February 28

Expanding Your Comfort Zone | Growing in Power Through Discomfort


Subject: Expanding your comfort zone

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will learn: learn an approach to life. Why many live life without power. They do not step outside of their small realities. Learn how to become comfortable in the uncomfortable while expanding your comfort zone. 

Expanding Your Comfort Zone

expanding your comfort zone

Most of what we did today was the same as the yesterday, and the day before.

We don't change much.

We wake up around the same time. Eat the same foods. Think the same thoughts. Act the same way. 

We do this day in and day out and are surprised when nothing really changes in our life's. This is our inner Enemies plan all along. Keep you in a small little box. Close the door to possibilities. Keep your mind filled with addiction, fear, demoralization and lack of energy. 

If we truly desire to grow. To become powerful mentally, spiritually and physically.

To exert our will onto the world. We must seek the uncomfortable. We must kick the door down time and time again. We must take control of our castle an re-establish ourselves as the true king of our life.

Reality is completely influenced by your subconscious mind. To truly create an improved reality, you must break through your conscious mind and go underneath the surface.

That's why true Declare War Within warriors focus on repetition. When we experience something new, our subconscious takes notice. It notices consistent action. 

Let's say you want to be an entrepreneur. Your conscious mind has thought of some business ideas and created plans. Maybe even you began to take action. Created a website? Wrote a blog post? 

At this point the subconscious takes notice. Hmm... it seems to me that this person is interested in their business.

A week later you hire a lawyer for a trademark, get an LLC agreement, complete your first product.

Now, your subconscious starts paying attention. This really is important to this person, let me see if I can help them...

Six months later you are still going despite all the failures. You pitched 20 investors and they all said no to your face. You didn't sell anything on your launch. You failed doing facebook ads.

All of those activities. Every time you took a deep breath before opening the door to the next investors. Every time you refreshed your facebook and noticed no incoming sales. Every time you looked at your bank account to see your savings slowly diminishing. All of these experiences directly communicate with your subconscious.

You can only grow by standing back up once you fall.

Your subconscious needs proof. Six months down the line when your business is beginning to grow, and you have all the proof of the sacrifices and the times you stood back up. You will achieve your goals. 

Imagine doing squats, taking the bar on your back, lifting it off, and instead of sitting down and squatting you put it right back on the rack.

Seek Uncomfortable Experiences

The real way to grow and become more powerful. 

You must put yourself in unfamiliar and risky situations.

Here is what I mean:

  • Yesterday I met with the top  trademark lawyer in Miami for Pink Gorilla Fashion (my main business). It was a new experience as I had never walked into an attorneys office. Being offered water, coffee and other beverages. It was a brand new experience that was uncomfortable. I loved every second of it. If you continue to put yourself in uncomfortable situations, the world becomes your playground.
  • Giving a talk in public. Shy? Nervous? Do it because it is uncomfortable. Every time you do, you become more powerful.
  • Back when I was a pool attendant, I would walk up the the General Manager of the hotel and talk about his day and our team. It was extremely uncomfortable at first, but quickly became normal. Two years later I was running the entire property. 
  • Every morning when I was a manager we would have a pre-shift. The entire team would meet to hear about the occupancy, VIP guests and plan of attack. I had just been promoted and was now in charge of directing this. I failed many times. I told horrendous stories. I felt uncomfortable until one day our pre-shifts became a topic of legends. Other managers from different departments would attend to see us in action. 
  • Walking into a new restaurant, bar, lounge that you have never been inside of or avoided. It could be as simple as going to the closest 5 star hotel in your area. Put yourself in that uncomfortable situation until it becomes comfortable. 
  • Asking for what you truly want. The other week I went to eat out and asked for a cup of water. They gave me some small cup which their 'water cup'. I wanted the bigger one. So I asked. It was a tiny bit uncomfortable at first but in typical DWW fashion, I did it anyway. 
  • One of my friends was working at a hotel bar and was berated by a guest. Since he had not experienced such ill treatment before, he stood there (very calm internally) and listened to another person curse at him for 2-3 minutes. Why? for the uncomfortable experience. 
  • My first class training Muay Thai, was a disaster. I did not know any of the moves and was very uncomfortable. Attempting to learn any skill is the same way. You are guaranteed to fail and look clumsy. Continue anyway.
  • Starting a new workout routine and exercises that you have not previously done before.

​The Less Comfort The More Power

The more you seek the challenge. The uncomfortable moments.

The more the world becomes your playground. 

View it as a video game. Every time you put yourself in a situation like that, you leveled up.

You strengthened your subconscious mind, body, nervous system.

Anything meaningful that you want to create in your life requires this. 

Your comfort zone must be expanded if you desire to become truly powerful. Which of course you fucking are, you are on this blog aren't you :).



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