October 1

How To Attract Wealth: The Ultimate Guide For Entrepreneurs


Subject: How To Attract Wealth

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get from this article: 

  • What wealth actually is.
  • 20+ strategies on how to attract wealth.
  • Entrepreneurial mindsets that will boost your revenue.
  • Save you from making common $$$ costing mistakes.
  • Practical action steps to start applying immediately.
  • How to stop the worst wealth-defeating habits
  • How positive thinking alone is worthless. 
  • A kick in the behind to start making money part of your reality.

There is a way of thinking that repels wealth. 

There is a way of thinking that attracts wealth.

Which one do you have?

Before we begin, you might be tempted to instantly ignore and reject some of the following ideas.

Most people when feeling this discomfort, turn away from it.

"Resistance? Pain? Ugh. Let me continue making poor decisions instead".

You are probably not that person. I mean...most people wouldn't have clicked on an article with the title "how to attract wealth".

You did. And here we are. 

Now, let me immediately tell you that this is not an article filled with woo-woo stuff. Actually, there is none of that here. All of the following has practical elements that are immediately applicable. Also, their benefit to your business is immediately visible (simple).

Who is this for?

For entrepreneurs, mostly. However, anyone can boost their wealth and income by reading and even memorizing all of the 28 magnets you are about to learn. 

In my road to being a successful world class Entrepreneur (detailed here), I consistently study wealth, money and business. 

This led me to find the King of Marketing...Dan Kennedy.

Besides having the same name as me (cheers to both our parents), this man is an O.G.

Original Gangster of marketing and $$$.

The following 28 Wealth Magnets (the bulk of the article) are taken from Dan's book: No B.S. Wealth Attraction In The New Economy which you can find here

Dan is a consultant to thousands of self-made entrepreneurs, so he is definitely worth listening to.

What is Wealth?

Now, let's confront the gigantic topic of wealth. Starting from the top (what the hell is it?).

I always had a clue about what wealth was, but not really. 

That all changed when I found this blog. In there, he wrote a FANTASTIC (must read) article on what wealth is and how to acquire it.  You can find it here.

I strongly encourage everyone to read it, as it cleared up years of confusion within seconds. 

For those of you that don't want to, let's summarize his thoughts here. 

Ilias quotes famous venture capitalist Paul Graham:

"Money is not wealth. If you want to create wealth, it will help to understand what it is. Wealth is not the same thing as money. Wealth is as old as human history. Far older, in fact; ants have wealth. Money is a comparatively recent invention.

Wealth is the fundamental thing. Wealth is stuff we want: food, clothes, cars, gadgets, travel to interesting places, and so on. You can have wealth without having money. If you had a magic machine that could on command make you a car or cook you dinner or do your laundry, or do anything else you wanted, you wouldn't need money. Whereas if you were in the middle of Antarctica, where there is nothing to buy, it wouldn't matter how much money you had.

Wealth is what you want, not money. But if wealth is the most important thing, why does everyone talk about making money? It is a kind of shorthand: money is a way of moving wealth, and in practice they are usually interchangeable. But they are not the same thing, and unless you plan to get rich by counterfeiting, talking about money can make it harder to understand how to make money."

In short: wealth is stuff we want. Money is a way of moving wealth (a tool).

The wealthier you are is measured simply, by how long can you keep having what you want. 

How To Attract Wealth 

The 28 Wealth Magnets From Dan Kennedy

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 1: No Guilt

We want our wealth attraction power to be turned all the way up.

Guilt turns it down.

The first thing to realize is that wealth is not a zero-sum game.

This means if you gain wealth that does NOT mean someone else had to lose.

Your gaining of it has ZERO (not even 1) percent effect on someone else's loss.

Example: "I just want my fair share."

What is this? Communism?

These are dangerous words. The presupposition behind them is that wealth is limited. There are only a certain number of pieces of the pie. I just want my crumbs and I'll be happy.

The correct way to think: wealth is unlimited, there are no shares.

There is no stupid pie.

If you think that your gain is someone else's loss, you will always be poor. 

For example, if you are selling a service. Personal training at a gym. This gym is high end, and the prices are high. $1000 for 60 minutes. The previous gym you worked at was $65.

