October 15

The 3 Core Values of A Sigma Male


Subject: The 3 core values of a sigma male

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: learn the three core values of a sigma male and how to apply them into your life. You will also have a better understanding of what makes a sigma a sigma.

The Sigma Male Core Value #1: 


The sigma male has a preference for introversion.

The ability to thrive in isolation. Solitude. Quiet.

Exploring the inner realms of the mind. The first value of a sigma male is silence.

It is a graceful silence. A powerful one. One that is communicating without speaking. 

It is the opposite of the typical loud and gregarious person in the room. The sigma will rarely behave in this way unless a certain objective requires it. 

Silence is ingrained into the sigma male way of life. There is no other way.

The road to becoming great requires it.

Just imagine a wolf pack...

There is the alpha male that leads the clan. He dictates what to do, when to eat and how long to rest.

Everyone that follows him is the beta.

Once in a blue moon, a beta wolf decides to reject the alphas protection and start their own path.

This means he has is almost guaranteed to die for he has to hunt for himself. He has to fend off attackers and survive, all by himself. In silence.

This path of survival is extremely challenging. The majority don't make it through and die alone.

You either level up or are forgotten in history.

During this period of being by himself, the ex-beta wolf develops its fangs. It's bite. The muscles underneath the fur.

The path is what makes a regular wolf into a Sigma. The path requires silence. It is inevitable. 

For us, this rejection of leadership can come in a variety of ways.

It can be heartbreak. A layoff from a job.

Any type of rejection is an opportunity for you to increase your personal value.

Any type of failure is an opportunity to expose weakness and turn it into a strength. 

This value of silence also expresses itself through a depth of thinking.

They have an artistic side + logical side that they use to develop their personal philosophy of the world. 

This level of thinking is best exemplified by an iceberg. A small amount on top but 80% of their wisdom is covered up. 

In social settings, they prefer to be leading and guiding interactions from a birds eye view perspective. The famous sigma male quote "alphas are seen, sigmas are felt" exemplifies this. 

The Sigma Male Core Value #2: 


You can be friends with a sigma male for years and only know 20% of the accomplishments they have achieved.

They live by the rule of 'climbing a mountain and not telling a soul.'

This isn't done to keep secrets, it's just an expression of their humility. It's not about them. 

The sigma path is fucking hard.

They have suffered. They have failed. They have made mistakes time and time again.

They know how hopelessness & desperations feel like. 

This is what brings about humility.

A true sigma male will never brag due to a deep appreciation of their personal journey.

In conversation, they downplay their achievements. Making it seem like it wasn't a big deal.

This is the opposite to the 'alpha male'. The kryptonite. 

A sigma male does not need any external or tribal approval to continue their path. They just need themselves. 

The first rule is to never reveal yourself (silence) the second rule is to never brag (humility) and the third rule is to value your freedom above else (freedom).

The Sigma Male Core Value #3: 


Freedom is everything to a sigma male.

It is what they seek above all else.

The core of everything they pursue is freedom. It is the end result.

It is the reason they left the pack in the first place.

The ability to be self-sufficient. To be able to do what they want, when they want with whom they want to.

That is why most real sigma males are entrepreneurs. 

Work for someone else and do his bidding? Some people are okay with it.

For a sigma, they must control their destiny and that requires taking risks to start their own projects.

Many beta males desire this life and dream about making it happen. Sigma's make it happen.

"You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be."

- Tony Montana. 

Do you have the guts?

The balls to pursue and take control of your destiny?

To be who you want to be?

If you are reading these words, right now then listen closely.

This life is not for everyone. The sigma male path is no fucking joke. 

It will break you down time and time again. Force you to climb back on the horse and recreate yourself.

In your journey, remember these values.




This isn't your practice life.

Sacrifice immediate pleasure and begin working on making your dreams a reality.

PS. I have a 50% coupon code for my best-selling guidebook: 31 Days To Power - The Guidebook To Becoming Powerful & Disciplined in Life.

Use this code at checkout: 30writing for your $20 off.  Start 31 days to power by clicking here.

Thank you for reading,



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  • When he says this path is no joke, well let’s just say he wasn’t joking! The crucial part is getting back up from hard knocks an evolved, improved man. I look forward to reading more from this guy. So validating!

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