February 11

Change Your Behavior, Change Your Life (Using Statements To Create Massive Change)


Subject: Utilizing If --> Then statements for massive change

Location: Orlando, Florida

We are a creature of habit.

Humans think, say and do the same thing as they did yesterday and the day before. This is not good or bad, it just simply is.

Our mind and nervous system calm down once it notices some type of daily routine falling into place. Whether that is waking up at the same time every day, eating around the same time, working etc.

If our daily actions and thoughts are empowering and meaningful, then this is absolutely fantastic.

If they are not, then this is an easy 'lay up' for Part X to cause mayhem, chaos and destruction into our life.

Thus defeating us before we even started to declare war.

The strategy I offer you today is called 'If --> Then' statements.

As I mentioned before, this is an EXTREMELY simple and VERY effective method on creating new behaviors. 

See the below drawing for a visual:

As you can see, we are all on a road and journey forward.

You already know that you are a creature of habit. Change the habit and you change the direction of your journey. 

From mediocre (linear) to magical (higher channel).

One aspect of our own personal evolution that is constantly overlooked is the idea that the greatest change comes through the smallest actions.

It's not that once a year opportunity for you to be a hero. It's the daily actions that determine how meaningful your life actually is. 

Our Enemy constantly tries to showcase the opposite.

Telling us that change can only happen in big amounts. Therefore convincing us to not take the daily actions, to wait and eventually we fall into the absolute myth of despair "why bother?".

Using these If --> Then statements allows us to make the small changes in our life that will lead to drastic benefits. 

How to use this strategy:

Don't overcomplicate this, as I repeat, this is very simple. 

What we are doing is pre-determining the behavior we want to commit to in the future.

Literally programming code into our conscious computer of the action we want to take eventually.

Here are some examples to get you started:

  • 1
    IF I attempt to snooze my alarm, THEN I will get out of bed and do 10 jumping jacks.
  • 2
    IF I lose focus and notice my impulse to procrastinate, THEN I will go outside and walk around the block.
  • 3
    IF I don't feel like flossing my teeth, THEN I will floss one tooth.

We are looking potential obstacles in the eye, and strategizing our attack and defense.

One great way to use this strategy is to write it down your statements on index cards. Read them first thing in the morning, last thing at night.

Use this strategy to defeat your enemy of choice, best of luck.

- Daniel 


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