A lovely lady of 55 walks to the front desk and asks for personal training. You sulk right over and in a low (barely audible) whisper, mention the price...

"It's $1000.... for just 60 minutes," you say.

She looks at you weirdly and asks if you take credit card or if she should bring cash.

You're shocked. Why? Now listen closely. Your queasiness about the price and ASSUMING her financial situation is absolutely deadly.

Dan Kennedy: "Anytime you start to make those decisions for other people, it really reflects more about what's going on internally with you than it does with anything else."

Whatever situation (financially) someone else is, has ZERO to do with you.

You making more money, attracting more wealth doesn't affect anyone negatively.

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 2: Unequivocal Belief in Abundance

If you are surrounded by poor, it's tough to believe the amount of cash being spent in abundance.

I realized this first hand when I worked in luxury hotels. Every day I would see $100 tips, enormous bills and, absolute abundance. 

It was shocking, at first. Quickly you become used to it and realize that THIS is how the world actually is. 

When you listen to the Fear News and surround yourself with scarcity you notice the opposite. 

Dan Kennedy: "The more aware you make your mind-- conscious and subconscious--of just how much affluence there is, just how much money is moving around, the more easily you will attract wealth."

Subscribe to email lists and magazines for the wealthy. (Sign up to Robb Report) and similar websites.

Go to fancy hotels. Go to 5 star restaurants. Go to a cigar lounge. Go to a private airport. Follow the money. Surround yourself with the wealth. Go to expensive retail stores. Go to the closest luxury car dealer.

Do this consistently so the idea "money isn't tight" becomes tattooed in your brain. 

Dan Kennedy: "I am absolutely convinced that if you don't do well financially in America today, it is either due to utter ignorance of opportunity or choice. It definitely is NOT due to lack of opportunity. You need to be convinced of this, too."

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 3: Break Free of "Fairness

Just because you are 'talented' does not mean you should get paid.

Do you deserve to be rich? Yes?

Who cares. Check out these two conversations.

Person A: "Daniel, I read in this spiritual book if I just hold thoughts about money coming to me, then I will become rich."

Me: "Are you rich now?"

Person A: "Not yet, but I just need to think MORE positive and it's sure to come!"

Me: "Good luck with that."


Person B: "Daniel, I constantly hold thoughts of money coming to me, but I realize it's my responsibility to make it happen. I mean money is in the physical plane. The more actions I take the more comes to me."

Me: "Are you rich now?"

Person B: "The more actions I take the more money I make. I'm not rich yet, but I'm making more every single day."

Me: "Marry me."

In conclusion..be person B (we don't have to be married).

Whether you are a priest at a local church or the CEO of a porn company, money doesn't give a fuck.

If money had a moral conscious there would never be any rich bad people. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 4: Accepting Your Role and Responsibilities

So, you are likely an entrepreneur or on the path to becoming one.

What is your responsibility in this role?

Is it to pay taxes? Give to your community? Hire and create jobs?

Is it to make a positive impact on the consumer?

No, no, no, no.

The ONLY responsibility is this:

Dan Kennedy: "Maximum profit and wealth to his shareholders. If you're the sole shareholder, that's you. Then your responsibility is just to play fair, not lie, cheat, or steal. Integrity for the entrepreneur is optimizing sales and profits and value in the business he captains."

If your taxi cab driver drove extra slow, he would be going against the integrity of his business.

If your airplane pilot was going in circles instead of heading toward the destination, he would be going against the integrity of his business.

A fighter who didn't prepare and make weight for his upcoming bout is going against the integrity of his business.

The same goes for the entrepreneur when they do not make maximum profit and wealth for themselves and their shareholders. 

A tragedy for someone is an opportunity to make $ for you.

Would there be police without crimes?

Would there be firemen without fires?

Would there be life insurance if there was no death?

The world works how the world works.

Dan Kennedy: "So one man's tragedy is another man's opportunity. Entrepreneurship is all about opportunism."

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 5: No Fear

Like we mentioned earlier, we want our wealth power to be at full blast.

This is impossible if you have fears about money.

Dan Kennedy: "I now believe your bank balance reflects the ratio of fear vs. confidence you have about money."

Most fear lies within our own imagination.

