April 22

How To Actually Improve Your Life (Written For The Person Struggling To Change)


Subject: how to actually improve your life

Location: Miami, Florida

Life is challenging. It's confusing. If you look around, most people are living on autopilot. Going through the motions. Eating the same foods. Having the same conversations.

Maybe this is you, right now.

We call this 'living life with a grey filter'. 

Many years ago, the Buddha taught about the four types of people.

  1. Those that are in the dark heading to more dark. 
  2. Those that are dark heading toward the light.
  3. Light heading toward more light. 
  4. Dark heading toward more darkness.

The only two types of people that we must strive to be, are the ones heading toward more light.

In reality, life is fucking tough.

Don't think for one second that I have it all figured out...because I don't.

Life is rough. Distractions are everywhere. Our inner Enemy always scheming a new method to destroy our life force.

Remember this fact - if you ever feel like improving your status quo is impossible, you are in the grasps of your Enemy. 

So, what is the solution? 

You want to change your life for the better... but can't seem to manage anything consistently.

You look around and realize that people are spewing their advice as if they were Spiderman shooting webs.  

Let me ask you this...Do you fall into any of these categories?

  • You have all these goals but can't get yourself to action on them.
  • Thinking about how to overcome your weaknesses and self improvement feels overwhelming.
  • No matter what you do, after a couple days you quit. Give up.
  • Maybe you have wondered about those people that 'love life' and walk through life feeling powerful. What the fuck do they have that you don't?

Today - I will address these issues with a simple solution. It's an approach. A mindset. A way of looking at yourself and at life.  A solution to how to actually improve your life. No more mental masturbate over information.

The Self Improvement Long Game

There is an epidemic that's happening in the human mind.

It's called instant gratification. We want results and we want them now!

We want results from one workout. Diet for one day and expect to become magically skinny. Build a business and assume that people will just buy your shit because you are selling it. 

Some of the best marketors and influencers have convinced you to buy crap products and bullshit information that they didn't even use themselves.

Here is the reality:

Anything truly great. Any empire of magnitude required sacrifice and continuous improvement.

The road to true life improvement. True self development. And real results is achieved by the 1% gains.

It's all about the long game. 

Understand this fundamental principles about changing your life.

The biggest changes come from the smallest actions. 

Ingrain this into your mind. Memorize it. Repeat it 5 billion times until it becomes ingrained into your subconscious.

The biggest changes come from the smallest actions.

When you didn't feel like brushing your teeth. You faced massive resistance, yet you summoned your willpower and brushed them...can change the entire trajectory of your life. It's a small moment. However, if you subtly start to change these micro moments, your entire life will have massive change. Guaranteed.

An Introduction into Kaizen

Kaizen is an approach to life.

It is a philosophy that originated in Japan. The idea is that small improvements (done consistently) create major changes in your life. 

At DWW we call them micro-actions. Small moments during your day that get you .1% better.

It's the process of asking and reflecting on what could be improved and what you will do about it.

Kaizen is the antitote to your struggles.

Instead of attempting to fix everything at once. Change all your habits over night.

You focus on the 1% gains. Becoming a tiny bit better than yesterday. Then tomorrow. Then the next day.

When done consistently, you eventually gain access to the immense power of compound interest. 

95% of the self improvement community is focused on results now.

That's not you any longer.

You are only focused on the long game. 

How To Apply This:

1. Before going to sleep ask yourself what went well today?

2. After you have finished a list of focusing on your wins, ask yourself 'What could I do to improve?'

3. Then do it the next day.

Every day you get a tiny bit better.

Eventually you won't be able to recognize yourself. Neither will your friends. Trust me.

The tao of continuous improvement. Could improve & will improve. What you reap is what you will sow.

The biggest changes come from the smallest actions.

Change your life today. Focus on the small to change the large.


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