March 27

The Evening Routine For High Performers


Subject: the evening routine for high performers

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: how to skyrocket your growth by building an evening routine that allows you to recharge and reflect everyday. 

Declare War Within was created to provide YOU with strategies to become more powerful in life.

One strategy that all of you have heard of by now are morning routines.

There are billions of them. Starting off your day with meditation, reading, a workout, cold shower etc etc etc.

You've seen it all before. And at this point - It's all about doing what works for you.

We can all agree that having these morning rituals are super important. 

They set the tone for the rest of your day. From personal experience, it's 100x harder for me to have a shitty day when I dominate my morning. 

Now - the second half of that equation...which no one really talks about. 


What are you doing at night before you go to sleep? 

Are you watching Netflix and eating fatty foods? Or are you preparing to win the battle of tomorrow? 

I want you to win. Winning every day in every way.

By not having an evening routine - you are missing out on a massive opportunity.

So - have no worries. I gotchu. Today, I will present you with some strategies that you can begin to implement TODAY for high performance. 

A) Prepare your 5 daily battles

As we talked about in this article, the 5 daily battles are crucial for your long term success.

Life has a way of distracting us from our purpose. 

The 5 daily battles keep you locked in and focused. 

It also allows you to reap the benefits of compound interest. One of natures most powerful forces.

This force explains any real achievement in the world.

There is no such thing as an overnight success. 

It's about putting in the work, day in and day out when no one is looking.

Eventually after you take massive action (over time) you get rewarded by the Universe.

There is always a lag time to real growth.

Sow the seed. Reap the harvest.

So - at night, I want you to prepare how you can continue to sow the seed using your 5 daily battles. Read about it here.

B) The Spiderman Vision Constructor

I just named it that. 

So if you see anyone else call it by that - you know they stole that shit.

Now, this one principle. I'm telling you guys. Read this carefully.

This one principle is absolutely amazing. 

It makes you feel as if you are on PURPOSE. Because if you are putting in the work day in and day out - it can feel discouraging not seeing results. But, by doing this daily strategy, you will always feel connected to achieving your goal.

Day by day it only becomes more and more real. 

So, that's enough introduction. Let's get right into it.

How to do the Spiderman Vision Constructor: 

  1. On a piece of paper write down all your wins from today. Let's say you finished your 5 daily battles. You worked out. You ate a death cookie (read the next point). You completed what you set out to do.
  2. Now, for every single one of your wins. I want you to connect it to your future goals and vision. 
  3. Take a moment to visualize, appreciate and see how this action you took today is creating the future you desire.

Example: I worked out today and did 100 burpees. At night I will write my win (which is awesome by itself) and then right next to it put my physical goal which is to look like a Greek God. 

Example 2: I wrote this article today. I connect it to my goal of having 100,000 email subscribers and positively impacting a billion people. I see how this action I took is making my dream into a reality. 

This is such a subtle, yet powerful strategy.

It allows you to be on purpose. Feel like you are getting closer.

You see the spider web of your current action leading up to your inevitable goal achievement.

Absolutely beautiful. Do this!

C) Eat your death cookies

We've talked about this concept in other articles.

I learned this concept from Phil Stutz

When he was a young psychotherapist in California he needed new clients.

So after 6 months of putting out ads and not having zero responses... something had to change. 

So, Phil, being the genius that he is, created a list of all the people that could help him get clients.

They were all people that he really did not want to talk to (resistance). 

After creating this list, he ordered them from the most challenging to the least.

Every morning he would begin calling from the first person on the list. 

The hardest one. The one he felt the most resistance to.

That is the death cookie.

The action that you feel the worst about, yet actually has the most benefit for your life.

This is our inner Enemy attacks. It creates a mental pain barrier. A comfort zone around us. 

These are the death cookies. 

In order to move forward in life. You must eat these death cookies.

Resistance to taking action becomes your compass to success.

So from now on, your evening routine is to get clear on what your death cookies are for tomorrow. And how you plan on eating them first thing in the morning. 

D) Read biographies

Reading a biography before bed is such a great experience. 

The ultimate hack.

See, the people in our environment (social circle) change us fundamentally.

Yet, the secret that people don't that you don't even have to meet them.

Physical interaction is the most powerful.

Yet, if you are watching someone for 5 hours a day on Youtube. They become part of your top 5. They influence you in a dramatic way.

So, when you read a biography of a great person every night.

Little by little. 10 pages at a time. You experience someone's life and then dream about it. They become part of your inner circle. Their thinking becomes your thinking. 

The cool thing is, that every biography is the same. They go through major challenges. Huge failures. Disasters again and again. And then they persevere and achieve massive success. 

Every night, before bed your subconscious is getting that information downloaded. Then you dream about it. Absolutely powerful.

E) Digital sunrise

Imagine how you were a thousand years ago.

Did they have TV's?

Did they have Netflix?

Did they have TikTok?

Instagram? Facebook? Twitter? PHONES?!

No, they didn't.

They woke up with the sun and started winding down when the sunset.

For a high performance evening routine, I recommend you implement a digital sunrise.

Around 7-8pm, start to turn off your electronics. Begin preparing your nightly rituals. 

Think about your wins. Plan your death cookie. Read your biography.

Turn off your browser. Let your dopamine receptors relax. 

Spend time with your loved ones. 

Begin this digital detox and watch the numerous benefits that arise in your life.

F) The two magic questions

These are the two most magical questions for consistent growth.

The evening routine is there to wind down after your entire day.

You conquered. You worked out. You took massive action.

Now, because we are in it for the long game. We must recharge and reflect.

The two magic questions:

  1. What went well?
  2. What could I do to improve it next time?

What went well in your day? What did you execute correctly?

Now, what COULD you have done better? The magic word is could. Because it allows you to think about your day as an opportunity to get better. Should is filled with regret.

Imagine going every day and following this evening routine.

  • Day by day you are connecting your daily wins with your vision and goals.
  • You are completing your 5 daily battles and going deeper into compound interest.
  • You read and feel connected to powerful people you admire through biographies.
  • You are constantly comparing yourself to yesterday and getting 1% better every day. 

This is how you become powerful.

It doesn't happen overnight.

However, consistent action over time and POOF you are at the mountain top.

See you up there champ,


PS. Also - if you are ready (truly) to upgrade your life and are looking for a lil boost. I highly recommend listening to subliminal audio.

Tony Robbins, Tiger Woods and many others say that subliminal audio played a huge role in their growth and development.

Click here to learn more. 


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