Whether it's losing it, gaining it, how to spend it and how to make it...money fears are everywhere.

I had a friend once while I was in Boulder (super spiritual city), that was very attuned to energy.

Before heading into a grocery store he spent over 5 minutes creating an 'energetic bubble' around him to protect him from others energy. 

I once asked him "what was he protecting himself from?"

His answer shocked me. 

He told me that everyone has money fears. When he enters the supermarket (or any public place) he literally feels and senses the fear of money off of people.

It's prevalent. It's everywhere.

Head toward your fears as they will unlock even more wealth attraction to come to you.

Wealth Magnet 6: No Excuses

Why me!

Why did this event happen to me!

I didn't deserve this!

I have a rule. I don't hang out with victims. I can smell it within moments of meeting someone. 

Who wants to be around such a person? Only other victims. 

Dan Kennedy: "I want to emphasize as strongly as I can that wealth is attracted to taking responsibility, repelled by disavowing it."

If you can't handle the pressure, leave. 

For those that left, do not cry about those that stayed.

Bad things will happen to you. You will screw up. Sometimes it be events that you had no part in (and couldn't prevent).

That's fine. The only thing that matters is how you respond when it does.

Do you get to work, not give any excuses and accept responsibility? (Wealthy people)

Do you fall into a pit of self-loathing and despair? (Poor people)

Dan Kennedy: "If excuses roll willingly from a person's tongue, it's certain money does not flow easily into his pockets."

And this gem:

Dan Kennedy: "If you recall the cartoon character Popeye, you'll remember that he pumped up his strength and power when needed by gulping down a can or two of spinach. I think of that as a visual analogy; for the entrepreneur, responsibility is spinach. If you want to turn on wealth attraction power, gulp down some more."

Responsibility is your spinach.

Eat some. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 7: Speak Money

This is the 6th principle in how to be as sharp as a samurai sword

How often do you say "that's not what I meant"?

If the answer is a lot, then you have some work to do. 

When I'm coaching people during a gorilla strategy session, it's obvious.

The words we use are a window into our subconscious beliefs. 

So, how is your money talk? 1-10?

Dan Kennedy: "Consider the term: "Hard-earned dollars. You all recognize the term, don't you?...if you translate it to programming, it is: money is very hard to get. You get money only through difficult and unpleasant work."

The truth: money does not have to come at you the hard way. 

The more you say statements such as "hard-earned dollars" the more you reinforce this belief.

Let's hear what President Donald Trump has to say about it:

"Some people have written that I'm boastful, but they are missing the point. If you're devoting your life to creating a body of work and you believe in what you do, and what you do is excellent, you'd damn well better tell people you think so. Subtlety and modesty are appropriate for nuns, but if you're in business, you'd better learn to speak up and announce you're significant accomplishments to the world."

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 8: Be Somebody

Become a local celebrity. It could be you or your brand.

The higher status you are, the more you will be paid.

How do you do this?

Dan Kennedy: "You build your own celebrity status through self-aggrandizement, self-promotion, and association with celebrities. Any association."

Next, make yourself into an expert.

In the study of Mastery, it's mentioned that it only takes 1000 hours to become an amateur expert.

Honestly, it's even less than that.

One year of studying x material (anything you choose) for one hour a day will make you better than 99.9% of people in the world.

People pay big money for experts.

Dan Kennedy: "Obviously, everybody prefers working with experts. This is especially true as you climb the affluence ladder; the more affluent the customer, the more determined he is to find and conduct business with the most knowledgeable, respected and celebrated expert."

Translation: people pay big $ to work with experts.

How to be an expert? Study your field one hour a day for a year at least.

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 9: Be Somewhere

Dan Kennedy: "Wealth won't find you if you are at home slouched on-or hiding under-the couch."

You must put yourself in places where opportunity can occur.

Hint: it won't be on your couch.

We are looking at this through a wealth attraction lens. 

Your brand. Your company. 

The more places that it is seen, the more money you will attract. 


Because more people will see it and end up working with you. 

Dan Kennedy: "Be everywhere that's relevant, everywhere your ideal customer or clients are and be omnipresent in those environments."

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 10: Do Something

Opportunities way for no one.

Wealth loves decisiveness. 

