Subject: Your goals are inevitable
Location: Miami, Florida
The life of an entrepreneur is interesting. For a large portion of the ride there is no feedback loop.
The last six months I've been putting work on the foundation of my fashion business. It's all coming together but from the seems like there has been no progress.
Anyone will tell you that the entrepreneurial journey lacks ‘checkpoints’ telling you that you’ve made it to the next level.
No one has ever come to me screaming "you can do it Daniel!"...and I'm sure it's the same for you.
Now...imagine this for a moment.
Could you go 40 years without any sort of positive feedback reinforcing what you are doing?
To believe in something so much that even if the entire world ignores you (for forty years) you still keep on moving forward.
What could that 'something' be for you?
- Is it your business?
- Blog?
- Ideology?
- Family & relationships?
What is that 'something' for you?
The more I thought about it the clearer it became.
That ‘something’ is believing in yourself.
You are all you got. If you don’t believe in yourself no-one else will.
I'm not talking about this in a woo-woo self helpy manner of speaking.
I mean that you trust and believe in your self despite all the demons and struggles going on in your life. You choose to believe in yourself because you realize that no one is coming to save you.
Nobody is coming. You are all you got.
The root of self belief?
So, what is self belief?
Core self belief...the feeling that it is inevitable to achieve what you set out to do, comes from meaning what you say.
Your word must become iron.
What you say is backed by a guarantee from the soul.
Let me break this down some more.
For instance, you plan your tomorrow the night before. You write down that you are going to read for an hour and go to the gym. You end up reading for 20 minutes and missing the gym.
Your word is not iron. You have lost trust in yourself. You have lied to yourself. No-one will ever know besides you.
Most anxiety in the world stems from this. Not doing what you said you would do. Having zero faith nor trust in your own word. Not believing in yourself.
Have you ever set out for a goal (maybe NY resolution) and even as you wrote it down in the back of your mind you KNEW that you wouldn’t do it?
Now, look at the flip side. You said you wanted to go to the gym and read. Even though it was tough, and you faced strong internal resistance…you did. You did because you told yourself you would. Again, no one else will know.
In this case, self trust goes up. A feeling of accomplishment will fill you. Your self belief grows.
Look...why would you believe someone that constantly lies to you? You wouldn't.
Now imagine doing this for a week, a month and then years. Saying and doing what you said.
Your relationship with yourself grows infinitely. You no longer are living in anxiety and uncertainty. You become stronger.
That’s true self love.
It’s a spiritual process of having an iron word. Everything changes.
Your goals are inevitable
When you have built a foundation of doing what you said...goals are no longer some abstract concept in the future. They are decisions.
It all starts with being exact with your words. Don’t say what you don’t mean. Words are magic and that’s why they are spelled. Stop sending out empty spells.
When you choose to live like this...
Your confidence and self belief are growing in every act of integrity.
Your goals are inevitable.
Your vision is now inevitable.
It all starts with doing what you said you would do.
Be careful with your commitments. Be cautious before giving your word to someone. Say no. Take time to think. When you do decide to speak, be precise.
Make your word into iron.
I'm going to continue getting paid and getting big…and you know I mean it when I say it.

- Daniel
Your goals are inevitable.
Follow @pinkgorilladaniel for more.