January 27

How To Conquer Your 2020 Goals | 11 Strategies To Implement


Subject: how to conquer your 2020 goals

Location: South Beach, Florida

What you will get out of this article: strategies, mindsets to embody in order to make 2020 the best year of your life. 

2019 was the best year of my life.

  • Started a business in very late 2018. This year it's an actual company with a trademark, sales, track record and history of success. Pink Gorilla Fashion is growing exponentially at this point. 
  • I am in the best shape of my life and trained Muay Thai very intensely. 
  • I am well on my way to making over $300 a day everyday with the goal of making $1,000 every single day (net).
  • I matured and grew in character. I know who I am and what I stand for. I am no longer a ghost in any way shape or form. 
  • Declare War Within has grown dramatically with 18,820 people coming to my website in 2018. This year a total of 43,797.
  • My mindset is tough to explain. I know that great things are coming into my life. I know that I am becoming more and more powerful every single day. I truly like myself and love myself.


Enough about me. I'm not here to self-hug.

This is about you conquering your goals in 2020.

This is about you making this upcoming year submit to your will.

This is about you having the best year of your life. 

Last year we wrote an article about how to achieve your goals in 2019. You can read that here (everything still applies).

In short, we mentioned how goals require consistency, repetition and reminders.

This year, we will build on that as a base.

Here are the strategies that if applied will allow you to grow exponentially.

1. Make 2020 an art project

Instead of living like a machine, fill this year with noble intention.

See your daily actions as the paintbrush of your life.

Create a masterpiece.

2020 is an art project.

365 days, countless moments, infinite opportunities to bring beauty into the world through your actions. 

2. Start a habit & Stop a habit

What habit do you currently do that is not serving you?

Is it an addictive behavior?

Waking up late?

Not making your bed?

The habit of complaining?

Pick one habit that you will cut out in 2020.

Now, choose one habit that you might've started before but never done consistently.


Working out?

Brushing your teeth?

Some type of diet or fasting protocol?


Choose one habit to start and one habit to quit for 2020.

Our life is a result of what we repeatedly do. Do not underestimate how much stopping and starting a new habit can improve your life.

3. Focus on your 'run away' pain

Imagine your life gone wrong.

If you continued all your bad habits. Your lazy actions. You're uninspired life.

Imagine if your inner Enemy took complete control of your mind.

Your worst 'Self' was in charge.

What would your life look like?

Now imagine that potential future and make it worse. Painful.

See, most of us do not value time. We do not act with urgency. The disease of 'do it tomorrow' grows stronger and stronger.

Every time you feel unmotivated, think of this potential future of yours. 

A life where you are fat, lazy, filled with brain fog, broke and single.

Run away from this, think of it often and continue to move in the correct direction.

4. Specific specific specific

Goals that are not specific are ideals.

Ideals are cool to have but can never be mistaken for goals.

A goal must be specific.

This concept is extremely important, and a rather new one for me.

Here is an example:

Imagine you were a professional fighter.

Shitty goal: become the best fighter in the world.

Why it's shitty: because it is not a goal, it is an ideal. The closer you come to an ideal the bigger the ideal gets. That's why so manny people feel like they are losing in life. They create scenarios where they can't win. You can never achieve an ideal goal.

Great goal: win the championship belt in two weight divisions 

Why it's great: since it is specific, you can actually conquer it and be a winner. When a goal is specific, your mind will think of concrete steps to achieve it.

Re-think all of your goals into specific statements.

Instead of 'have a body like a greek god' it's be able to do 25 pull ups, run 5 miles, bench 185 20 times.

Instead of 'be financially secure' it's 'have 25,000 in the bank, four income streams generating x amount of dollars'.

5. Understand what's Required (10x)

If I knew how much time, focus, persistence, discipline, energy, thought and time growing  Pink Gorilla Fashion would be, I probably would've never started.

Your goals will require more from you than you might imagine.

Don't let this stop you from starting.

Just understand what's required.

It will take 10 times more thought, energy, action and push than you first calculated.

That's perfectly normal and in most cases, to be expected.

This is especially true if you are young and haven't created value in the world 

6. The dream is working on the dream.

This is a distinction that changed everything for me. 

See, no external event will bring you long lasting fulfillment.

The dream is working on the dream.

If your big goal was to become the world champion in the UFC. It's not the moment the belt gets wrapped around your waist.

It's the hours spent in the gym.

The sacrifice.

The failures.

The wins.

The journey to achieving the dream is the dream.