Dan Kennedy: "One of the biggest erroneous ideas preventing poor people from getting rich is that the rich are somehow smarter or possess some "magic gene" that separates them from the masses in terms of aptitude or capability. Nothing can be further from the truth."

They are not some special blood.

It's not because of their DNA. 

Stop the foolishness. 

It comes down to taking action. Movement. Capitalizing on an opportunity. 

No idea has ever made $ without action.

So, now the question is... what stops people from action?

Dan Kennedy: "Poor self-image, lack of confidence, not being able to see yourself doing it. Ignorance. Laziness. Procrastination. Waiting for better timing, more resources."

Action. Action. Action.

One of my top 10 books of all time, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz mentioned this gem.

The idea of course correction.

We have our end goal, and we set out to reach it.

Feedback, mistakes, and failures occur.

In these cases, we course correct, move a little bit that way and this way until we reach the end goal.

The secret is to keep moving (action).

Dan Kennedy: "Every day, no matter what else I am doing or must do that day, even if in a full day of consulting or traveling across country or on vacation, I still do one thing - if only one thing - intended to 'prime my pump,' to create future business for myself or my companies."

Can't say it better than that.

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 11: Demonstration

Steve Jobs is known for a lot.

His magnetism, ideas, companies and vision.

One thing rarely discussed was his demonstrations.

The ones he would appear before a hungry crowd and release a secret project.

It could be the iPhone or a new computer.

People would wait all year to witness the event.

This wealth attraction magnet can be applied in numerous ways.

For example, Donald Trump.

His name is on jets, buildings, water bottles, golf courses and now the white house.

He spent decades to demonstrate that his brand was a representation of success, power and affluence.

What is your brand or company?

How can you demonstrate that it's working? What pictures can you take? What articles can you write? What products can you publicly show?

Dan Kennedy: "Every story I tell, experience I share, activity I "show off"; the look inside my life and my living of it, is demonstration. In my case, it has the added value of authenticity."

See yourself as a lifestyle brand.

If you are a personal trainer, make sure you are never seen at McDonalds.

If you are a wealth advisor, make sure to never be seen giving coupons at the grocery store.

You must be congruent and authentic in your brand and what you stand for.

This is what demonstration is all about. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 12: Follow-Up

This is connected to wealth magnet 10 (do something). 

Like we saw, most don't take any action. 

There is a small percentage that do.

In this small percentage, few follow up.

Dan Kennedy: "This requires a shift in the way you view your customers and prospects-as people to randomly sell something to, or as your most valuable assets, to build and maintain a solid fence around, to care for, coddle, develop strong relationships with, and multiply through referrals. Selling things to people makes money. Developing and owning assets create wealth. You have to decide what you're about."

If you skipped that ^ , I encourage you to read it.

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 13: Integrity

Do you do what you said you would do?

Did your company deliver on its promise?

Dan Kennedy: "The number-one complaint everybody has about the people and companies they do business with, buy from, get mad at, and stop buying from is: the vendor doesn't keep his promises."

As entrepreneur's we want to deliver value to our clients.

However, with so much going on...you can imagine how it's easy to fuck up.

When looked at through a wealth generating perspective, this is dangerous.

The #1 way customers will leave you is if your implicit or stated promises are not kept.

There is no simpler way of stating that. 

Also, it is our belief that integrity is the root of self belief. Read about that here. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 14: Ask

If you don't ask for it, you won't get it.

"Daniel...are you telling me that others cannot read your mind?"

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.

Ask and you might receive. Don't ask and you won't.

Asking is giving you a chance.

For example.

You. Reading these words right now.

I want your help.

Please leave a comment stating which wealth magnet you appreciated. Also, I want you to read other articles that tickle your nose and share your favorite piece on Facebook or Twitter.

You can go above and beyond those requirements of course. I'm cool with it.

See? I asked. Maybe one of you will do it, maybe not. But I'm giving myself a chance. 

Dan Kennedy: "I have improved my bank balance a great deal, often, with conversations I initiate, Beginning with 'You know, we should do something together'."

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 15: Domino Opportunity

There is an abundance of opportunities.

Any entrepreneur that is clear about his vision, and taking daily actions will be presented with them.

