March 18

How To Be Powerful | Master Your Mind Part 4/10


Subject: Master your mind

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: Learn how to speak to your mind in order to program it for maximum effectiveness in relation to your goals. 

Here are the links to the last three articles in this series on developing your power.

“When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything.” 

-Swami Satchidananda

The mind is the battleground of your life.

The space between your two ears is the most important terrain in the world. 

Your future is decided moment by moment whether you are aware of it or not. 

As we discussed here, you have access to four incredible powers.

  1. The super power of thought
  2. The super power of words
  3. The super power of feelings
  4. The super power of action

Your day by day conscious or unconscious decisions to use them are reflected directly into your experience.

As James Allen so eloquently said:

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."

Your status quo. If we were to look at every area of your life and dissect it.


Do you look like a pear or a greek god?


Do you feel safe and connected to forces greater than you?


Do you feel your career and business opportunities reflect your greatest self?


Are you broke with zero savings or have investments and multiple income streams?


Do you have zero romantic interests or are flooded with social opportunity?

On a scale of 1-10 in each one, and you cannot use 7. What would your total score be?

The goal of this exercise is not for you to feel bad. The goal is to take responsibility and be aware of where you are at now.

Imagine using a GPS while driving. What does the GPS do first? It finds your current location. Without the current location how the fuck can it get you to your destination?

We must look at our life objectively. Find out our current location, because that is the only way to reach our goals and destination.

The common factor between these six categories: Your mind. 

Your mind is everything. Your mind has more power than you could ever imagine.

Declare war within was started because of this thought. Your mind is a daily war zone for the rest of your life. Our inner Enemy will stop at nothing to destroy your potential. We must remain vigilant in our efforts to stop and transmute its attacks moment by moment. 

You must master your mind in order to become truly successful. Now let's begin this wisdom filled article on how to do exactly that.

1. How to Speak to Your Mind

There are laws that govern the mind. An awareness and understanding of these will grant you access to freedom and power.  

a) Your mind learns by repetition

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”  - Earl Nightingale

To reach your subconscious mind, information must be repeated.

Let's say you want to program a new thought into your mind. For example, "I'm an extremely disciplined person".

If you say it one time, nothing changes.

If you say this 20 times a day for 30 days. There are some changes.

If you say this 100 times a day for 6 months. Serious changes occur.

If you say this 100 times a day with emotion. Your entire life will change completely. 

In order to master your mind, you must master positive repetition. 

Unless you consciously take charge and decide what information is repeated inside your brain, the external world will. 

Begin brainstorming the type of life you desire. Repeat these images inside your mind consistently. Notice all the small changes that begin to happen. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

If you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that if you repeated certain words and images in your mind they would appear in your life. Would you take this information more seriously?

b) Your mind does what it thinks you want it to do

Your subconscious mind is the soldier not the general.

It is following your orders.

You just haven't been communicating clearly.

You have been sending it mixed messages your entire life. You say you want to be a millionaire but you are stuck thinking broke thoughts.

Your mind will DO what it THINKS you want it to do. This means you must be crystal clear with your instructions. Your commands. Your statements. 

The mind will be your greatest ally if you tell it what you want.

c) Anything you haven't got, your mind thinks its for your benefit

This is how the mind works.

Let's say you want to become filthy rich. But right now you're broke. 

There can be numerous reasons, such as limiting beliefs, but at the end of the day. You haven't become rich because your mind thinks you don't want to be.

It could be from a childhood memory. Where you associated pain with wealth. 
Who knows. 

But, it's crucial for you to look at every area of your life. Where are you not achieving at a high level? Now you know the reason. 

It's because your mind thinks that you don't want it. It's unfamiliar. It's painful. 

Change the relationship (within your mind) and watch your reality transform. 

d) Your mind avoids pain 

It is natural for the human brain to avoid pain. Avoid discomfort. 

I'm not talking about physical pain. 

It's the mental pain that is the real killer. The resistance.

Imagine something you are avoiding to do?

It could be emailing someone back. Returning a phone call. Going to the DMV to renew your license. Finishing a gigantic essay for school. 

That is the pain I'm talking about.

So, the mind avoids this at all costs.

