January 29

21 Strategies On How To Be Excited About Your Life


Subject: How to be excited about your life.

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: the ultimate hack to feel good, enjoy your life and reach your goals 1000x faster. 

1. Upgrade Your Interpretations.

Life happens. Events occur. 

Today was sunny. Tomorrow it will rain.

One day you receive a promotion. The next, you get fired.

Shit happens and will continue happen far after your death.

Now, this is what most people don't understand. There can be 1,000 people looking at the same event but interpreting it differently.

We, as individuals with free will choose our interpretations of events.

We decide what the 'event' means to us.

We can view everything as happening for our benefit, or going against us.

The challenge? Here to make you stronger and happier.


The challenge? Out to sabotage you, and how life is so fucking unfair, especially to you.

The challenge is the challenge. You determine the interpretation of it.

With that being said, one of the 'golden belief's' that I learned from my Mentor is this:

"Everything and everyone is happening for your benefit."

Read that one more time and then once more.

Everything and everyone in ways that you will never fully know, are happening for your personal benefit.

Imagine walking through life and genuinely seeing everything that happens as beneficial to your success?

Can you feel the power? self assurance? excitement that can come from this perspective?

To make this practical, do this quick exercise:

Reinterpret the following and apply the golden belief:

  • Someone crashes into you. 
  • Your boss gives you a mean look.
  • You had a low effort workout at the gym.
  • You checked your bank account and saw that someone bought $10,000 worth of stuff from the other side of the world.

Here are some possible answers:

  • You are still alive. This is a wake up call to act more urgently in your life and not take time for granted.
  • Even if he fires me I know that I am a valuable asset, no face can deter me from being a professional.
  • At least I went to the gym. It might not be a crazy gain, but I didn't want to come and I overcame my Enemy and triumphed.
  • Good reminder to make sure all of my personal privacy is up to date so that this doesn't happen again.

2. Gratitude

The common thought is that once we achieve X then we will be happy.

That's bullshit.

No single event can make such a shift in your overall mood. 

The Enemy uses this false narrative to keep you feeling bad now while praying that in the future all will be well.

The powerful approach is to be happy and excited NOW as you progress on your journey.

You get there in the same amount of time, but enjoy the whole process.

Think about it.

When you are excited, happy about life...do good things happen?

Yes. Call it the law of attraction or whatever you want. When you feel excited you get it back from the Universe. 

Science has also verified this by seeing increases in productivity, higher quality of work, more social rewards, more energy, better physical health, lowered stress levels and even a longer life.

Just by being excited and happy now.

See how important this is?

Being grateful creates an irresistible aura around you to attract more abundance and success in every area of your life.

When done consistently, it becomes an absolute super power to the point where you might ask if this is magic.

You can begin by keeping a daily gratitude/excitement journal.

For gratitude follow the following model:

1. I am truly grateful for X because of Y.

2. I am blessed to have X because of Y.

3. I feel excited to have X because of Y.

4. I am so excited to X because of Y.

Play around with it but always keep the 'because'. The brain loves a reason. The reason doesn't matter.

You can say "I am so truly grateful for my amazing life because I love tomatoes."  and it will still work.

After writing them down, focus on the feeling that begins to emerge.

The feeling is the secret.

You want to stay in this feeling of gratefulness for as long as possible.

Start this for 30 days and notice how your life completely changes.

3. Mantra

A mantra is a 'statement or slogan repeated frequently.' As we know, the thoughts we think (repeatedly) end up becoming who we are. 

Creating a mantra is a fantastic tool to implement a new belief into your life.

Mantra's can be one word, a sentence or anything in between. 

Here are three examples for excitement based mantras:

  • I choose to feel excited about work.
  • I choose to feel excited about where my life is going.
  • I choose to feel good.

The formula I recommend you to use is by saying "I choose to _____."

The words "I choose" put emphasis on the fact, that you are responsible for your feelings and emotions.

I choose means that you as the consciousness decide what the body will feel.

