March 13

The Secret To Getting Results In Life


Subject: the secret to getting results in life

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: Nothing changes until you do. It's time to change your relationship with work. Learn how taking extreme action in pursuit of your goals is the secret to high performance. 

If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.

Nothing changes until you change.

Continue taking the same actions and you will continue receiving the same results.

I can say this in a million different ways. Yet the message is the same.

Do what you've always done. Get what you've always gotten.

Money. Health. Physical body. Wisdom. Relationships. Business.

This principles applies to all the categories in your life.

Look, I receive a lot of emails from you guys. Our community is active and booming. I appreciate it dearly.

Most of them are some variation of the following:

  • "My goal is to be a millionaire"
  • "My goal is to buy my parents a house"
  • "I want to be more confident"
  • "I want more discipline"
  • "I want to have more women"
  • "I want to quit my bad habits"
  • "I want to get a promotion"
  • "I want to start a new business"

It's all noble. All of it is good.

At least you're moving UPWARD. You have a goal. You have your eye forward.

That's beautiful. For real. Most people don't even get that far. 

But it's not enough. I'm not here to bullshit you.

I'm here to provide as much value as possible. 

When I write articles like this, I'm talking to a specific person. 

Someone that wants to be the 1% of the 1%. 


Now all of you have these noble goals. Yet rarely do I meet someone doing shit about it. 

Some of you are afraid to tell your goal to others. Others tell everyone and don't do anything about it. While the remaining are afraid to even dream goals in the first place. 

I'm here to tell you the truth.

If you do what you've always done. You will get what you've always gotten.

The Secret To Getting Results In Life

Let's say you want to be rich and your broke. 

In order to change your life you must change what you DO.

Your ACTIONS must change.

Think about every action you take as a vote.

Are you voting to become rich with that action or poorer?

Everything you do matters. Every moment matters. 

If you want extreme results. A life of true freedom. A life where you have it all.

You must begin to take extreme action.

Extreme action = extreme results. 

You must DO MORE.

If you want to look like a greek god. Begin working out 6 days a week. Do 300 pushups a day. Run 5 miles every morning.

Begin to see yourself as an athlete. An olympic gold/world champion athlete.

This can be applied to every part of your life.

For example, business.

Write three articles a day. Post 6 instagram posts a day. Cold call 100 people. Send 500 emails. Extreme action = extreme results.

If you want to improve your social life.

Talk to 100 strangers a day. Talk to a camera for an hour and re-watch it to take notes on what you can improve. Practice body language for two hours a day. Extreme action = extreme results. 


If you truly want to change your life. Upgrade your reality. Level the fuck up.

You must act in an extreme manner.

This is the real secret to getting results. 

All the great people you admire do this. There are no exceptions. 

Remember this: you are responsible for your life.

If you're broke? It's your fault. If you're fat? It's your fault. If you have terrible social skills? It's your fault. 

It's also your fault if you are financially successful, in great shape and can charm anyone.

Take charge. Become obsessed.

If everyone is doing 1, do 100.

Do so much that the Universe must grant you what you wish.

No more living an average life.

Begin getting results in life.

PS. The corona virus is becoming stronger and stronger. Everything about our society will change. You must adapt starting today. Begin by taking extreme measures so that you can thrive in a time of suffering. 


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