March 15

Why You Should Start An Internet Business

Subject: Why you should start an internet business

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: You will learn the reasons why you should start an internet business, brand or sell others products starting today. 

Unless you live under a rock, you've heard about Covid-19. The Coronavirus.

No one really knows the impact it will cause on our planet.

Is it just a media dramatized common cold?

Is it the end for civilization?

Something in the middle?

Time will reveal all.

In the meantime, there are direct effects that are happening.

Travel has stopped.

The cruise ship industry is plummeting.

Countries have closed their borders completely. 

People are not going to brick and mortar stores. Malls are shutting down. Cities are put on curfew. 

The largest companies in the world are now telling their employees to do work remotely. 

As we talked about in this article, this is a time of chaos.

We can either suffer with the regular people, or choose to thrive. Look at any super rich family. They all became prosperous in times of turmoil.

When everyone saw problems. They saw opportunities.

1. We are connected

The difference between our times and past generations is the internet.

The internet has changed everything.

Currently, over 4.54 BILLION people have access to internet. We are all connected.

You can now sell anything to someone across the world.

Just imagine how people scaled their businesses 30+ years ago?

The ability to scale a business dramatically has grown exponentially.

With the internet you have access to billions of potential customers at any moment.

The opportunity to make money right now is incredible. Never before has there been such an equal playing field in the money game.

2. Your Destiny

Some people like working for teams.

Having a strong leader guide them.

A consistent schedule. A guaranteed check by the end of the week.

Maybe that's you and there is nothing wrong with that. 

Yet, for those of you that aren't convinced...I want to talk about your destiny.

You in 5 years. 10 years. 15+ years.

See, people that work for others have a false sense of security.

Imagine working in a hotel your whole life. Planning to rise in the ranks and retire as a general manager.

Could you predict something like Corona Virus happening? Obviously not.

Yet an entire industry might have to fire the majority of their staff.

In Miami, the top hotels always have occupancies of 80% or more.

Right now? It averages around 15%.

Working for someone else is extremely risky.

At any point you can have a new boss that hates you. A new incident at work that get's you fired. 

Your destiny is in the hands of others.

When you work for someone else, they determine your future.

Are you willing to take that gamble?

2a) If you want more money

So, why should you start an internet business?

I will use myself as an example.

If I want more money, it is purely up to me in order to get it.

  • I can send an email to prospective coaching clients and close a new client
  • I can begin a promotion for my clothing company
  • I can make a new offer for my subliminal audio company
  • I can write a new book
  • I can email my list to join my Patreon
  • I can create a new video course to sell
  • I can send traffic to an affiliate offer

All of these actions (and many more) are 100% in my control.

If I want more, I can take extreme action.

Making more money is up to me. My destiny is in my hands.

2b) No one can fire you

Who can fire me from writing this blog?

No one.

What better job security is that?

The only way that I can lose my job is if I decide to quit.

If you work for someone else, there is always a chance of something bad happening.

A coronavirus/new HR rule/younger employees/cheaper staff.

Life is unpredictable.

2c) No one can tell you what to do

If I want to go on a vacation, I can. All I need is my laptop.

No one can tell me to work.

No one can tell me to clock in.

I do what I want when I want.

That is the power of starting an internet business.

3. A vision for your future

Imagine waking up without an alarm.

You feel fully rested.

You wonder what time is it, but realize it doesn't really matter.

There is no boss to answer. No email urgent enough to reply. 

You own your time. 

Maybe you go workout.

Or head to that fresh green juice place nearby.

Your entire day is filled with freedom. Freedom of choice. Your choice.

The night before you already planned the minimal tasks that you get to take on your business.

Send two emails. Write 500 words. Brainstorm and record two videos.

All stuff that you LOVE to do and are excited about starting.

Today will be a great day. Just like yesterday and just like tomorrow.

Having an internet business is freedom. 

4.How to think like an Entrepreneur

In order to start making money through an internet business you must change your thinking.

4a) Begin to think like an entrepreneur. 

From now on you will pay close attention to every time you/others complain.

Every single complaint = an opportunity for business.

For example:

  • My coffee doesn't stay hot (complaint) --> you invent an insulated thermos that keeps coffee warm 50x longer (solution). Then you sell it to me.
  • I have trouble planning my day (complaint)--> you create a journal that maximizes efficiency and productivity in every way (solution). Then you sell it to me.
  • I have low confidence (complaint) --> you create subliminals that radically change someones identity through deep subconscious level change (solution). Then you sell it to me. 

I can go on and on.

Every complaint = opportunity to create and make money.

Money isn't this crazy voodoo thing.

It's an exchange of value.

If you have a problem that I can solve, would you pay me for the solution? 

It's that simple.

Begin implementing this mindset by paying attention to your/others complaints. 

4b) Money math

Money = energy.

1000 years ago we didn't have dollar bills. 

We would trade cows and animals.

"I'll give you 50 cow for that piece of land".

Right now, bills are the easiest way to exchange value. It's that simple. 

Here is some money math for you.

If you have a $49 information product that solves X problem. .

And you found 1000 people that are looking for a solution to X problem.

That = $49,000.

Out of 4.54 billion people, do you think it would be that challenging to only find 1,000 people?

5. Creative force

So now you have a better understanding on why you should start an internet business.

Now it's time to accelerate your creativity.

You might be thinking "what type of business should I start?"

In order to find the answer here is what I recommend you do:

5a) Walks

Walks allow you to access limitless reserves from your subconscious.

All of my best ideas and creativity has come to me while walking.

If you are interested in starting an internet business...start going on long walks.

In this case I recommend a minimum of 90 minutes-3 hours of walking.

Think about what business you could start.

What you could be the best in the world at.

Ask your mind what you should do and wait for the answer.

As soon as creative inspiration appears focus on your speed of implementation

5b) What is your skill stack

What skills/talents do you have?

Are you good at public speaking? Editing videos? Writing? Talking with others? Storytelling? Photoshop? Bartending? Sports?

"The idea of a talent stack is that you can combine ordinary skills until you have enough of the right kind to be extraordinary." -Scott Adams

Make a list of all the skills you have developed in your life.

Look for a theme. A common thread.

If we were to mix all your skills and talents into a cocktail...

What business could you start?

5c) List of niches

Here is a list of areas where you could start a business. 

There are hundreds more and you can go deeper into each one.

This is just to get your mind churning with new ideas:

  • Photography
  • Pets/animals
  • Excel/word training
  • WordPress
  • Shopify
  • Financial investments
  • Meditation
  • Spirituality/Intuition
  • Legal/Lawyer
  • Organizing your apartment
  • Music production
  • Guitar/Piano lessons
  • Discipline
  • Making money online

The opportunities are endless. Seriously.

It all begins with your commitment.

You deciding that it's time. It's time for you to start an internet business.

To be your own boss.

To have freedom.

Are you ready?



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