It is a powerful combination.

I choose to write this article. I choose to feel excited about my life. I choose to feel good. I choose to deliver the most value I possibly can.

These are choices, and a mantra is the vehicle to cementing the idea in your mind.

4. Sweat everyday.

Sweating is a miracle drug.

If you feel sad, depressed, guilty.

Any negative feelings that you are experiencing, a hard sweat will erase them. 

If we want to feel excited, our mood has to be improved.

Sweating is the ultimate drug of choice.

You can have one million problems in your life, after a grueling workout, they all seem to disappear.

That's why physical power is such an important factor for your life.

5. Get out of bed immediately upon waking up.

This one is the most challenging for me.

While excited about life, my bed and the temptation to stay hidden under the covers becomes quite the challenge.

However, I know that snoozing is the anti-excitement.

For most of us, we are getting enough sleep. It's not like you went to sleep at 2:00am and woke up at 4:30am every night.

For the man walking through life with excitement, waking up is a blessing. A delight.

Today marks the start of a new day.

What beauty will you see?

What challenges will you overcome?

What progress will you have in pursuit of your dreams?

Be excited about life, and that begins with waking up immediately and starting your day.

6. Smile to yourself and others. 

As humans, we mirror our environments.

If someone is smiling at you, there will be a desire to smile back.

We mimic others.

Why do you think emojis are so popular?

Because when we see a certain emoji, we make the same face.

Smiling is an expression of an excited man. 

When something 'bad' happens, smile to yourself.

When you meet a stranger, smile to them.

Life is exciting, share that joy with others.

7. Appreciate simple wonders.

Life is filled with micro events.

Small moments of time.

The Enemy's objective is to alter your worldview so you think that life is just a bunch of big events.

Your promotion. Your first child. Your first heart break.

The truth is that the biggest change in life comes from the smallest actions.

Appreciate the small things as you walk through life, and everything will be brighter and more exciting.

A perfect example of this is walking on the sidewalk and seeing a leaf growing in the middle of the cement.

Appreciate it. Take a moment out of your day and look at the wonder around you.

8. Stay away from complainers and blamers. 

As we learned in this article on power, people that complain and blame are giving away their power.

Power is not gained. You just stop giving it away.

Every time you complain, you choose not to accept responsibility.

By doing this, you relinquish your ability to change your situation.

For example, if I blame someone else for my financial situation.

I lose my ability to change it for the better.

Excitement will come when you are taking responsibility for your life.

Realizing that you can change every area for the better.

The opportunities and possibilities are exciting!

9. Enjoy your food and drinks.  

How many times a day do you eat?

How many times do you drink?

Let's say an average of 3 times a day, and drinking over 100 ounces.

From now on, I invite you to take a moment to appreciate the beverage or food before drinking and eating it.

5-10 seconds.

Look at your plate of food and be grateful for it. 

Thank you to the person who made it. Thank you to mother nature. Thank you for the nutrients that will make my body stronger.

Imagine the benefits of doing this consistently.

Feeling happier and happier. This feeling compounding and growing over the months and years.

Imagine the type of person that does this. The excitement and gratitude they feel for every part of their life.

10. Say Yes.

Say yes to things outside of your comfort zone.

An invitation from a friend.

A new food.

A new travel location.

A new route to drive home on. 

Say yes to something new.

An excited person is open to new opportunities. Some might turn out to be bad, but that is part of the risk.

Say yes to adventure. 

11. Be a winner.

The winner effect is: "a term used in biology to describe how an animal that has won a few fights against weak opponents is much more likely to win later bouts against stronger contenders."

When we win at life, we attract more winning into our life.

We become stronger, more confident and secure.

That vibration emanates from our core and helps us continue to conquer any and all challenges we face as we move forward in life.

Win and take notice of all the times you are winning.

Download 'Winstreak' in the iPhone app store to really cement this habit of winning. 

12. Start learning something that you find interesting. 

You. Not your friends. Not your family.

Something that interested you.

