January 30

When In Doubt, Walk It Out


Subject: Overcoming an Enemy Invasion through walking

Location: Orlando, Florida

I felt exhausted, slightly depressed and sad.

Impulses flooded me every single moment with distractions.

Watch another youtube video! Play another round of chess! Browse instagram aimlessly!

Impulse. Impulse. Impulse. Impulse.


Through the dark cloud of emotion I was feeling a small area opened up. Just enough for an insight to poke it's head out.

The momentum I was up against at that moment felt unsurmountable. Part X, the counterforce to my life force was winning this battle.

With this small window of clarity, I decided to get the fuck out of my house and go for a walk.

Retreat and regroup

Sometimes in war you are ambushed, maybe our Enemies have been strategizing the entire time and came up with a superior game plan.

They catch us off guard, flooding us and overwhelming us.

In these cases, we must take our loss and retreat to regroup.

Retreat. Leave your area. Leave wherever you are physically. Not mentally. Physically, move your body and go!

When in doubt, walk it out. 

This principle has helped me countless time and that's why I share it with you here today. 

When you can't seem to find the courage to take a certain action. When the force of procrastination feels unbeatable. When you can't find the willpower to use one of the tools. It's time to retreat and regroup.

Walking is good for the soul

"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking". - Friedrich Nietzsche

Get up and move. You can't out think your thoughts. Especially when Part X feels overwhelming.

To fix the mind you must go to the body. To fix the body, fix the mind. 

When you are moving, you align yourself with the force of forward motion. Every single step you take is helping you physically and mentally. 

If you can do 5 minutes, that's fine. However, the real benefits come from longer periods just like with any type of physical exercise.

Commit to some mindful walking every day. Make sure to bring a journal or anything you can do to write down ideas.

Don't listen to music (at least at first) for the first phase of walking is to clear to rubbish.

Then you may listen to your own music, an audiobook or just the sounds of the life bubbling around you.

Exhausted, depressed and sad.

What intended to be a 10 minute walk ended up being 90 minutes of walking.

I cannot express how much clarity I felt. I had over 10 extremely solid ideas for articles, businesses and video concepts. All of which are being taken action on including writing this article here. 

Emotionally I felt relieved, motivated, optimistic and content.

Next time you feel clouded and it seems like you are losing the battle.

Retreat and regroup.

When in doubt, go for a walk. 

See you outside!

PS. The face you make after a long walk:


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