December 6

The Sigma Male Philosophy | 8 Principles


Subject: sigma male philosophy

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: learn sigma male theory and philosophy and how to apply it in your own life.

This is another article in the Sigma Male series.

Read here to learn the three missions of a Sigma and here to learn the core values.

Sigma Male Philosophy #1: 

See Things As They Are

Sigma males want to see reality for what it is, not what they want it to be.

This means removing all levels of delusion to get as close to 'reality' as possible.

This mode of thinking requires having self-awareness to notice your gaps in judgment and the way your preferences will affect your assessment of what is happening. 

Learn cognitive biases, your Myers-Briggs personality type, Enneagram, Big 5 personality system, horoscope.

Any type of modality that can help you understand how YOU see the world, is mandatory.

Sigma Male Philosophy #2: 

The System Is Not For Us

This means that to work as a rat taking orders from your boss. Another sheep to be herded around. To sell your soul to live the average life.

This is all unacceptable for the Sigma male. 

Sometimes they will have to work in a corporate environment, but every waking minute they are thinking of building a business or finding a way to work for themselves.

Read this if you are ready to stop being a 'wantrepreneur' and become an entrepreneur. 

Sigma Male Philosophy #3: 

The Path Is What Makes You

The path to creating the impossible is what makes a sigma male a sigma male.

The path of pursuing your dreams.

The path of starting a business and working for yourself.

Understand this. Pursuing the dream is the dream. It's not about reaching some final destination where you feel whole and happy.

The journey is the joy. Having the opportunity to work on your purpose driven project is a beautiful experience. 

Following this path, you are guaranteed to fail. Make mistakes. Sacrifice short term pleasure for long term success.

Either you live like no one will so that you can live like no one can, or you stay average. 

THIS is what a sigma male a sigma male.

Sigma Male Philosophy #4: 

Positive Thinking Is Not a Choice, It Is Mandatory

This path requires a lot of solitude and pain.

There will be many moments where all you have is yourself.

No one will be there to support you.

Cheer you on.

Tell you that 'you can do it!' in a cheerful tone.

This is where complete control over your mind comes in.

The ability to think positively. To be a cheerleader for yourself.

This a must if you want to make it as a sigma male. 

Sigma Male Philosophy #5:

Independence Is The Mission

No matter what a Sigma male does, at the root of his mind is the desire to have independence.

No boss.

No authority telling them what to do.

Complete control over their destiny.

They are willing to work flipping burgers if that is what is required. Yet, at the end of the day everything they do is connected to freedom. 

Sigma Male Philosophy #6: 

The Man In The Ring

Sigma males have suffered and experienced more pain than the average man. The path requires it, as this pain transforms them into who they are meant to be.

Knowing this, they experience true humility. None of that fake humble shit.

They have been kicked down to the floor so many times, standing up time and time again.

With this humility, they show respect to anyone that decides to pursue this path themselves.

Anyone in 'the ring' doing the actual work has the respect of the Sigma male.

As Teddy so famously quoted:

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

If you skipped over that, I HIGHLY recommend you read it.

Trust me.

Don't continue reading until you read that quote :).

Sigma Male Philosophy #7: 


Your life and the accomplishments you have is based on the ability and willingness to take risks.

The hot girl across the bar. She is a social risk. If you say hello you might be rejected horrifically, yet there is a chance of you seducing her. 

Presenting a sales opportunity to a client. A risk of rejection. Yet, without attempting it, you will not reap the rewards.

Sigma males have a willingness to move forward and take the risks.

For those that risk, also reward.

They know this on a deep level and are willing to fail privately and publicly if that is what is required. 

Sigma Male Philosophy #8: 

The Circle

The sigma male surrounds himself with real men.

People that are real. Have suffered and persevered. 

The individuals who are easily tempted are kept out of his inner circle.

"Men who are unable to fight their inner demons" are not shown respect and are kept at a distance.

These men have not fought the true battle. The battle within.

This war within is what develops the Sigma spirit and character.

It's not about winning this battle every single day. It is about the willingness to fight and be aware of the Enemies within. 

Are you willing to do what it takes?

Commit to truly becoming the most powerful version of yourself?

Then I recommend you join our private community below:


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