Something that YOU are naturally curious about and want to learn more.

It can be singing classes, improv, tai chi, martial arts, coding, painting, dancing. 

Anything that you are genuinely curious about.

Let your curiosity lead you on the road to more experience and knowledge in life.

13. Have beauty in your life

Beauty is a force not an object.

If you notice beauty in the external world, that means that it is within you. 

To live a life with genuine excitement, focus on creating beauty in your life.

Take time to make your room look amazing.

Fill it with art, plants and whatever sparks you with joy.

Seek beauty as you walk on the street. As you talk to others. When you work on your business.

It's a flow that must be tapped into in order to live our best life.

14. Stop hanging out with losers

People that complain, blame and have a victim mentality must be cut off from your life.

One time when I was younger, my family went mushroom picking near Massachusetts. 

We spent all day putting them into bags and enjoying nature.

Late afternoon after collecting many bags, we placed them all together in the back of the car and went to eat.

Within just a couple hours, all of the mushrooms had gone bad.

I was shocked to find out that it only takes one bad mushroom to ruin everything else.

Cut out the people in your life so that they don't ruin your entire bag. 

15. Be excited at whatever stage you are at in your journey.

Are you at rock bottom?

Doing terrible in every area of your life?

That's perfect. That's exciting because all you have to do is go upwards.

Making $100 a day online? Awesome! Now that you found winning formulas you can go and make even more. 

Whatever position you find yourself in is perfect.

The challenge or the success.

It's all perfect and exciting. 

View it this way to maximize your impact on the world. 

16. Be excited for your friends accomplishments

When your friends are winning, so are you.

Cheer them on.

Be proud of them.

Support them.

Pick them up when they fall down.

Your friends reflect on you.

Raise them as high as possible, as it only helps you in the long run.

Also - remember that you must bless what you want.

If you get angry and hate on your friends success, you are telling the Universe that you are against success.

17. Be excited about this year

This upcoming year is filled with opportunities.

Memories to be made.

Adventures. And potential.

Your destiny is written every moment. Every choice you make is altering your future.

This year is such an incredible chance to completely change your life.

To level up in every way shape and form.

To bring your dreams to reality.

Be excited for this time. Be excited for NOW!

18. Be excited about the limitless resources that our generation has access too.

We have a phone that can do anything.

We have cars.

We have the fucking internet.

There are so many opportunities to take advantage of.

You can create a business and work anywhere just off your laptop.

You can learn skills and knowledge that was never accessible throughout humankind.

You have access to health benefits that were beyond what was ever dreamt about in the past. 

Life is good. 

19. Have a clear vision of the future.

If your future is bleak and filled with sadness, I guarantee that you will not be excited about your life.

It's imperative that you create and choose a vision that inspires you to become the best version of yourself.

Read here to learn how to create a vision.

Read here to learn how to dominate your goals (2019 version).

Read here to learn how to conquer your goals (2020 version).

Imagine waking up and having a detailed picture of how you want your life to look like.

Systems in place that will allow you to reach your goals.

Knowing with certainty that your success is inevitable.

True excitement comes from this.

20. Documentaries and Biographies

This strategy is beyond powerful for raising your excitement levels.

Begin to watch documentaries and read biographies of people that you admire.

Every great person has struggled profusely. Failed numerous times and persevered despite everyone doubting them.

By reading about them you, in a sense, become them.

The mind does not know the difference between reality and the imagination.

So fill your brain with the stories and videos of the great men and women of our past.

Let their journey inspire you to attack life full steam ahead. 

21. Mediate

Meditation will calm the mind.

Ease all anxiety. 

Raise your vibration.

Slow down the speed of your monkey mind.

Decrease stress (cortisol).

Make you more mindful, moment to moment. 

With a calm and still mind you release negative emotions.

You create space for emotions such as excitement, joy and passion to naturally arise and take over the real estate of your mind.

So, now you know some of the most powerful strategies in the world to becoming more excited in your life.

Let me know in the comments which ones you will be using.



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