August 19

81 Skills To Go From Wantrepreneur To World Class Entrepreneur


Subject: Wantrepreneur

Location: Miami, Florida

I have a confession. For the last five years I've been a wantrepreneur. 

Definition: wantrepreneur (plural wantrepreneurs) A person who aspires to be an entrepreneur, especially one who never realizes this ambition.

I can look at this from multiple angles. The amount of deep work I've done is rarely surpassed by the people I meet. I've had a successful coaching practice for over a year now. I've started (2) blogs that have consistent traffic and amassed a following. My fashion company is licensed and moving in the right direction.

I could be satisfied with my results so far. The truth is... I'm not.

I haven't mastered the last frontier. Becoming a self made and self paid man.

From a young age I always dreamed of being an entrepreneur.'s still a dream years later. 

Am I being overly critical? Possibly.

Are my standards too high? Maybe.

Is it due to my lack of patience? Could be. 

Is it just the way my brain is wired? Likely. 

I thought of different angles to look at this. No matter which perspective I took, It still came down to being a Wantrepreneur. 

Truth hurts and this was one truth that I had been avoiding.

I hadn't gone all in yet.

I hadn't made that soul deep commitment on becoming an entrepreneur and creating a prosperous business.

10 Characteristics of the Wantrepreneur

Do they apply to you?

  • Always waiting for the perfect condition
  • Avoid failure
  • Start a business for money alone
  • Fake passion
  • Deep procrastination
  • In it for the glory
  • Doesn't sacrifice anything 
  • Focus on the event not the process
  • Because it sounds good
  • Never going all in on your project

Awareness is the First Step of Change

That's all going to change now. I'm writing this in August 2018 and starting September 1st I'm going all in

I will be doing the daily process/grind work on becoming a world-class Entrepreneur and scaling my business.

I will be documenting everything and bring you along my journey.

You will learn how to avoid my mistakes and failures while gaining inspiration from my victories and sacrifices.

Invitation: Are you in?

Do you also want to be an entrepreneur but actually haven't done shit?

If so, let's do this together. 

Move from being a Wantrepreneur to an Entrepreneur. 

I created the following list of areas and skill development that I believe are required to become a world class entrepreneur. 

The World Class Entrepreneur Checklist

(in no particular order/will be updated as new ideas come up from the journey)

