March 14

How To Thrive In Chaos (CoronaVirus)

Subject: How to thrive in chaos (CoronaVirus edition)

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: Throughout history we have experienced World Wars, plagues, political turmoil, economic depressions. Times where everything becomes chaotic. In this article we focus how to thrive despite the chaos, especially with Corona Virus spreading quickly. 

Our inner Enemy is running around in absolute glee.

A world wide disease that will spread fear into everyones mind?

The Devil could not be happier.

If you haven't noticed, there is a world wide pandemic going around called Covid-19 or Coronavirus (writing this March 14th, 2020).

Who knows the future implications it might cause, but countries have completely shut down in preparation for this. 

The news is attacking our minds, filling everyone with fear.

Fear forces our mind to enter a state of flight or fight.

From this state we lack the ability to make wise decisions.

The lack of wise decisions will force us to sink deeper and deeper into a hole of demoralization and desperation.

The perfect cocktail for our inner Enemy.

You might think that this disease is bullshit, or it's the end of the world.

But what we can both agree on is that Covid-19 is making the world more chaotic.

With chaos comes opportunities to those that are ready. 

I want you to be one the few that make this a time of great fortune and prosperity for yourself and your family. 

1. Fear

Go to your local supermarket. Look around.

Stare into people's eyes. You might notice a deep sense of fear.

Everyone is scared. Rational people have returned into their baser selves. Thinking purely of survival. To understand why this is happening you must understand that fundamentally, we are a social animal.

Society, culture and others shift our behavior, physiology and thoughts.

It's impossible to resist this.

Now, knowing this. We also understand that 99% of the people just follow each other. Most people are average and just do what they are told to do. 

In order to thrive in a time of chaos you must stay vigilant in protecting your mind. Spend time alone. Stay away from the fear based news. Make your own decisions. 

Everyone is thinking of surviving in this time.

You think about thriving.

Be a human not an animal.

2. Problems are opportunities

This is what business is all about. 

Entrepreneurship has been described as 'professional problem solving'.

Today, due to this virus, we have a huge opportunity.

Many industries will change.

Culture will change.

Business will change.

Once you get out of the media and inner Enemy influenced 'fear state' it is time to look for opportunities.

Every problem = an opportunity. This is how someone who thrives, thinks. 

One main example is working remotely.

Many companies will have to downsize their staff. Fire large portions of people.

How will these people make money?

How will they survive?

Many of my friends work in hospitality here in Miami. What will happen to them in the next couple of weeks? When there is no guests coming to their hotels. No people heading to restaurants?

It's a problem. 

Which presents an opportunity for those that are ready.

In this case, I will be providing massive value, articles, videos on how to start an online business/brand and begin working for yourself.

I'm using my skills to solve others problems.

That is how money is made. That is how you thrive in a time of chaos.

You solve problems for others. You give value.

Begin thinking like this. Begin noticing when people complain. Every complaint is an opportunity for you to capitalize on.

3. How to thrive in chaos (external)

There are certain actions you must take in order to thrive in these times.

The social animal + inner Enemy part of you will stop at nothing until it fills you with fear. Forcing you back to your animal self.

In order to prevent this, follow these guidelines:

3a) Create order at home.

Order is the opposite of chaos.

Wherever you live, make it a priority to keep it clean and beautiful.

  • Make your bed.
  • Wash all your clothes.
  • Organize your bookshelves.
  • Wash all your dishes.
  • Throw out any extra garbage.

Your apartment/house/room must look like a team of the worlds best housekeepers organized it.

This will allow your mind to relax and not enter a state of chaos. 

3b) Keep your body clean.

  • Cut your nails.
  • Trim your beard.
  • Get a haircut.
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Deep scrub your body with a loofa.

When you look good, you feel good.

There is a clear connection to how someone appears and their mental state.

Dirty fingernails = mind in chaos.

3c) Have reserves

Buy tuna, rice, frozen foods, extra water, toilet paper.

Purchase the essentials.

It will calm the primal part of your mind that fills you with anxiety.

Having all these reserves will remind you that there is abundance everywhere in the world.

3d) Evergreen habits

In order to stay rational and wise, you must continue dominating your evergreen habits.

The actions that improve every area of your life.

  • Meditation.
  • Gratitude journaling.
  • Reading.
  • Talking to love ones.
  • Sweating every day.
  • Cold Showers.

Make your 'feel good' list. The actions that IF you take, you feel good all day long. Doing this consistently makes it impossible to feel bad. 

The workouts and all of this can be done at home.

Remember. The world will attempt to fill you with fear. Your mind to enter a state of chaos.

Your duty is to stay calm and powerful.

Make your list. Do it daily. 

3e) Avoid list

Create a list of what to avoid.

I would recommend to limit all consumption of news.

CNN/ Fox News / Twitter.

Avoid all of the hysteria and spend 30 minutes daily listening only to qualified doctors and opinions. 

4. How to thrive in chaos (internal)

For the internal we will focus on the mindset.

These are some key elements to a 'thriving' mindset.

4a) Golden rule

The golden rule of mindset is:

Whatever happens in your life is happening for your benefit.

This virus is for your benefit.

The changes that are happening around you, is for your benefit.

Events happen in your life. We decide the meaning of them.

Applying this mindset to everything allows you to dramatically change reality.

This is how a powerful man thinks.

We don't complain. We don't blame. We don't give our power away.

Something happens. We decide it's for our benefit. It benefits us.

Apply this to your life starting today. 

4b) Raise your vibration 

Raise your vibration by gratitude journaling.

Spending time with yourself.

Speaking with loved ones.

Doing meaningful work.

The entire world right now is attempting to lower your vibration. If you decide to thrive in chaos, then you must do the direct opposite. 

Listening to powerful subliminal's can help this process.

4c) Stillness


Sitting still without moving can be one of the most challenging tasks for people.

Sit still. Close your eyes. Focus on your body. Your breath. The noise around you.

If you do this 20 minutes or longer, you will slow your internal world.

This is CRUCIAL to staying out of a 'fear response'. 

You must be good mentally in order to take advantage of these times. 

4d) Be a leader

Most people are not committed to becoming the most powerful version of themselves.

It's up to you to lead. Lead from the front.

Be strong for your friends. Be strong for your family. Do your daily habits. Do everything possible so that you may be a beacon of light for others.

Most people are just attempting to get by. You on the other hand being the example.

Be that person.

4e) Spend time thinking worst case

Spend time journaling worst case scenarios.

Let's say you get sick.

You become bankrupt.

Think and write how you would respond.

When it's all said in done, when the worst case scenario happens. You will be okay.

This will force your brain to stay rational instead of primitive.

You are telling your subconscious mind that even if THIS DISASTER happens, I'll be fine. 

That is extremely powerful.

4f) Falling down and standing up

This mindset is simple.

No matter how many times you fall, you will stand up again.

This Coronavirus. Or the next problem that happens in your life.

It's guaranteed that some event will be sent into your life that will force you to fall. 

Decide and commit with your heart and soul.

No matter what happens, you will stand up again. 

5. Conclusion

Change is coming.

Follow this list so that you can thrive in this time of chaos while others suffer.

Be the example. Be the leader.

I will leave you with one key point. 

It's not the strongest that survive.

It's the ones most willing to adapt.

Adapt to whatever changes come immediately and you will thrive in chaos.

Thank you for reading.

I wish you health, happiness and prosperity.



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