt but it’s true: You must stop thinking of the past because it doesn’t exist.

Instead, choose to become obsessed with the future and creating a vision.

Everything else is bullshit.

The moment I got clear on my vision and started repeating it everyday, every part of my life changed.

I started living with confidence, enthusiasm, self-belief and meaning.

People without a vision of the future will seek any type of escape. This includes drinking, drugs, going out and watching Netflix for hours. 

They are running away from life instead of engaging it. They don’t have a vision.

If you truly want to be self confident and live a life with meaning you MUST create a vision for your ideal life.

Follow this process and watch your life transform.

STEP 1: Creating a Vision of Your Ideal Life in 3-5 Years

Instructions: Make sure to write in present tense. I AM.... I FEEL.... not I want, not I will be... Not I will feel.

Imagine if everything went perfectly for the next couple years.

  • Your business
  • Career
  • Mindset
  • Health
  • Charity to your community
  • Your relationships
  • How do you feel day by day
  • The type of friends you are with
  • Sales results
  • Savings
  • Money
  • The environment in which you live...
  • Spiritual life
  • Emotional wellbeing

Everything was 100/10.

How would that look like? 

Write a vision with each of these buckets, and get clear on how your life would look like 3-5 years from now if it were perfect.




I’m so fucking serious.

Don’t start thinking ‘how’ before you decide ‘what’. Write your vision if it was the ideal, do NOT let ‘how’ stop you from writing what you truly desire. Believe me.

Read more about this here.

Side Note: Make sure to type this vision, as you will be coming back to it every week in order to update it.

STEP 2: Now Blow That Shit Up.

Whatever you wrote was garbage and small thinking.

I want you to go back and 10x it. If you said “I have a million” now write “I have 10 million”.

This will feel uncomfortable. Ever wonder why? Funny how that works huh? It’s uncomfortable to dream big. That’s called a limiting belief.

Write big dreams. 

I first wrote that I have impacted 10 million people and then I wrote 100 million. It changed my entire life when I started thinking 10x.

Side note: Obviously I won't impact 100 million people in 3 years time. Write your vision so your 3-5 year goals are completed and mention how you are impacting more and more people everyday and on your way to impacting 100 million people. 

STEP 3: ReWrite Your Vision Every Day 

You will write a brief summary of your ideal vision in present tense. The more you write it the clearer the mental picture will be in your head. The clearer it is, the more confident you will become.

Formula: Clarity = time + consistency

A crystal clear vision will PULL you to achieve and take the daily actions that make it a reality. 

Clarity will come through rewriting a 'sparknotes' version of your vision everyday.

The summary should be written in the morning and at a night. The two times were we have complete control over our life.

We wake up, and immediately move our focus to our dreams. Right before we go to sleep, we remind our subconscious about our dreams.

This process should not take more than 5 minutes. You can go all out, however a quick summary every morning and night is enough.

STEP 4: Record Yourself and Add Some Binaural Beats Or Relaxing Music

Record yourself reading your vision. Add a relaxing song in the background. Listen to once during your day.

Personally, I added Alpha and Theta binaural beats to the background of my vision.

On my MacBook, I used a program called Audacity to blend the tracks and downloaded songs from YouTube.

Link to Audacity Download (not an affiliate):

Link to article explaining how to use Audacity:

Video explaining how to record yourself using Quicktime: 

Video example of an Alpha Binaural beat:

STEP 5: Update it Bi-Weekly

As you become clearer, you will be flooded with ideas on what to add into your vision.

You will see something, and then take note and add it next week. 

The vision is not a concrete item. It’s not static. It changes.

You will become clearer over time on your why, what you truly desire, your mindset and the type of person you must become.

For example, in my vision I have a house in the mountains of Colorado. As time went on, I became clearer on the exact area of Colorado, the type of house, the color of the balcony etc.

STEP 6: Start Taking Action

When you get clear on your vision, you get clear on the actions you need to take.

Actions such as drinking, Netflix, drugs, wasting time are now treacherous to your goals.

They used to be an escape, not any longer. They are treason because you know what you want in life now.

Start taking actions everyday in pursuit of your vision.

Creating a vision summary:

1. Write a vision of your future 3-5 years from now.

2. Blow it up. Go over it and make sure you are not writing from a limiting scarce perspective.

3. Record yourself reading the Vision. Add a binaural or relaxing song to the recording using Audacity. Listen to it daily. 

4. Take 1-5 minutes everyday to write the sparknotes of your vision. It can be typed, written or whatever is better for you. You are just further ingraining the vision into your operating system. This also stops you from writing the vision and forgetting about it. 

5. Update it every two weeks. You will gain insight and become clearer on different aspects of your vision. Before it was "I want to look big" now it's I want to have a x inches on my bicep".

6. You are clear on the vision, now start taking actions that will make it into a reality. It's all on you. It starts with the choices you make right now.

If you are having trouble with this (like I did for years) feel free to email me at I'll offer feedback and if needed give you a free 30-1 hour long coaching session to get clear on this.

Wishing you the best,



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