  1. The Enemy - the root of all all your self-sabotage. In order to become who you are meant to be and produce your greatest work, you must fight the Enemy...daily. It's why Declare War Within was started in the first place. Click here to learn more. 
  2. Sales - how to sell, close, follow up and master all components of the sales process. This is the blood of any business. 
  3. Sacrifice - choosing to go to sleep and wake up early. Choosing to stay in instead of going to the club. Sacrificing drugs, alcohol, time and resources to make the dream a reality. 
  4. Marketing - how to market, position yourself in the marketplace. Being an honest marketor instead of lying. 
  5. Health - how to feel good, prevent colds and any sickness from ruining your momentum.
  6. Self Discipline - self discipline equals freedom. Without the discipline to say no to distractions and do the hard thing (daily) you will never be successful. 
  7. Copywriting - sales in print form. Persuasive writing that is straight to the point and will assist in creating sales and sharing your message. 
  8. Self Gratification - the crusher of dreams, and the Enemy of wealth. Keep this to a minimum, sacrifice the immediate in order to pay for the creation of your dreams. 
  9. Stamina/Energy - eating and doing more of what creates energy into my life. If you have no energy, the last thing on your mind is achieving your goals. The game of life is played with energy. 
  10. High Status - the ultimate cheat code to getting what you want in life. Click here to learn 39 ways to boost your status. 
  11. Vibrancy - the 'it' factor. The special sauce. People see you and just know. How to increase this and stay in high vibration. 
  12. Taxes - figure out what the fuck is going on so the IRS doesn't bend you over and fuck you raw. 
  13. Productivity - getting shit done point blank. Doing the things you are avoiding. Slaying the daily Dragon. 
  14. Body - looking good, taking care of the vehicle to your spirit. Harnessing the power of the Halo effect. 
  15. Motivation - how to keep personal and team spirits high. How to overcome periods of low motivation and make sure the fire continues to burn.
  16. Storytelling - telling the companies, personal and other stories to maximize impact and create customers that will die for the brand.
  17. Success Mindset - feeling successful, aiming for success, being deserving of the success you dream of. The feeling of 'inevitable' that this will happen. 
  18. Winner Mindset - going for the win, not playing to lose. There is not a single thought about losing. 
  19. Luck - a by-product of hard work, preparation and high vibration.
  20. Overcoming Emotional Blocks - do the inner work to eliminate guilt, shame and other self sabotaging influences from anchoring you away from success. 
  21. Influence & Persuasion - learning human nature, and what actually gets people to do what they do. 
  22. Overcoming Fear - having techniques and methods to overcome fear when it shows up to ruin the day. 
  23. Seeking the Challenge - actively seeking and heading toward the storm of the moment instead of shying away. 
  24. Positive Attitude - not being stupid positive, but an overall contentness that pervades everything you do or think. 
  25. Awareness of Cognitive Biases - we make decisions with emotion and rationalize it as logic. Be aware of the flaws in our thinking to have a better grip on reality and make better decisions. 
  26. Action Taking Bias - think, plan, strategize but in the end it's action that solves the problems. Have a bias for taking action. 
  27. Goal Orientation - A constant re-commitment to your vision despite distractions. 
  28. Vision - having a vision that becomes clearer and clearer everyday of the future you are creating. 
  29. Strategy - becoming a master strategist. Strategy is the long game. Seeing the future and preparing for the worst and best case scenario. Critical for business. 
  30. Critical Thinking - not being a fucking drone. Thinking deeply about your company. 
  31. Focus and Concentration - Everything in the world wants your attention. Having the ability to do deep work and focus on what's important. 
  32. Self Image as an Entrepreneur - you can only go as high as your self image permits. If you see yourself as a pawn but attempt to act like a King, you will stay a pawn. 
  33. Assertiveness - conflict will arise. Will you shy away or reinforce boundaries?
  34. Public Speaking - pitching your idea, talking to a crowd, having team meetings. Persuasive public speaking is a skill that must be developed. 
  35. Courageous - the virtue that permits other virtues to exist. Having the courage to start a business, pursue challenges and overcome fear. 
  36. Negotiator - whether it be with the bank, investors or suppliers. Negotiating for a win-win is a skill. 
  37. Willingness to learn - having a big ego is very useful at times, however it is the main obstacle to learning. You must keep an empty cup at all times. 
  38. Self Belief - starting a business requires 300% self belief, not the typical 100%. It should reach delusional proportions. 
  39. Confidence - goes hand in hand with self-belief. Delusional self confidence in yourself, vision is a neccesisty to becoming a world class entrepreneur. Being the greatest before you were (Muhammad Ali style). 
  40. Charismatic - becoming the guy that people will follow to the end of the world. Oozing charisma and self belief. These are ingredients in the same cocktail. 
  41. Good With Numbers - refreshing your math skills, understanding simple percentages and how to calculate revenue, profit and other factors. 
  42. Money Beliefs - eliminating all the money is evil bullshit beliefs society has taught you to think
  43. Disconnect From Negativity - family, friends will be happy if you get a promotion but rarely applaud you for pursuing your own dream. Learning to disconnect from the hate is a skill and process. 
