March 28

The Real Reason You Are Not Successful


Subject: The Real Reason You Are Not Successful 

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: We all say we want to achieve our goals, but do we really? In this article we learn a simple process that will make it clear to us if are really willing to do what it takes or not. 

You say you want the success, the nice cars the Hollywood body, the perfect relationships. But, if we look at your life right now, you don't have it. It's time to get to the bottom of this. 

Let's find out once and for all - the real reason you aren't successful yet. 

Ready? Are you sure?


Here is a quote that explains everything you need to know:

"First, you decide what you want specifically; and second, you decide if you're willing to pay the price to make it happen, and then pay that price."

-Nelson Bunker Hunt

Do yourself a favor and re-read that. If you truly get will understand 99% of goal achievement. 

The game is to be sold not told. Have you heard that before?

It means that you can read every article on Declare War Within (and you should). Three times over. 

Take notes. Make flashcards. Memorize every concept we teach. 

However, you will never receive the wisdom and results until you go out and pay the price. Now here is where it gets interesting. Bear with me. 

What is the price? The price changes depending on the item you want to buy.

For example, if you wanted to purchase a pack of gum. Maybe it's $1.00?

Are you willing to pay that price? If you are, then buy it. If you aren't then put it back on the shelf.

(this will start making sense to you soon).

In the meantime, let's go on an adventure. You down? 

We are going SUCCESS SHOPPING for you. This is an exercise I learned from one of my favorite authors, Chin-Ning Chu. 

Now I want you to think about life as a gigantic supermarket. 

Everything you want is inside this store. Your money goals. Your relationship goals. Your health and body goals. Your spiritual goals.

The thing about this store is...that you cannot buy anything with money. You must buy it with stuff that is already within your possession. Let's begin by making our shopping list. 

Step 1:  Shopping list

Divide your life into different categories.

  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Spirituality and faith
  • Pleasure
  • Wisdom & Skill 
  • Money
  • Body
  • Health

Get clear on what you want for each of these sections.

There are no limits.

Use your imagination. Decide your goals for everything you want in your life and write it down. 

Example: John wants to have a supermodel body and make millions of dollars a year. 

Step 2: Payment method 

So, now you have your shopping list for each area of your life.

It's time to checkout and pay. But remember, this store of life doesn't accept cash or card. 

It only accepts what is within your possession. 

So, begin to look at what you have to trade in order to make room for these new results to enter your life.

You must give up something in order to receive the new item. 

This is a serious process.

The moment I understood this, my life changed. It all made sense as to why I wasn't achieving any of my goals (at the time).

So, read carefully.

Example: What does John have to give up in order to have a supermodel body and make millions of dollars a year?

In other words. What does John have to PAY (using what he already has in his life) in order to receive both results?

  • John would need to radically change his eating habits. No more fast food. Triple the amount of protein. Stop eating chips and ice cream. 
  • Instead of staying home and watching Netflix, John would need to hire a personal trainer and go workout 5 times a week.
  • John would need to budget his money in order to pay for this trainer. This means fewer nights out with the boys. No more outside eating.
  • John will need to sacrifice most fun activities with friends until he develops a money making system. He would have to give up going out every Saturday night and instead work on his business at night. 
  • John will sacrifice his sleep (mornings and evenings) in order to put in more work on his business.
  • Instead of spending money on temporary pleasures, he will invest in his future finances. 
  • He would need to sacrifice his comfort as making money would force him to really get out of his comfort zone. 
  • Instead of watching TV or Social Media he will study the world's greatest entrepreneurs and develop their skills. 
  • He will spend hours brainwashing himself with affirmations, subliminal's and visualization to upgrade his self image to that of a healthy, fit, successful man. 
  • He knows that even with all of this, there is a slim chance of him becoming a millionaire, but is willing to risk it all for the attainment of his goal.

The list of John's payment goes on and on. 

Maybe he would need to start being an Uber driver. Maybe he would need to work three jobs. Maybe he would need to sell his house and downgrade in order to invest in his business. Maybe he would need to take a major loan that could come back to bite him in the ass.

Now, for you. You made your shopping list. You brainstormed the list of payments you must give in order to achieve the results. This leads us to...

Step 3: Can you afford it?

Go through your list in step two, and rate how difficult it will be to pay this price on a scale of 1-10.

It's clear now. 

In order to receive what you want (goal) you must be willing to pay the price (payment/sacrifice). Plus there is a chance of it not happening (life). 

Now, ask yourself this question.

Am I willing to give up my present lifestyle in exchange for having what I really want in business and in life?

If you answer honestly, it might surprise you.

Maybe you will find out that your current life is the one you really want. And sacrificing and paying the price for your goals doesn't really matter for you.

However, if you are not content. You cannot lie to yourself anymore.

If you are upset with your current situation but unwilling to pay the price.

You must admit. Here and now.

It is YOUR decision to reject success.

It is YOUR decision that you don't want to achieve your goals. 

That's fine by the way. Maybe you aren't meant to be all that you can be.

Just know - that it was your decision. No one else's.

You are responsible for your life. You are the captain of your ship.

You ALWAYS will have the choice to trade what you have now in order to get what you truly want.

Example: John, after careful consideration, realized he didn't want to pay the price. And gave up on his goals and aspirations. He realized he wasn't ready to give up what he has NOW in order to achieve what he wants in the future.

The game must be sold, not told. I can tell you every strategy in the world, but at the end of the must pay the price yourself. 

Remember this. This is the real reason you are not successful.

Will you pay for it or not?

The choice is yours. It always is. 

PS. Also - if you are ready (truly) to upgrade your life and are looking for a lil boost. I highly recommend listening to subliminal audio.

Tony Robbins, Tiger Woods and many others say that subliminal audio played a huge role in their growth and development.

Click here to learn more. 


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