October 17

100 Ways To Live An Average Life


Subject: Average life

Location: Miami, Florida

This article is both tongue and cheek and very serious.

Being average sucks. 

It's the difference between being in a scripted vs. unscripted lifestyle.

Author MJ DeMarco of Unscripted, Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Entrepreneurship says it best:

"Has life regressed into paying bills and living for a weekend?"

If it has, you most likely are living an average life.

Do you hate your job, live paycheck to paycheck and have no promising ventures of any kind?

Most of us live in this pre-determined script:

  • The relationships we can have.
  • The type of education we can have.
  • The number of kids we can have.
  • The cars we can drive.
  • The retirement at a certain age. 
  • Your parents telling you how to live.

If you want to be great in life. Have a business. A loving relationship. A life of meaning.

It's time to give yourself permission. Permission to do you and be you.

It starts with breaking out of the script. Awareness. That's the first step. 

The rest of this article will outline different expressions of people who live an 'average life'.

Some of them might trigger you. Sorry in advance for your feelings. Truth does hurt.

Now, enough chit chat. Let's get right to it. 

Here are 100 ways to live an average life. 


  1. Watch TV. Spend countless hours watching television. Aim for at least 3-4 hours a day. Maybe one in the morning and definitely once you get home from work. 
  2. Watch the News. News = fear. The more we let fear control us, the more average our life will be. That's why we watch the news. The news is our fear. When we start feeling confident and secure, just make sure to go to CNN and Fox to feel worse. 
  3. Don't read books. Books? I stopped learning after College. I definitely won't be reading non fiction books. Everyone knows self help is a scam. I can't possibly improve. 
  4. Wait until the New Year to create goals. Everyone knows this. Goals are only to be made as New Years Resolutions. It doesn't matter that the last 20 times I created them, they all failed. This year is different. 
  5. No discipline. My word means nothing. It's less responsibility. I can do the important tasks, tomorrow. Why stress over it? I'd rather feel the pain of regret. 
  6. Think you are special. I'm a special snowflake. My mom told me it and she knows better than everyone. 
  7. Go on diets. Summer is coming! Might as well start this new fat blaster diet. It doesn't matter what I eat as long as I'm dieting. 
  8. Hate Mondays. Ugh, Mondays are the worst. Back to work at the job I hate. The weekend is so far away! Sucks. 
  9. Never learn a new language. English or die motherfucker. Why would I learn about another culture?
  10. Accept reality the status quo and never question anything. Ignorance is bliss. It's better to just accept how things are. Why waste effort on changing anything?
  11. Be jealous of people more successful than you. They were lucky, talented, their parents did everything for them. They for sure scammed and conned people to become successful. Illuminati is to blame. 
  12. Hang out with other average people all the time. I'm a smart cookie because everyone around me is worse off than me. 
  13. School and education end after college. College was tough. Learning is over for me. I told you, I don't read books? What do I look like?
  14. Never travel outside of the United States. America is great. Why would I go to a third world country? I have everything I need here. 
  15. Think constantly about starting a book or business but never do. I know that if I wanted to, I could. I get billion dollar ideas all the time. I just don't want the stress of actually pursuing it. 
  16. Complain about everything. I make sure all my relationships are based on gossip, drama and complaining. This negativity makes me feel good in a very terrible way. 
  17. Try to please everyone. Maybe if this person approves of me, my life will be better!
  18. Have an excuse for everything. It's not my fault. Everyone knows that. 
  19. Rely on alcohol for confidence. Let's make sure we pre-game before the pregame. See that hot girl over there? Let's get a shot first. Damnit! She's gone.
  20. Avoid all ambitious activities. Ambition is only there to let you down. I laugh at the people who read this article: 17 Ways To Be The Most Ambitious Person In The World.
  21. Always give your advice regarding topics you know nothing about. I know a tiny bit about everything because I read half of an article. 
  22. Stay in your comfort zone. Why feel uncomfortable? Ugh. Those people suck. 
  23. Live off of fast food. It's fast. It's affordable. It's healthy! Look Subway says their sandwiches are fresh. 
  24. Buy clothes that don't fit. I'll just wear the same t-shirt from high school. These jeans? They make me look big.
  25. Wear clothes with stains. These stains? No-one notices. 
  26. Never question authority. The boss is always right. Why would I question him?
