Subject: Developing physical power
Location: Miami, Florida
To heal the body, go to the mind. To heal the mind, go to the body.
We are human animals. A spirit living in this human form.
Yet, look around my friend. Look around. Look at yourself.
- Frail?
- Are you physically weak?
- Is your body leaking life force?
- Do you look alive?
- Do you look healthy?
All of this is physical power.
This does not mean you must become a body builder. Nor a marathon runner. Or a yoga instructor.
It just means becoming physically able.
Remember the definition from part 1? Power means 'to be able'.
Without an able body, we missing out on an immense energy source.
It's time to change this. If you want to make your vision into reality. Having a strong physical presence and connection is crucial, if not, mandatory.
There is a reason people say 'health is wealth'. Look dude, imagine being in the hospital. Actually, have you been in the hospital? It fucking sucks. When you are on a hospital bed, do you think about your goals? What you want to create? Absolutely fucking not.
You don't have the mental energy to do anything besides fight your disease.
When was the last time you got sick?
No matter how many colds we have gotten in our life, the only time we realize how awesome being healthy is once you start blowing your nose into a tissue.
You only realize how important physical power is once you lose it.
This article will provide an outlook on how to develop your physical power.

Developing Physical Power: Strengthening the Body
Working out.
Lifting weights.
What does it mean and why do it?
While I am a true believer in strength training, there are many paths to the mountain top.
You must keep your body strong. Your body must be able to combat with life.
Here are some minimum requirements:
- Be able to run 2 miles without stopping.
- Be able to do 30 pushups in a row.
- Be able to do 50 squats in a row.
- Be able to do 5 pull ups in perfect form, in a row.
- Be able to do 50 sit-ups in a row.
- Be able to hold a plank position for 1 minute without stopping.
- Be able to swim for 20 minutes without stopping.
- Be able to walk for 2 hours straight.
- Be able to not drink or eat for 1 day.
- Be able to take someone down via wrestling, jiu jitsu or judo.
- Be able to shadow box with decent form for 5 minutes.
There are other factors such as age, physical condition that would increase or decrease.
However, use this as a measuring stick.
How physically able are you to complete all of these? If you can complete these, write a comment telling us how being that physically powerful has helped your life.
Developing Physical Power:
The Intangibles
When you begin working out and being active, you realize another benefit.
The main benefit in my opinion.
There is no shortcut to having a fantastic, healthy body.
It requires time, consistency and discipline.
It requires saying no to certain foods, going to the gym when you don't want to and changing your self-image.
Working on your physical power develops three important success principles
- Discipline. Yeah, you can work out today and never again. Good for you, but will that change anything? No. To truly develop physical power it requires going to the gym or your dojo day in and day out. Discipline is a necessary skill to achieve anything of magnitude in life. Working out teaches you that.
- Facing Resistance and testing your limits. You will NOT want to work out. You will face weights and obstacles that your mind tells you that you can't overcome. Working out forces you to face the Enemy and say FUCK YOU on a day-to-day basis.
- Middle finger to the shortcuts. No steroids or anything. To get in impeccable physique it requires time. There are no shortcuts. That means when you accomplish your goal, it will feel meaningful.
- Persistence. There will be a time where you see zero results. It might seem like all that sweating is not going anywhere? Persevere. Continue moving forward. This is a valuable skill for success and power in life.
- Willpower. Goes hand in hand with discipline. Can you control your mind and manifest your will?
- Commitment. The least talked about force in the world. When one is truly committed, the ocean parts as if you were Moses. When you choose to be ALL IN, you gain access to a special energy that changes the game.
There is an immense power that happens when you tire your body out. When you push yourself further than you thought you could.
When you bypass these mental barriers. Look back, and realize it was all in my head in the first place.
When you can't do any more pushups and you breakthrough and do 5 more. When you can't run anymore and you continue for another mile.
That is power. Showing your mind who the fuck is in charge. Developing your Warrior. Your killer.
Developing Physical Power:
The Life Force
The Enemy uses fatigue to crush your soul force.
The cost of not having energy is the death of your potential.
Everything seems impossible and challenging when you are not tapped into your life force or energy.
You won't meet the people you need to. You won't work on your business. You won't set goals. You won't take time to learn.
Without energy, you lose who you fundamentally are.
What you value. Your identity.
"To have a strong identity you have to fend off these Part X attacks. That takes energy. If your energy is low you lose your identity - you float through life without direction or conviction" - Phil Stutz & Barry Michels
In order to achieve any type of success, you must engage with the world. Without access to your life force, you lose that ability.
Physical vs. Spiritual Energy
"You can run out of physical energy - that's what exhaustion is. But spiritual energy is limitless - available even when you are physically depleted." - Phil Stutz & Barry Michels
Phil & Barry introduce a tool in their book, Coming Alive. Called 'The Vortex''. Use this visualization throughout your day to increase your spiritual energy.
Cues to Use The Vortex
- When you're stuck and there's no gas left in your tank. You may recognize this because you feel paralyzed, unable to concentrate, or overwhelmed—any time you're unable to move forward in life.
- Life is full of small demands and requires that we transition from one thing to the next many times in a day. The Vortex can give you the energy to make these transitions in a way that doesn't leave you depleted at the end of the day.
The Tool in Brief
The Vortex combines two age-old symbols in a new way: the Sun (a source of endless energy) and the number twelve (traditionally the number of completeness).
- Visualize Twelve Suns: See them in a circle lined up directly over your head. Summon the Vortex by silently screaming the word “help” at the circle of suns with focused intensity. This will set the entire circle of suns spinning, creating a gentle tornado-shaped vortex.
- Rise: Relax and allow your body to become one with the vortex. Feel the pull of the vortex as it lifts you up through the circle of suns.
- Grow: Once you’re through the circle, feel yourself grow into a giant with unlimited energy, moving slowly but deliberately through the world without any resistance.
Did you try it out?
This tool will allow you to tap into an energy source that you were not even aware of. It works. Trust me.
Developing Physical Power:
Physical & Spiritual Force
You now have access to a spiritual energy through the Vortex. You understand the importance of working on your physical body and the intangible mindset elements you gain through the process.
The physical and the spiritual force that allows you to have maximum physical power.
The goal is to engage with life, fully.
- Engage with your career, business, entrepreneurial ventures.
- Engage with your inner Enemy, and defeat it every day no matter what.
- Engage with your relationships, improve them and start new mutually benefiting ones.
- Engage with your fun, play, love, live a glorious life.
- Engage with your physical body and improve your health.
Engage life fully. Become powerful in life.
Have the ability to go after what you desire, and achieve your goals.
This ain't a game. We both have work to do. Now, let's go out and get it.
If you enjoyed this, take 12 seconds and leave a comment telling me your top insight.
Also read the previous two parts:
Part 1: What is Power?
Part 2: Developing your Super Powers.
Hey man, I’ve never really been into blogs before this, but your content is real helpful to me. Found you from a quora comment and was curious to start. Now I can’t wait for more content. Keep going!
Mio, welcome to our community. I appreciate you reading and commenting, a lot of new content coming, so stay tuned!
My top insight from this article is when you talk about being consistent when working out your body. Going the extra mile when you can’t anymore. Working out on days you don’t want to.
What an absolutely game-changing insight. Thank you for reading Ebonee!