May 1

How To Have A Masterpiece Of a Day, Creating a Morning Routine


Subject: Create a masterpiece of a day, building a morning routine

Location: Orlando, Florida

Have you ever walked into a restaurant and went out of your way to have a terrible experience?

"Excuse me, server, I'd like to order a burnt steak, moldy fries and finish me off with a warm beer please."

That would be ridiculous.

In fact, every time we go out to eat we want to have a great meal. 

With our hard earned money, we expect a certain caliber of return.

Now, let's take a step back and think about our day-to-day.

We all live life one day at a time.

For every single one of us, comes a morning, an afternoon and an evening.

Yet for many of us, our days are very similar to a burnt steak, moldy fries and a warm beer.

For some of us we order a perfectly cooked steak, yet have moldy fries and a warm beer.

Others have a burnt steak, perfectly cooked fries and a cold beer.

We have parts of our day that are working and others that are not at all. 

Resistance and our invisible enemy will do anything to defeat our day-to-day progress.

It uses rationalization: "You already did such a great job earlier, you deserve to take off the rest of the day."

It uses procrastination: "I am going to start my diet; I'm just going to start it tomorrow."

It uses self-doubt, criticism, worry, fear and repeats it over and over again in order to defeat you. 

If you are reading these words, you have already met the enemy within.

You have already declared war on Part X/Resistance.

Making each day a masterpiece, the power of a morning routine.

morning routine

This is the last thing that our enemy wants us to do.

It will literally use every trick in the book because it knows that if we focus on making each day a masterpiece, we will reach our goals and make our visions into realities.

Now you might be wondering, how oh how will I ever make each day a masterpiece?

Don't worry soldier.

I got you. It all starts with this magical question:

What would I do today if I wanted to have a terrible day?

By asking the inverse, we gain clarity of what's actually required.

It's more a game of what to stop doing than what to start.

We know what to do.

We know meditating, doing deep work, journaling, working out, walking is the way.

We rarely focus on what to STOP doing.

No more shitty steak, fries and a warm beer.

No more succumbing to the soft voice of our enemies.

You are stronger than your enemies, and it all starts today. 

What would I do today If I wanted to have a terrible day?

Let's brainstorm.

  • I would snooze my alarm clock
  • I would wake up after 9am
  • I would look at my phone first thing in the morning
  • I would check instagram immediately and spend at least 30 minutes
  • I would watch every single persons snapchat story
  • I would proceed to look at all my emails
  • I would not brush my teeth or floss
  • I would not do some morning yoga 
  • I would not meditate
  • I would eat greasy high-carb foods
  • I would watch youtube for hours
  • I would not go outside
  • I would check porn every hour
  • I would check instagram again
  • I would make sure not to drink enough water
  • I would take a long nap
  • I would drink some alcohol
  • I would not read any books
  • I would not listen to a podcast
  • I would not journal
  • I would think terrible thoughts
  • I would let resistance defeat me.

If I wanted to have a terrible day, I would do this and more.

If I want to have a masterpiece of a day I would not do any of this.

By eliminating these bad actions, we create space to take empowering actions.

Ask yourself this question warrior, what would you have to do today in order to have a terrible day?

...and stop doing those things!


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