7. Focus on the what, the how will come naturally

There are so many dreams that were never achieved because of this trap

People don't let themselves choose worthy goals because they immediately think of 'how' it will happen.

If you want to conquer your 2020 goals, then forget about the how.

Think of this process as driving on a foggy road.

It's so foggy that you can't see more than 100 yards in front of you.

Yet, you continue moving forward.

You have your what, which is to reach your destination.

Yet, you cannot see far because of the fog. 

The point is just to keep moving forward. The metaphorical '100 yards' in front of you will reveal themselves when you get closer.

Choose a what, forget about the how.

8. Morning + Evening rituals

A morning routine creates powerful momentum for you to conquer your day to day.

An evening routine channels positive momentum that allows you to wake up and dominate your day. 

If the goal is to conquer you're 2020 goals, you must dominate each day.

If you pay attention to how your day flows, you will realize that the only real parts of your day that you have control over is the morning and evening. 

The middle of your day is when the chaos ensues. 

Momentum is a truly powerful force that must be accounted for.

Start your day with small +1 victories that will give you the best chance of winning the day.

9. Be lightning not thunder

Be lightning not Thunder

Work on your craft.

Set specific and measurable goals and achieve them. 

For 2020 I invite you to be consistent and move in silence. 

Train in private.

Be lighting not thunder.

Thunder is all noise. Lightning causes the damages.

Make this year action based rather than just talk.

10. Focus on what's in front of you

Our mind is constantly looking to solve problems that do not exist.

In order to conquer your goals in 2020 you must focus on what's in front of you.

Work on the work that needs to be done in order for you to move forward.

Imagine driving on an empty road that is filled with fog.

You can barely see anything over 100 yards in front of you.

Yet you continue driving forward. 

The same with life.

You decide the end point of your journey (goals).

You work (focus) on what's in front of you the next 100 yards. 

Move forward + know the final destination = inevitable success.

11. Over deliver

Over deliver in your work. Your business. Your relationships.

Set the bar high and then give so much extra value.

Make your work, your name, your brand synonymous for abundance and plenty.


12. Do what you said you will do

We all know what we must do in order to move forward. 

Here at Declare War Within, this is a law that we hold sacred.

Doing what you said you will do.

Being careful with your word and commitments.

Developing a relationship with yourself of honesty and self trust.

This is beyond crucial for your inevitable success this year.

Read more about it here. 

13. Measuring your growth

If you continuously move forward.

Focus on what is in front of you.

Set measurable and specific goals and work on them consistently. 

Your growth will be exponential.

In order to measure this, look back at how you were 3 months ago.

There should be a feeling of 'I am better than that person in almost every way imaginable'.

I look back at myself two months ago and know that I am better in character, mindset, values, discipline, intellect.

Do you?

14. Get your money right

Fuck being broke.

Being financially insecure ruins every other area of your life.

It's a fundamental need.

And it's not even about the money. It's the freedom.

Imagine your mind having 100 pieces of skittles (candy) to give. 

Instead of giving 80 skittles to the things that matter to you. Health, relationships, creativity. You are giving them away to scarcity, insecurity and lack of abundance by not getting your money right.

Let 2019 be the last year where your money isn't right.

15. Everything is compoundable

One of the most powerful forces in the world is compound interest.

It is channeled through consistency. 

It’s the 2^2 = 4. 4^2= 16. 16^2= 256. 256^2=65536.

One moment you are chucking away at 2+2, yet instead of growing incrementally, everything changes exponentially. 

Every action you take. Every choice you make is a vote in the direction you want your life to go.

See, our inner Enemy attempts to convince us that life changes through large moments. The truth is that the biggest changes go through the smallest actions.

Begin to see your daily actions as voting for a politician. 

When you decide to eat bad foods. Skip the gym. Binge watch Netflix. Watch Porn. Go to sleep at irregular hours. Not work on your dreams.

You are voting for your future.

Dont  be surprised years down the line when your life sucks.

You created it.

Choose to create something beautiful by winning the small moments throughout the day and watching it compound into something great. 

16. Compassion

For 2020 have some compassion for yourself.

If you are committed, dedicated and working on your dreams every day. You are bound to make mistakes and fail.

Some days you will feel like shit.

Others you will feel amazing.

Yet, despite what happens. Realize that you are improving. You aren’t perfect.

When someone falls to the floor, you don't kick them. You help them stand up again. 

Do the same for yourself. Grow in your self-love.

Thank you for reading.

Have a fantastic year.



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