October 21

My Top 20 Personal Development Books


Subject: personal development books

Location: Miami, Florida

Here are my top personal development books.It was very tough to narrow it down.

Variety of topics. Most are must-reads for success and power.

They are in no particular order.


personal development books

1. Steve Jobs Biography by Walter Isaacson.

This book had a tremendous impact on me. I read it during a time I had just been promoted to management at a young age. I utilized Steve's mindset and excelled beyond my imagination. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

2. Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield.

Just an absolute incredible read. The movie '300' was based on this book. Steven researched the Spartans and wrote this classic. It will embolden you and strengthen your heart. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

3. The Tools by Phil Stutz & Barry Michels

I've read this book over 8 times and listened to the audiobook at least 5. I bought my management team copies of this and Phil & Barry are the reason why I created this website. I cannot recommend this enough. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

4. Coming Alive by Phil Stutz & Barry Michels

This is the second book by Phil & Barry. Just as good as the first. Absolutely life-changing. I use the tools from both books on a day to day basis for years now. Must read.

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

5. 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene

One of the first books I read in my personal development journey. Absolute classic. His other books, 33 strategies of war, art of seduction and mastery are also incredible. I'll leave this one as it's my personal favorite. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

6. Thick Face, Black Heart by Chin-Ning Chu

Read this book multiple times. Each read I left with profound insights. The sub title explains it best. 'The warrior philosophy for conquering the challenges of business and life'.

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

7. The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin

World chess champion, Tai Chi push hands world champion, black belt in Jiu Jitsu. Josh Waitzkin is a peak performer. If you have any interest in optimal performance, this is a must read. Such a great story with deep insights spread throughout it. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

8. Influence by Robert B. Cialdini

The expert in the psychology of persuasion. A absolute must read. This book will put you above 95% of people alone. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

9. The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion

A must read for men. This book will take you on a spiritual journey. There have been pages and sections that I re-read for weeks at a time. It is a deep, almost advanced book on life, women and seduction. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

10. The Six Pillars of Self Esteem by Nathaniel Brandon

This is one of those books you re-read every year for the rest of your life. Self-esteem is everything. This book explains everything you need to know about it, and how to increase it in your life. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

11. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

It's hard to explain how incredible this book is. It's simple. It's easy to read. The lessons cut straight into your soul. Steven introduces the idea of Resistance. The inner Enemy that we all face. Incredible book that many artists, entrepreneurs and successful people attribute to getting their careers started. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

12. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

I was taken away by how incredible this book was. Phil Knight is the founder of Nike and this tells the story of how it came to be. There were moments where I almost teared. Crazy. This book was very hard to put down. Also a great book for entrepreneurs and any individual in business. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power book

13. The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas

This book takes your imagination on a rollercoaster ride. You can learn a lot of strategy and long-term thinking from this book as well. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

14. PsychoCybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

One of my most recommended books. Maxwell Maltz popularized self-image psychology. You can only go to the level of your self image. This books explains how to change your identity and thus change your life. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power book

15. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand is an absolute gangster. This book along with Atlas Shrugged is mandatory reading for any human being. The lessons and storyline will stay with you for life. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power book

16. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

One of the longest books ever written. Also one of the hardest books to put down. Mandatory reading, no exceptions. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power book

17. Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold has an incredible life story. From becoming a world champion bodybuilder, millionaire real estate investor, international movie star and governor. Incredible biography. 

You can buy the book here.

18. The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

I'm not a fan of the Secret at all. So, I want you to understand why this book is here. I'm a big believer in gratitude. This book is 30 days of practical exercises to practice gratitude. It's magical. Seriously. This is from a complete skeptic. 

You can buy the book here.

personal power books

19. Man's Search for Meaning  by Viktor E. Frankl

Viktor was in the concentration camps during the holocaust. His story is extremely powerful. A must read. 

You can buy the book here.

20. How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci by Michael J. Gelb

I'm a big fan of Leonardo Da Vinci, and Michael does a great job distilling the principles behind the Maestro. Not only that, he gives numerous life-changing practical exercises to develop your genius. 

You can buy the book here.

Let me know in the comments what are your favorite personal development books.

Always looking for a great read.

Wish you the best.



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