  27. Go to college for a major you don't care about. All my friends were going to Finance, why wouldn't I?
  28. Scared of having attention drawn on you. I'll just go about my day. Never raise my hand. Never give my opinion. Never face a situation where I could be rejected. 
  29. Never stretch your body. These joints that always crack? It's hereditary. Nothing to do about it. 
  30. Slump your shoulders and have bad posture.  I'm surprised why I'm always in a sour mood. Could it be because of my terrible posture and stress in my shoulder muscles? Nah. 
  31. Only work out biceps at the gym. Curls for the girls. Everyone knows that. 
  32. Look for shortcuts, supplements. I know everyone preaches to work hard on a task, however, I'm sure I can find this one shortcut.
  33. Try to make everyone happy. It's a false pursuit and I end up being sadder than the rest. I know this deep at my core, but I continue to go down this path. 
  34. Eat cereal. Commercials say that cereal is a nutritious breakfast. It doesn't matter that I can't understand a single ingredient on the back of the box. 
  35. Afraid of being alone. I can't be alone because that's when all the anxiety kicks in. 
  36. Don't have integrity. I give my word left and right, people will understand when I'm not in integrity. Can't they see I have a ton of pressure?
  37. Have a messy room. Einstein had a messy desk, why can't I?
  38. Play the lottery. I see the billboards everywhere I look. I trust my chances. I don't care if they are 1 in a billion. 
  39. Gamble. Do I think about the last 40 times I lost money gambling? No. I only remember the one time I won. 
  40. Think money is evil. Money is the root of all evil. It makes people horrible! I don't want any but I actually really do!
  41. Worry constantly. I care a lot and therefore I must worry. I know I'm always stressing but isn't that how life is supposed to be?
  42. Don't have control of your thoughts.  Mental toughness? Hell no. My mind is uncontrollable. 
  43. Live paycheck to paycheck and never invest. I'm not making enough! My bills are too high! My insurance is going up! I have more excuses if you are willing to listen?
  44. Live in the past or the future. Remember the good old days? What could life be like in the future? Ugh. Back to reality. 
  45. Live without purpose. Robot. Day by day. Just like the movie click. No purposeful action. No purposeful intention. Robotic. Run by negative habits that were picked up from our lackluster environment. 
  46. Blame others. It is never my fault. It's my parents, career, friends, weather... you see where this is going. 
  47. Lie to yourself and others. Deception. Manipulation. Fraud. Lack of integrity. Pick your poison. 
  48. Don't have goals. I let others decide for me. And the times I do can wait till new years. 
  49. Let other people decide who you are. My high school teacher told me I'm special. My boss thinks I'm stupid. They are both right. I can't decide for myself. 
  50. Only do the bare minimum. I clock in. I clock out. I'm a complete jobber. I do the bare minimum so I won't get fired.
  51. Snooze your alarm clock everyday. I can be late. I was having the best dream. I don't want today to start. You know how it goes. Classic avoidance. 
  52. Discuss other people rather than ideas. Did you see what Tyler wore today? Can you believe what Susie said?
  53. Argue to prove your point rather than learn the truth. I must be right. Being right is directly correlated to how I see myself. Fuck the truth. 
  54. React to everything. OMG! Did you see that? Did you hear that? I'm disgusted. I'm angry. I'm triggered. I have zero control over my state control. I have zero control over my focus. 
  55. Rely on nightcaps to fall asleep. Nothing better than a nice cold beer, or two before bed? By the way, I wonder why I always have such shit quality sleep. 
  56. Be the crab, bring others down. Be the crab that pulls other people down with you. I mean what would it say about you if your friend became successful?
  57. Don't eat real food. Fast food. Candy. Processed. If it's not that? Don't talk to me. 
  58. Rely on coffee for energy. Minimum 3-4 cups a day. Just to get the brain going. 
  59. Don't dream. You got to focus on reality. What's this dreaming and having goals bullshit? It's not like you'll achieve it. 
  60. Don't take responsibility for your emotions. It's not my problem that I'm upset, angry, happy or anxious.
  61. Avoid challenges. I'm happy to stay here. In my comfortable comfort zone.
  62. Feel threatened by the success of others. Ugh. What does his success say about me? Does this mean he's a bad person?
  63. Ignore all feedback. Listen. Like these fools know better? I know exactly what I'm doing at all times, fuck all feedback. 
  64. Give up your power. I never feel powerful no matter what I do, I might as well give it up to my superiors. 
  65. Find happiness in things. My new car? My new blender? My new coffee mug? I find all my happiness in material possessions. 