We already discussed how money loves movement and action.

Now, it's time to blow that it with a domino opportunity.

Dan Kennedy: "So it's all about small things multiplied, as is most marketing and promotion. So one article dominoed into 5 or 8 or 20 is a small thing multiplied equaling a big thing."

Next time you are presented with an opportunity, maximize it from all directions to make sure that not a drop of it is wasted.

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 16: Passion

The self helpy community constantly is throwing out bullshit products and sayings.

"Do what you love and get paid!"

What if I love pizza, watching TV and looking at porn all day long?

Will I get paid?

Dan Kennedy: "The idea that you can do what you like, or feel most passionately about and be assured of attracting wealth is silly and childish. Appealing, certainly. But silly and childish."

Business is not driven by passion. It is driven by the market.

Problems that need to be solved.

It is your responsibility as an entrepreneur to bring a superior answer. 

Dan Kennedy: "The business arrangement would be: market, market demand, purpose, passion, money. Identify a viable, preferably under-served market, determine market demand (what it wants most and will pay for), then align your purpose, and do something for the market that you can feel passionately about."


How To Attract Wealth Magnet 17: See What Isn't There

As an entrepreneur you must practice your vision to see what isn't there. 

Dan Kennedy: "How can you keep your thoughts about your own opportunities flexible, agile, outside rather than inside the box?"

Learn other businesses in different sectors. Learn from different fields. New ideas. Others success and failure stories. Masterminds. Coaching.

As you become a world class entrepreneur, you must learn from everyone and everything rather than only your field. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 18: No Boundaries

Dan Kennedy: "There are no geographic boundaries for wealth attraction. And most businesses can and should be enlarged and expanded to national or international scope."

When you go beyond your city, your state, your country you immediately boost your ability to generate wealth.

Wealth and money have no boundaries. Neither should you or your company. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 19: Clarity

How much money do you expect to make this week? This month? This year?

Are you just grateful for all the pennies that come your way?

This is what wealth magnet 19 talks about.

Dan Kennedy: "Most are playing blind archery. Few have clear, definite expectations. This grievous negligence, as expectations have a great deal to do with results."

It comes down to a decision. 

Decide how much money you will receive.

Dan Kennedy: "If you board an airplane and ask the pilot 'where are we going today? When are scheduled to get there?' and he's not sure, exit immediately!"

As entrepreneurs clarity is essential.

Clarity on what we want, don't want, income expected, and projected net worth.

There is no "let me cross my fingers and HOPE this happens".

It's addressing the cold hard data. (everyday).

Wealth Magnet 20: Independence

Dan Kennedy: "The less you need income, the more opportunities present themselves, the more eager people are to do business with you and pay you money, the more easily wealth is attracted."

The goal is independence. It's the reason you want money and wealth in the first place.

The position of not needing any more income, and being able to do what you want, when you want to and with WHO you want as well.

Dan Kennedy: "The pursuit of autonomy best attracts wealth, which facilitates autonomy".

They work hand in hand. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 21: Think Value, Not Time

Poor people think in time.

"I've worked here for X amount of years."

Rather then, look at the value I have delivered and see the ways I have increased my personal reputation and offerings. 

Dan Kennedy: "Wealth is a reflection of actual value to the world. If you want to attract more wealth, you make yourself more valuable. Your value does not increase just because you hang around for years."

You can have whatever you want by creating the direct proportionate creation of value. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 22: Think Equity, Not Income

Most entrepreneurs think about how to create more sales, get more customers and make more money.

While all this is fine and dandy, it's missing a gigantic portion. Listen, this is important.

Dan Kennedy: "Income is temporary and perishable. Value and equity can be built to last."

The correct amount of focus should be 50% on equity and value and the rest on sales, customers and income.

Dan explains to think about it this way.

We have a present bank account and a future bank account.

Income is the present.

Let's say you are paid $10k to give a speech.

You go, deliver the speech, check your bank account "woohooo 10k richer."

That's present income.

The future bank account (equity) is all the customers that will listen to your speech and become long term followers of your work.

Dan Kennedy: "To the degree that the future bank value of whatever you do today matches or exceeds the present bank value, you set in motion wealth creation forces that will soon deliver a massive harvest."

