March 17

17 Limiting Beliefs Around Money | This Is Why You’re Poor

Subject: 17 limiting beliefs around money

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: to become aware and improve your relationship with money, wealth and prosperity. 

Money. Wealth. Prosperity. Abundance. Rich. 

How do these words make you feel?

Actually, let's do an exercise really quickly.

Say out loud, MONEY IS... and fill in the gap. Five times. As quickly as possible.

Now, write your results down.

So let's say that you thought something like:

  • Money is abundant
  • Money is not for me
  • Money is hard
  • Money is in the bank
  • Money is evil

Let's use these as an example.

Look at your list of five sentence completions. Are they neutral, positive or negative?

  • Money is abundant = positive.
  • Money is not for me = negative.
  • Money is hard = negative.
  • Money is in the bank = neutral.
  • Money is evil = negative.

3 negatives. One neutral. One positive.

When you have this type of relationship with it a surprise that your broke?

No. See, money is just our current measure of value exchange. Before it was coins, cows, land, animals.

Money is energy. You breathe in (receive) and you breathe out (give). Can you only give (breathe out)? No, eventually you must breathe in. That is how money flows.

Many of us have these bullshit ideas about wealth and money that we picked up as kids. Whether it be from a teacher or parent. We inherited a negative relationship that isn't ours to begin with.

Imagine it was your birthday and I came to give you a present. 

You are incredibly excited...until you see it. Right there, in front of you. Four rotten eggs in a jar. The smell is horrific. 

Would you accept it? Obviously not. It smells absolutely disgusting.

That's what most of us have done as kids. We have accepted some rotten money beliefs because we didn't know they smell bad. This article is here to change your relationship by becoming aware of your limiting beliefs around money. 

1. Money can't come without hard work

The first limiting belief is that money requires hard work.

The idea that money must be earned through blood, sweat and tears.

Sometimes it does, but this is not always the case.

You don't need to become a gardener or a plumber and break your back in order to get paid. Last week I made over $400 in my sleep. Was I working in my dreams? No.

You can make money with ease and delight. You can enjoy every step of the process by creating systems to earn you money.

Money can flow into your life with ease.

2. There is not enough money 

This idea is represented with a pie.

If I take a slice of pie, there are 7 left. If I take 3 more, then we have 4 slices left.

The money game is not pie. Everyone could get rich. Everyone could become wealthy. Unlimited pieces. 

See, you never really own money. It could spend a lot of time with you, but eventually it will flow to others.

Money is a river connected to the ocean. Flowing down. There will always be more water when it comes to money. 

Limiting beliefs are the boulders blocking the river from flowing down stream. Get rid of these mental blocks in order to allow the flow to enter your life. 

There is an abundance of money everywhere. There is more than you could ever even imagine. All you must do it open your mind to it. 

3. You need money in order to make money

You do not need money to create new money.

You don't need a cup of water when the river is already flowing down. 

You can make money through an infinite amount of ways that don't require money up front. All that is required is your creativity, courage and commitment.

Creativity to think of ways to capitalize on opportunity.

Commitment to get you through till the finish line.

Courage to overcome your fear and doubts. 

4. Money is the root of all evil

This one is just plain silly. How can a poor person help others? With their time.

How can a rich person help others? With their time and resources.

They can donate, they can organize, they can pay others to use their time.

Money is just a steroid to your personality. 

If you are evil and have money, you will be more evil.

If you are good and you have money, you will be filled with even more goodness.

5. Rich people are unethical and bad

This is connected to the last point.

Money just emphasizes your personality.

If you have great character. An honorable personality. No amount of money will influence you to act negatively.

Ethics has nothing to do with money.

This idea was created by individuals who wanted to make themselves feel better for being broke.

Don't be one of them. Money and wealth are absolutely fantastic.

6. Rich people are selfish

If anything it is the opposite.

Selfishness is important. You must take care of yourself before focusing on others.

This is the problem with the self-help industry. People are trying to help others before helping themselves.

Focus on you. Become the most powerful version of yourself possible.

That is how you truly change the world.

Change your internal world and the external will follow.

7. Rich people only care about money

If I worked out 3-4 times a week. Ate well. Took supplements to keep me healthy and energized.

Does that mean all I care about is health and fitness?

Absolutely not. This is foolish.

Also - imagine saying this to an athlete. All you care about is your sport! Well yes, he does and it is not a bad thing.

Money is made to exchange value.

