January 30

Inspirational Figures: Phil Stutz and Barry Michels


Subject: Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

Location: Miami, Florida

If you are like me, you've read your fair share of books.

Biographies, fiction, non fiction and everything in between.

Through this journey that you and I will go through together, we will share a variety of these sources of inspiration.

Today, I would like to highlight Barry Michels and Phil Stutz.

Authors of the best selling books:

The Tools: 5 Tools to help you find courage, creativity and willpower.

Coming Alive: 4 Tools to defeat your inner enemy, ignite creative expression & unleash your soul's potential.

I have read countless books over the years and these two are tied for #1 without second thought.

I have read and listened to the audio version of these books over 10 times (each one!).

These two men, Barry and Phil are the inspiration behind Declare War Within.

I will reference their work, give examples of how I use their actual tools on a day-to-day basis and the importantance their contribution is to winning the war within. 

Read more about them here: click here for their website.


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