April 30

The 3 Parts To A Tremendous Morning Routine


I'm sipping on some green tea as I write these magical words for you today.

Just made it and I don't mean to brag... but it's delicious.

Maybe it's the right temperature, or the way I poured the hot water onto the green tea leaves. Maybe it's just because I'm taking a break from coffee if you haven't heard on the news yet. Yeah, just a break. We are NOT getting divorced.


All of this talk of morning caffeinated beverages reminds me of an important concept that struck me during a walk last week.

I was strolling around my apartment complex around 56 minutes into my daily walk.

The idea crept in and slammed the door wide open as most inspiration strikes.

The idea: The three imperative parts of our morning.

We only really have complete control over our morning and evenings. Most of us have jobs during the day and responsibilities to take care of during that middle section.

The morning and evening is our time to shine. To spread our wings, shake out the dust and prepare to excel.

Here's a picture that Da Vinci himself drew in reference to this concept:

1) Let the cup cool

You have awoken.


Another breath, another day on this planet.

You let out a quiet sigh of relief. 

What a blessing.

You breathe again and slow down some more.

You realize how truly blessed you are.

You are in a bed, pillows and blankets all for your own personal comfort. Today is another great day. 

A wave of curiosity hits you as you wonder what incredible awesome shit will happen today?

Your mind as if on cue fills you with things to be grateful for, wins from yesterday and what today has to offer.

You have a kind of dumb giddy smile that's tough to shake off.

Another breath. You slow down some more.

Today. You get clear on what needs to be done today. If I did X Y and Z today would be great.

Another breath. Man, this oxygen is tasty.

Your cup has cooled down.

It's SO! crucial to slow down in the mornings.

By doing this you assert your right to power. By letting things slow down internally you put yourself back in control. Taking a few moments in the morning has a myriad of benefits. 

You let the cup cool because you know that in order to speed up, you must slow down.

The world becomes matrix like, you are always ready to adapt to whatever happens. 

This time is sacred. 

2) Empty the cup

You have slowed down successfully and now it's time to empty the cup.

No one wants some cold coffee from last night.

This is the time were you stretch, meditate, move and go for a walk.

Your phones on airplane mode. Emails are unread. Distractions kept to an absolute minimum.

You are mindful during the morning shower, you brush your teeth with complete awareness.

The cup slowly but surely empties. All of the worries, to-dos and stresses from the past have dissipated.

It's a new day and today is all you truly have. You know this deep within.

3) Fill the cup with the good stuff

Your cup has been begging for some good shit since your first morning breath.

You take a book, listen to a podcast, journal, visualize, go over your wins from yesterday.

You fill your mind with good shit.

The good shit is the weapons that you will use to defeat the enemies lurking in the shadow.

The invisible enemies waiting to fill you with distractions and self-sabotage.

The more good shit in your brain, the easier it is to defeat them.

Now start your day.

You are ready to defeat your enemy.

The resistance that's attempting to stop you from creating great work.

You are stronger than your enemies.



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