So, if one is thinking about business the correct way. They are focusing on how much value they can give to the world. 

Rich people are not any different than you and me. 

They are humans and human nature goes beyond everything.

8. You can't buy happiness

Happiness does not equal money.

Making more money won't make you happier.

But neither will staying broke. 

Being broke won't make you happier.

This is a common misconception and it fails to highlight the main benefit of increasing your income. 


With money comes choices. You gain a sense of freedom to live life on your own terms. This is what gives many people more happiness. An indirect benefit of more money.

As we said before, if you are unhappy now, when you're rich, you will be unhappy. If you are happy now, when you're rich, you will be even happier. 

9. It's not okay to make more money than my family

The umbilical cord between you and your family was broken already.

Eliminate your people pleasing.

Eliminate the neediness.

You don't need anyones approval.

You don't need their permission.

Give yourself all the love you require. Give yourself the freedom you deserve.

It is okay to make more money than your family. It is actually your duty to do so.

10. Another day another dollar

Money is not linear.

If you make $1 today, that does not mean you will make $1 tomorrow.

You can make $1 right now and $500,000 later.

Money and entrepreneurship (especially with the internet) can grow exponentially 

Another day does not equal another dollar.

The ability to scale is infinite. 

11. A penny saved is a penny earned

This is a dangerous belief because of the emphasis it places on saving.

Putting money aside is not bad, but the scarcity behind this saying is.

Clipping coupons. Saying a nickel here and there are symptoms of a scarcity mindset. The same people that say this think that there are only eight slices to the pie.

This is a limiting belief about money.

Instead of thinking this way, focus your mental energy on creating new income streams. Focus on giving more value and solving problems. 

12. More money more problems

Andy Frisella said it best.

More money = new problems.

See, being broke does not alleviate you from problems.

You have struggles and challenges right now.

When you are rich, the same thing will happen. 

More money = newer problems.

Problems are unavoidable. Stop looking for a life of  rainbows and unicorns. Shit will happen. Money can help you solve all your low level problems.

13. I can't control if I become wealthy

This is part of the destiny discussion.

If you think that making more money is out of your control. We have a big problem. 

It means you are not taking responsibility.

You are not living your life as a creator. 

Until you take responsibility for your financial situation, you will always be broke.

If you are rich right now, it is your fault. If you are poor, it is your fault.

Your future is up to you. You decide through your thoughts + actions. 

Create a vision of your future and work towards it furiously. 

14. Making money and doing what you love are different

I love writing these articles and books. I love coaching. I love creating subliminal's. I love helping others become powerful. I love fashion.

I get paid for everything that I love.

Why? Because I designed my life that way.

Remember, you are the designer of your future.

You are the artist that paints their future reality.

The brush strokes are your actions and thoughts. Think great abundant thoughts and take extreme action in the direction you desire.

You can do work you love and make money through the process.  

15. If I'm rich and others are poor...

This limiting belief around money stems from guilt.

If I'm doing good and others are doing bad...I must feel awful about myself.

That's not how it works.

Think about it this way:

If you are rich you can help more people. 

If you are poor you can barely help yourself.

So, if you care about others. Improving your community. Donating to charity.

The only way to truly make an impact is to decide to get rich. 

16. My parents were broke so I will be

Maybe this was true 2,000 years ago. 

However, in this day and age, with access to the internet.

Your parents or ancestors do not determine your wealth.

The best people in the world come from nothing. They were broke. They persevered through hardship.

Self made and self paid. That is the mantra.

Your parents do not determine your wealth ceiling. You do.

You are responsible.


17. My financial success depends _____

It can be the market.

The weather.

Some external factor that your financial success depends on.

This can be temporarily true. Let's say you are a stock broker and the entire market shuts down.

However, that does not mean that you are ruined permanently.

Everyone (you) have access to internal resources such as creativity, courage and commitment.

Using these, you can pick yourself up from any financial downfall.

One of the most admirable traits of Donald Trump is how he was bankrupt multiple times but came back to create billions of dollars.

You making money is more about a decision you make. Now and forever. That you will do whatever it is in your power to wake up and be rich.

If you are born poor its not your mistake, but if you die poor its your mistake”

- Bill Gates

Bonus: Filthy Rich Subliminal Audio

Change your wealth/money/prosperity mindset immediately with our filthy rich Subliminal Audio

Use code RICHWITHIN in order to get 30% off. 

This is the fastest way to enter into a wealth/money mindset starting today.

Wish you the best,



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