Yet, it doesn't automatically know what is painful.

It doesn't intuitively look at Facebook as fun and doing work as painful.

It only knows what is painful because of what you tell it. 

So to become extremely powerful and master your mind. You must change your associations with activities.

You 'GET' to go to the gym.

You 'GET' to work on your business.

'You 'GET' to (insert activity you used to hate).

Instruct your mind. Command your mind to feel joy instead of pain and it will.

e) Words and pictures are the language of the mind

"I found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction. And sometimes it can be that simple, just a little twist in vocabulary that illustrates your attitude and philosophy."

- Jim Rohn

The only way the mind communicates is through words and pictures.

If I place a butterfly on your hand, you might think it's cute.

If I place a moth on your hand, you might run away in terror.

This is why it's crucial that you become aware of the words you say in conversation.

When you're at work and say "It kills me to do X activity", just imagine the programming you are doing to yourself. 

In order to master your mind, you must eradicate all 'negative' language from your vocabulary. Become hyper aware of the words you use, as pictures+words are how you reach your mind. 

f) Your mind loves powerful language

The first step (e) is to become aware of the words and the pictures you let into your mind.

The next step is to substitute words with more empowering language. 

Begin saying something like:

  • "This excites me"
  • "This is amazing"
  • "This is outstanding"
  • "This is incredible"
  • "This thrills me"
  • "I choose this"

Life doesn't have to be an uphill battle.

You can convince your mind that meditating, working out, reading, working as an entrepreneur are amazing and fun activities.

Use powerful exciting language in your self talk.

Example: "I choose to write articles every day. I choose to feel amazing about it."

Do this consistently (with emotion) and watch what happens. 

g) Feed the subconscious

Your duty as someone who is on the path to becoming as powerful as possible, is to constantly feed your subconscious.

Feed it positive, nurturing, mind vitamins that will move it closer to your goals.

See yourself as an athlete on a mission to win gold.

Be your own coach. Cheerleader. Parent. Mentor.

Be THAT for yourself.

Stop looking for others to give you permission.

Feed your subconscious what you most crave.

You are the car AND the gas.  Master your mind and provide yourself what you most need. 

h) Master the perspective game

"What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds."

- Wayne Dyer

You must learn how to get out of your own way.

We call this playing the perspective game

The closer you are to a problem, the less resourceful you become. In these moments you must choose to see your 'problem' from another angle.

In our mind we have access to an infinite amount of perspectives. That's why we play the game and choose one that allows us to conquer the obstacle in the best way.

One easy example to get access to your minds power:

  1. Imagine that your current problem is someone else's. It could be whatever you are dealing with right now.
  2. Now imagine they came to you and asked for advice.
  3. What would you tell them to do?
  4. Now do it.

If you asked yourself any of the above questions, you have received some type of answer. Now, take action on that advice. Fix your own problems.

I) The doctor inside

One of the greatest powers of the mind is the subconscious.

By now you are aware that we all have access to infinite amounts of power within us.

Think about it this way. Your mind is a doctor inside of you, with access to limitless prescriptions for any type of problem you might be experiencing. 

Develop your relationship with this doctor and continue to live a magnificent, meaningful life. 

J) Thoughts are things

“As you think, so shall you become.”

-Bruce Lee

I don't mean to sound woo-woo at all. Please don't write this off. But it has to be said. My entire life's results I can attribute to using affirmations and changing my self-image.

Thoughts are things. Here is an experiment:

Imagine you were holding a lemon in your hand.

Now bring it close to your mouth. Smell the lemon. Now, imagine taking a bite out of it. Imagine the lemon chunks and juice swirling all around your mouth.

Now, this was all done in the mind. Completely with words and pictures.

Yet, did you notice how much more you salivated?

Thoughts are powerful. If repeated, as Bruce says, "so shall you become".

BONUS: One small strategy that I began implementing over a year ago is using Subliminal Audio.

Every area of my life has improved dramatically since I began this process. 

They are pretty much alien steroids for affirmations.

All you have to do is click play and thousands of affirmations are being entered into your subconscious mind with zero effort on your part.

I highly recommend you click here and learn more. 



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