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 23: Marketing Prowess

The secret that entrepreneurs that attract great wealth all have.

Dan Kennedy: "They are unabashed, unashamed, irrepressible promoters, salespeople who know how to sell and do so day in and day out, and understand and usually keep their hands on their firms marketing. They are, first and foremost, marketers."

Become a relentless promoter.

Learn to have customers, and get your brand out there.

These are skill-sets that will always guarantee that wealth will come to you.

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 24: Behavioral Congruency

Dan Kennedy: "It's less about how they think than about what they do."

So, you can think all the positive thoughts that you want.

Change your attitude, etc.

The most important thing is your behavior.

The second step, which makes this wealth magnet different is congruent behavior. 

Dan Kennedy: "Congruent with the behavior of people already achieving the goals you want to achieve, already living the kind of life you want to live."

Most people are clearly lying to themselves.

Are you?

If you have a goal, and are behaving in ways that incongruent, you are committing treason.

Absolute treason. Be ruthless with yourself.

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 25: Act Wealthy to Attract Wealth

Dan recommends doing this experiment for 90 days.

Don't believe it. Question it. Remain dubious at best.

But, give it a go. 

This is not an "act as if" that you hear in the law of attraction community. 

There are two parts to this. One will not work without the other.

Part 1: Saving

Dan Kennedy: "Systematic, disciplined saving. This is important because wealth is not about income. Most people focus only on increasing income. But the wealthy are just as concerned or more concerned with increasing equity."

Challenge: create a new bank account and name it your 'wealth account'.

Divert 1-10% of your income into this account. 

Do not touch it no matter what. 

Make these deposits even if you receive only one dollar. (This is for the subconscious mind).

Part 2: Giving

You won't want to do this. It's illogical.

Dan Kennedy: "This is important because all wealthy people give. Giving has an incredible effect on your psyche. So, immediately open another separate bank account and call it your giving account."

The giving account is for charities, your church/temple or just over tipping hard-working people.

So you will have two new accounts.

A giving account and a wealth account.

Both with a pre-determined percentage 1%-10%. 

Both you do not touch.

These are two universal habits of wealthy entrepreneurs. 


How To Attract Wealth Magnet 26: Energy From People

Two types of people will turn down your wealth magnet.

Incompetent (lazy) people, time and mental energy vampires.

Dan Kennedy: "They must all go. The minute you detect their toxic odor, take action to get them out of your business, out of your life, to distance yourself from them. You need to develop a zero tolerance policy about all these people and be decisive, even ruthless in enforcing it."

One of Dan's rules is easy to remember:

"If I wake up three mornings thinking about you, and I'm not having sex with you, you've got to."

No person is a neutral. They either drain or contribute power to you. 

Black or white.

Ally or Enemy. 

The goal: to create a planet surrounding you.

You create the laws of the land. You enforce everything and decide who stays and who goes. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 27: Courage

Fortune favors the bold.

Dan Kennedy: "You have to put yourself out there. I'm not talking about unbridled financial risk, this is about your ego, self-esteem, reputation, relationships, dealing with the ever-present "what will he/she/they think of me?"

Wealth does not reward wimps.

Courage helps wealth attraction no matter which perspective you take. 

How To Attract Wealth Magnet 28: Pace

Dan Kennedy: "There is, for example, a rhythm to successful deal-making. You need a certain level of speed and momentum from start to finish. Not reckless or desperate speed, but a pace that builds on itself and creates enthusiasm for getting the deal done and moving onto implementations."

Think about ideas, deals, business as something that is alive.

If the pace stops due to overthinking and hashing out the details, it dies. 

This doesn't mean you run around like a chicken. Still be in control and decisive in all manners.

Either you got pace or you don't. Look inside, and keep your finger on the pulse. 

There is a pulse, an energy to sales, deals and money making. Find the rhythm and ride the wave.

How To Attract Wealth Conclusion

Re-read this daily.

Memorize them.

Apply them to your business and life.

Choose one a week and make it your supreme focus.

Teach it to someone else.

Do something.

It was my sincerest intention to create this to help you become wealthier. I wish you the absolute best on this entrepreneurial journey.

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The Ultimate Guide on How To Attract Wealth


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