October 1

Life Cheat Code #2: How To Use Powerful Affirmations (On Steroids)


Subject: Powerful affirmations

Location: Miami, Florida

Listen up.

Before you continue, allow me to stress the importance. This stuff is powerful.

The following information you are about to learn works. It works so well, that it’s almost freaky.

Look at the just a few of the people that agree with me:

  • “We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.” – Buddha
  • “Our life is what our thoughts make it.” - Marcus Aurelius
  • “The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.” – Confucius
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    “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale
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    “We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.” – Swami Vivekananda
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    “Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.” – Benjamin Disraeli

Not the worst list of people. Right?

Look man. The average person has over thousands of thoughts a day.

99% of those thoughts were the same as yesterday, and the day before and the day before.

If you are thinking anxiety, doubt, fearful thoughts...guess what you will be thinking tomorrow? 

Think about it this way.

You got two buckets.

One bucket has muddy water, the other clean water.

You take a tablespoon of the muddy water and place it into the sink.

Then you take a tablespoon of the clear water and place it into the muddy water.

From the outside it looks like nothing is happening. The muddy water is still muddy.

However (we know) it got a tiny bit clearer.

Now imagine doing this tablespoon by tablespoon.

Eventually this muddy water will become clearer and clearer.

This is the easy process of powerful affirmations. We are our thoughts.

Most of these thoughts and (this is not your fault) came from your environment.

Papa. Mama. TV. Friends. Family friends. Authority figures. Coworkers.

We just picked it up like a magnet and never questioned them.

Now it’s time to change it. It’s TIME to be the VIP bouncer to our mind. We only let the GREATEST thoughts come inside.

How Can You Do this?

1) It will require creating new habit thought patterns.

2) It will require mental energy.

3)  It will require commitment.

That’s it!

"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them." —Michael Jordan

In order to achieve your vision, you must think the correct thoughts.

Become more confident? Easy.

Have more money? Easy.

Have a beautiful relationship and partner? Easy....

Anything. I’m not selling you some bullshit. This has worked for me time and time again. I'm driving somewhere and my thoughts are always pumping me up. "You got this", "You are amazing" "I believe in you".

Can you imagine how great it would feel to have your thoughts being your personal cheerleader?

Now, let’s learn how to implement affirmations the CORRECT way.



  • Present tense.
  • Use your own language (must mean something to you).
  • Be easily repeated and to the point.
  • A tiny bit realistic.

Okay let’s break this down.


Don’t say things like “I will be...” or “I will feel...”

It’s present tense. I am... I feel...

We are creating a new reality for you right NOW not something to happen in the future. We are changing this very moment, right now.

So don’t say “I will be confident” say “I am confident”.


These affirmations are for you and you alone. Don’t use language that doesn’t mean anything for you.

For example, I wouldn’t say, “I’m an incredible lad!” because I’m not British and that doesn’t make sense for me.

I would say, “I’m an incredible man”.

So make sure your affirmation is for YOU, in your own language.

I will give examples, so use them as a reference and switch what is needed.


We don’t want a 4-sentence affirmation. It’s hard to repeat it.

Your affirmations should flow and be easy to repeat. Think of it as if you were bouncing a basketball. Thought. Thought. Thought. Thought.

It should kind of roll off the tongue. Be easy to repeat a billion times.

An affirmation should not be a tongue twister.


Okay this is tough to explain so bear with me.

If you are making $10 an hour right now, saying you are a billionaire is probably not the best affirmation for you.

You want to choose a goal and then 10x it. It should be just enough realistic but still outside of your comfort zone.

Okay, so you got it?

A tiny bit realistic, easily repeated, your own language and in present tense.

Now, how do you choose an affirmation?

We will use confidence as an example in the following. 


There are two affirmations that I teach all my clients.

I call them the ‘Foundation’ for a great life.

‘I am enough’ and ‘I love myself’.

I choose 1-3 affirmations to run through on any given day, however one of these is always in my brain.

I am enough and I love myself.

They increase your self-love and eradicate all neediness and low self esteem.

Choose one or both of these to add into your life. This will stay here for a long time.

Now let’s choose your own.

Let’s say you want confidence?

Ex. of some basic affirmation:

“I am so delusionally confident.” (people will tell you this one is bad).

“I walk through life with supreme confidence.” (you can change supreme to a word that is more your own).

“I feel so fucking confident right now.” (fucking has a lot of emotion attached to it, thus amplifying the affirmation).


See, when we talk in person we aren’t yelling.

However the secret to making affirmations really work, is to put emotion behind it.

The way to do that is to yell it inside of your mind.

Imagine being on top of a mountain yelling ‘I am so fucking confident!!’.

The next layer is to make sure we say it with certainty.

To get into the certainty tonality, pick out common facts and practice.

For example: I’m wearing a white dress shirt. I’m typing these words now. I am drinking coffee. I am extremely confident.

See how, everything I said before the affirmation is happening. I’m certain about it. There is no debating it. Then I slide my affirmation right in there and it sounds completely true.

Practice this right now. Look around you and start stating absolute facts. "There is a wattle bottle next to me." "I am sitting in a chair". "I am staring at my computer." "(insert your affirmation and use the same certain tonality)."

In review, we have a foundation affirmation (I love myself/I am enough), a process for you to create it and now you know HOW to say it (guarantee to work method).

Now let’s add some FIRE power to this affirmation process.


Listen. This stuff you are about to learn is not taught by the self helpers (so make sure to use it).

Here are some ‘affirmation steroids’ that I personally use daily.

These have helped me change my self-image and achieve my goals (time and time again).

1. Right now

Adding these two words at the end of an affirmation is truly powerful. It brings you to the present and commands the Universe to recognize this truth.

"I am extremely confident right now".

Right now.

Add it to your affirmations to really explode your emotional states.

2. Because

Oooooh baby! This one is so money. Our mind LOVES BECAUSE! And the secret is, that what comes AFTER the ‘because’ doesn’t matter.

So for example, "I am extremely confident because I love myself."

That doesn’t make sense, but the mind doesn’t care. All it wants is some evidence.

The mind is looking for EVIDENCE! Give it some evidence!

3. Avalanche

Using descriptive and visual words really is a steroid for your mind. See, your mind only understands words and pictures. When you combine this and create powerful imagery... you are in for a treat.

Example: I feel a flood/avalanche/tornado of confidence pouring through me because I love myself right now.

Oh come on man! See how awesome this is?

4. Use your name

It really directs your focus on doing this self-image work.
Let me show you an example:

I Daniel, feel a tornado of confidence pulsing through me because I love myself right now.

5. Type of guy

This is another way to really zone in on the deep identity work we talked about.

I’m just the type of guy/girl that....

This is great to do AFTER you take some sort of action. For instance, going to the gym. For months after I left the gym I would say to myself “I’m just the type of guy that goes to the gym.”

I transformed my identity. Eight months later, I haven’t stopped working out and I truly love going to the gym.

6. The descriptive word

Instead of ‘I’m so confident’ say “I’m so ABSOLUTELY confident’. Adds a huge PUNCH.

Add a little spice to your affirmation instead of going the generic route.

Use these powerful affirmations secrets starting right now!


I Daniel, am just the type of guy that for some reason always has an avalanche of confidence rushing over me because I truly love myself right now.

Wow. That’s powerful.

You can use these ALL or just a couple of these affirmation steroids.

Choose one-two per week and run through them.


I’m not exaggerating when I tell you this.

I want you to say these powerful affirmations 1 billion times.

Say it so MUCH; every minute of every day you are saying it hundreds of times.

The more clear water you put into your muddy water, the better your life is.

Enjoy your transformation.



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