  66. Don't stand for something. Too much pressure. Why would I stand for something? I don't believe in anything. 
  67. Focus on extrinsic goals only. Well, if I do have goals it's definitely something material. Ooh, that new car I saw while I was watching TV. That's what I want. I don't care about going into debt. 
  68. Use words like "be realistic" more often. What's up with my friend Eduardo? He's pursuing some 'dream', I tell him to stop wasting his time and be realistic. 
  69. Don't know your values. I told you, I don't stand for anything. Why would I know the values behind every single action I take?
  70. Do shameful acts. The acts in the dark. The stuff that I will never tell a soul about. The feeling that keeps me up at night. More shame (especially unprocessed) the worse it is. 
  71. Don't take action. I need to think this through. I can't just take action and learn from my results?
  72. Drink soda. Ugh. The sugar? The calories? The ingredients? It's a beautiful delicious beverage. 
  73. Don't feel grateful. Scarcity is how I go through life. I want more and more, why would I feel appreciative of what I have?
  74. Have too much debt. If I want to live an average life I might as well have to work till I'm dead to pay it off.
  75. Don't plan your days. Whatever happens, happens. Why would I plan my most important activities day by day?
  76. Have zero strategies. I think about today. Long term? The worst.  
  77. Don't develop a skill stack. Why would I spend my free-time learning new skills that will help me make more money and reach higher levels of success?
  78. Have low testosterone. Soy milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  79. Don't enforce your boundaries. I know he probably didn't mean to go over my boundaries, I'll say something next time.
  80. Don't assert yourself. Maybe they can read my mind and I don't have to tell them how it is. 
  81. Be low status. That means I'm at the bottom of the pyramid fighting for scraps. I will never read this article that teaches me 39 ways to be higher status. 
  82. Don't kill dragons. I avoid all my fears, and will never grab my balls and slay the metaphorical dragon.
  83. Think you deserve everything. I deserve success. I deserve prosperity. I don't need to work for it? Can't I just have it? Remember? I'm special.
  84. Don't work on your weaknesses. If I work on my weaknesses then I'll be exposed.
  85. Don't learn people skills. Someone living an average life will not learn how to read body language, vocal tonality and how ideas are communicated. Definitely not. 
  86. Live for the weekends. Mondays? Just four more days till the weekend. Tuesdays? Three more days till the weekend? Wednesday? Just 2 more days until the weekend.
  87. Jerk off every day. Let me expend my life force every day to feel less energy and drive.
  88. Scared of rejection. Why would I put myself in situations that will allow me an opportunity to succeed and move forward? 
  89. Doesn't hire a coach. Why would I invest in myself and hire someone that will hold me accountable, push me and raise my standards?
  90. Trades time for money. I give 40 time rations in exchange for my paycheck at the end of the week. No money systems for me.
  91. Has nothing saved for retirement. That time will come when it comes. I'll worry about that later. 
  92. Hates his job. I hate the people I work with and the job I have. It sucks but I need the money!
  93. Leaves his future up to chance. If it's meant to happen, it will happen. My action and decisions have nothing to do with it. 
  94. Think successful people were born that way. It's their DNA. It's talent. It's their genes. 
  95. Resist change. Of course, I go against the number 1 law of the universe. I resist change at all costs and suffer more and more because of it. I don't read this article: Black Magic and The Resistance to Change.
  96. Spend hours on social media. If I truly want to live an average life I got to clock in my time on social media! What are other people doing? I got to know. 
  97. Don't move. Grow up in the same area and make sure to stay there for the rest of your life. Change is bad, remember?
  98. Don't take responsibility for your life. It's not up to you to change your situation. Maybe someone else will. Responsibility is for others, not you. 
  99. Be a Wantrepreneur not an Entrepreneur. Someone living an average life would never read this article: 81 Skills to becoming an Entrepreneur
  100. Be average. Point blank. Think inside the box. Be average in everything you do. Think Average. Have an average body. Have an average job. It's different per person. But you know exactly what it is.

So, champ. Do you want to live an average life? I highly doubt it. 

I wrote this article as a joke but the topic is serious. It's your life.

Stop letting it become average.

Take responsibility for your life and make something out of it. 

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