January 26

5 Steps To Victory


Subject: Victory in 5 steps

Location: Miami, Florida

The five steps that every victory over our inner Enemy entails:

Step 1. Choose the Enemy (awareness)
Step 2. Strategize the attack and defense
Step 3. Declare War inwardly through commitment
Step 4. Defeat the Enemy, win at all costs.
Step 5. Repeat

Let's break this down in more detail.

Step 1. Choose the Enemy

We can't fight the unknown. We must use our awareness to shine a light in the darkness. Notice the multiple enemies lurking, and choose one. 

Whether that enemy be fear, lack of energy, procrastination or a very small bad habit you keep falling for.

As a creator and king/queen of your own reality, you can't fight battles on all fronts at the same time.

You can't draw a painting using all colors at the same time, you take some yellow and paint, then some red etc.

Choose the enemy.

Let's use one example for the remaining article just to demonstrate this process.

In this case, let's say your enemy is the bad habit of not making your bed.

Step 2: Strategize the attack and defense

We now know this singular enemy you are facing. 

It's time to use strategy.

One of the crucial tactics we employ is that of the spy. The secret ninja that's behind enemy lines doing reconnaissance.

What's causing this enemy to show up? How often? What else is it effecting? What's the best way to attack and defeat it? What's the best way for me to defend against the reformation of this habit?

Without a plan we are aimless. Even if your strategy is complete garbage, you will still learn and grow.

For our concrete example, let's say we plan the attack of making our bed first thing every morning. The defense would be not allowing yourself to use the bathroom until you have made the bed.

Step 3: Declare War Inwardly through commitment

We have our enemy in sight. Research, strategy and reconnaissance through spying has finished. Our attack and defense has been finalized.

Now it's time to declare war. This is done through the sacred oath of a commitment.

Nothing great has been done in this world without a commitment. 

A 100% sacred commitment is something you make within. A commitment taps into your inner will and determination. It allows you to overcome the inevitable moments of lack of motivation.

In this particular case, we will be utilizing time-frame commitments. Which is a inward agreement to go 100% (all in) for a certain amount of time.

In practice, we can commit to 14 days of making our bed first thing every morning. 

Step 4. Defeat the enemy, win at all costs

We have our strategy in place, our commitment has been set. Inward alignment of thought, word and action set. 

Now it's time to put the plan in motion. Taking action every day and defeating the Enemy at all costs.

In this particular case it's making your bed first thing in the morning.

Part of this step is to adapt to the feedback you will receive once you begin taking action. 

Sometimes, your strategy is faulty and needs to be adjusted.

Maybe you didn't actually commit 100%. 

Review the steps and change the plan of attack or defense until the Enemy is soundly defeated.

Step 5. Repeat

Once you have defeated the inner Enemy, it's time to choose another.

Life is suffering and our responsibility and duty is to make it more tolerable.

Choose to defeat the inner Enemies, continue to Declare War Within and take ownership of your life.

With love, Daniel


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