May 26

Defeating The Invisible Enemy


Subject: Defeating The Invisible Enemy

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: Motivation for you to get after it. To understand who your up against and reinforce your commitment to win the daily battle going on between your ears. 

Defeating The Invisible Enemy 

Covid-19 is spreading havoc across the world. The long term consequences are yet to be revealed. 

This virus, conspiracy theories aside, came from someone eating a bat. 

One decision made by someone eating a bat has caused the whole world to fall to its knees. Talk about cause and effect.

Something invisible to the naked eye has completely put the world to a halt. 

Can you see it in the air?

Can you see the bacteria?

Can you see the germs?

No. It's invisible unless you have the necessary tools to witness it. Have you ever wondered why it's so easy to accept the fact that this virus exists? You haven't seen it in the air. You haven't seen it behind a microscope. 

But, we know it's there. And, just to be clear. The Virus and its effects are real. That's not my point. 

Despite not being able to see it, we experience the negative consequences. My grandfather contracted it and died. That's real. An invisible Enemy has emptied his spirit from his human body. 

100 years ago science would not be able to see the germs and correctly label the mutation as Covid-19. With today's technology, they can.

You are not reading this article because you are what my thoughts are on the pandemic. 

You're here to get more powerful in life. 

Have you ever wondered what is REALLY preventing you from being powerful?

What is the link that connects all your weaknesses?

The procrastination. Laziness. Impulse. Addiction. Lack of energy. Emotional injuries. Fear. Shame. Being fake. Comfort zone. Lack of urgency. 

Throughout time they have called it different names. 

Devil. Resistance. Part X.

We call it the invisible Enemy

Call it what you want, but every single person on earth experiences it. 

This Enemy is invisible just like Covid-19. Yet, we don't have the tools to witness it. It's a spiritual battle. 

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

You have an invisible Enemy. 

It's the root of all your problems.

This Enemy knows you better than you know yourself.

It attacks you every moment of every day. When you feel unstoppable, just know, that your Enemy is doing pushups. Getting stronger.

This internal Enemy is your greatest opportunity.

Every time it attacks you. Floods you with impulse. Fear. Negativity.

Every attack is an opportunity for you to become stronger.

The spiritual/mental weightlifting.

The Enemy attacks and you use that as an opportunity to become stronger. 

The only thing that can stop you is YOU. You are the reason and the solution.

Your Enemy is invisible yet extremely real. Just like Covid-19.

Understand this brother. 

Every time you act on its impulse you are destroying your potential and future. 

The war within isn't easy. In fact, it is the hardest thing you can commit to doing in this Universe.

From the moment you wake up you are being attacked. 

Just like with Covid-19. If you get the virus and defeat it. You now have antibodies. You are immune to that invisible Enemy. 

Every time you defeat a Part X attack, you become stronger.

The attacks are not to be avoided.

The attacks are there to be transmuted.

The real invisible Enemy is there to help you evolve. 

Let's fight it together.


PS. Life is challenging. Covid, unemployment, social distancing isn't making it easier. That's why we highly recommend listening to subliminal audio. If you study high performers in any areas. Let's take athletes for example. Every single time they are looking for that edge. 

Whether it be eating, sleeping, workouts, stretching, coaches, new therapies. They are always looking for that 1% strategy to get better and dominate their fields. Subliminal Audio is that edge. But it's not a 1% strategy. Some users say that they attribute 40% of their personal growth to listening to these tracks. Crazy. 

If you are interested in upgrading your life and leveling up check out and use discount code RICHWITHIN for 25% off. 


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  • It was a superb article. What vibed was that the enemy is there to help us evolve. There’s nothing mind blowing as that. Next you said the attacks are not to be avoided. The attacks are to be transmuted. Superb. Thank you. What a thought.
    Still another thing I love about you Daniel is that you are real. In the sense of the enemy. We indeed have an enemy. And it is real. The devil. And he has indeed deceived the world into thinking that he does not exist. For that thought I’ll buy into your philosophy, because the battle is spiritual. Ephesians 10:12
    We are not fighting against human forces but against the dark forces of the spiritual realm.
    Superb Daniel
    To come across someone who professes the truth really energizes me.
    Anyway, that’s the only motivation I need.
    I am a praying person, but to tell you the truth my faith has been enlivened by your profession of the truth.
    I will continue to pray.
    Thank you so much.

    • Orville, your comments brought me to goosebumps. I am grateful that you read this article and how much of an effect it had on you. Best of luck to you on your own personal journey. Anything we can do to help, let me know. -Daniel

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