  44. Sleep Quality - a deep sleep is absolutely essential to optimize your brain, body, creativity and attitude.
  45. Prioritization - how to stop getting stuck with busy work and do the most urgent and important tasks first. 'Eat the frog' in action. 
  46. Ego enhancement and Death - understand how to have a gigantic ego but every now and then 'pop out' and realize how it's all a game. 
  47. Organization - eliminating clutter, stacks of paper and dirty rooms. Restoring order to prevent the Enemy from entering and creating chaos. 
  48. Coach - having a coach is another cheat code to life. It's two people fully committed to making your dreams come true. A coach is someone that will keep you accountable. 
  49. Environmental Exposure - you are the average of the five people you hang out with the most. Are you chilling with driven entrepreneurs or 9-5ers?
  50. Self Esteem - the ability to bounce back, like yourself, take responsibility of your life comes down to self esteem. While mostly determined as a child, it is 100% possible to raise it later in life. 
  51. Forgiveness - eliminating bitterness, resentment and negativity from your life. By holding on to grudges you are only hurting yourself. 
  52. Stress Relief and Management - having daily actions to recharge, rest, relieve stress so you don't have a breakdown every week. 
  53. Ability to Seize the Day (Harness Urgency) - creating a sense of urgency in your life. Remembering that today is not to be taken for granted, but appreciated. 
  54. Eliminate Self Defeating Habits - self explanatatory. We are our habits. If a daily action you do is not serving you and your vision, stop doing it.
  55. Presence - when you are around someone, being fully there. 
  56. Victim Mindset - eliminate all forms of 'life is out to get me' and start living as a creator in your reality. 
  57. Fixed Mindset - eliminate all thinking that you cannot grow and talent is something you are born with not developed. Read here for more. 
  58. Self Validation - eliminate all actions that are waiting for someone else to approve of you. Whether that be likes on instagram or just flat out doing things for someone else's approval. 
  59. How to Learn Faster - study less and retain more.
  60. Persistence and Perseverance - these are some of the entrepreneur intangibles. Without this it's impossible to be successful in the business game. 
  61. Non Motivation Destroying Gratitude - DWW is opposed to the new age propaganda that dictates that you should be happy where you are in life no matter what the circumstances. Having gratitude for the events that came into your life because of your growth mindset is the Way. 
  62. Disconnect from Distractions - the whole world wants your attention. Are you able to disconnect from distractions? Harnessing the ability to hide in plain sight while you stay committed to your deep work. 
  63. Mindful of Time - a overall awareness of where you are allocating your time and energy.
  64. Networking - if you attend a seminar or are waiting in line at you have the capability to strike up a conversation and connect with an influencer?
  65. Leadership - leadership goes beyond your title. The ability to lead yourself, be the example and take charge in team dynamics is crucial. 
  66. Creative Process - create a system that empties and fills the cup with consistent creative inspiration. No more twiddling your thumbs waiting for genius to pop up. 
  67. Reflection and Introspection - having the 'meta' thinking to reflect, understand different perspectives and learn from mistakes. 
  68. Achieve Mastery - the goal is to be the best at what you do, are you on this path? Are you getting 1% closer everyday?
  69. How To Spend & Save - self-explanatory. Knowing how to invest your income to have the most dividends and save when needed. 
  70. Design - different strokes for different folks, however having the ability to blend the analytical with the creative is what made Steve Jobs... Steve Jobs. 
  71. Authenticity - the most attractive thing about you is your authenticity. There isn't anyone like real. The marketplace rewards real. 
  72. Spiritual Wealth - you can be a multi-trillionaire and still not feel enough. Is it worth it? No. A lot of people searching for more money just want safety. Understanding and doing the deep work internally is the greatest wealth. 
  73. Branding - how to make your company synonymous with excellence or however you want people to perceive it. 
  74. Relationships - start a relationship, nurture it and use them to benefit both of you. 
  75. Live With Purpose - not like a robot, live purposefully and with intention. 
  76. Train and Hire Staff - understand insurance, HR laws, what you can or cannot say and all that goes into it. 
  77. Social Media - how to utilize it without it using you. 
  78. Deal with Failure - you will be met with failure and mistake after mistake if you are pursuing your dream hard enough. How do you deal with this? 
  79. How To Read People - what is being said underneath the surface. Body language, vocal intonations, phrasing of words, and the other million factors. Learning to read people is an invaluable skill that will save you from many mistakes. 
  80. Happiness - the daily tasks you can do to be happy. Happiness is a choice. When Thomas Jefferson wrote 'pursue happiness' people got it all wrong. Pursue actually meant Practice back then. Practice happiness. Life does not have to be grey and full of dread. 
  81. Patience - eternally patient no matter what the circumstances are. You can not lose if you never give up. This requires patience. Whether it takes one month to ten years.

Will You Join Me?

Are you ready to stop being a wantrepreneur and become what you were meant to be?

Stop the 9-5 track?

Stop working and selling your most precious asset...time?

Ready to go all in?

Let me know in the comments. Let's do this together.



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