April 1

How You Can Win While Others Lose (Covid-19 Edition)


Subject: How You Can Win While Others Lose (Covid-19 Edition)

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: 7 strategies for you to continue winning during this Corona Virus pandemic. Yeah, everything has changed. The faster you accept it and continue moving forward, the quicker you will progress. 

CoronaVirus (Covid-19) is upon us. Life has changed...dramatically.

Imagine one month ago (February) you came over my apartment and we were sitting down having a few beers.

Three beers in, one of us had the idea to brainstorm how we predict March would turn out.

We both took out a journal and thought of every single possibility of the future.

Let's say, hypothetically, we brainstormed one million ideas.

NOT EVEN THEN could we have predicted our current situation.

From personal experience, here is how life in Miami has changed:

  • People over 65+ must stay home.
  • A mandatory quarantine is now in effect
  • Beaches are closed.
  • All traveling besides essential activities is forbidden.
  • All the hotels have shut down.
  • All restaurants besides to go orders have closed. 
  • Shopping malls? Done. 

Every day there are new laws coming into effect. 

And, from the looks of it...we don't know how long this will last.

Maybe in your country/city everything is less/more severe. However, to some extent, every single human is being affected by this Covid-19 virus.

That's the reality.

Now, let's bring this back to the goal of this blog.

Our goal at DWW is to make you more powerful.

  • We hate the people that are okay and settle in life.
  • We hate the people that don't want to 'have it all' in life
  • We hate not having the freedom to do what we want when we want with who we want.

"But Daniel, aren't you being a little harsh?" Maybe, but I just don't care.

Our goal is to be as real as possible. I truly want you to stop giving your power away and realize how fucking powerful you are. The only way to do that is through truth. This is my way of doing that. Now, no more ranting :).

Every article we write is to give YOU the resources, strategies and tools for that purpose.

Nowadays, if you look around. PEOPLE ARE LOSING. 

They think that any day now life will "just return back to how it was".

Let me tell you - life will never be the same again. We don't know how long this will last. The changes that are happening are REAL.

The average people around the world are:

  • Watching Netflix/TV all day long
  • Eating junk food 
  • Having zero physical exercise
  • Complaining
  • Waiting for a check for the government (America)

They are guarantee to lose now and in the future. I don't want that for you. I want you winning. So today, we will show some strategies for you to win while others lose.

1) Get as close to reality as possible

Become a hyper-realist.

As powerful individuals, we want to make the most rational, objective decisions. In order to do that, we must get as close to reality as possible.

See things for what they are.

Don't let feelings and opinions get in the way of the facts.

The facts are: no one knows how long Covid-19 will last. We don't. People can hope and pray for it to be over in a month. But that won't change anything. 

It is better to prepare for the worst case scenario than expecting the best.

For example, imagine a world class boxer named John. John prepares for a fight. He plans and hopes for a first round knockout. However, he trained his cardio for 3-4 months in order to go for 12 rounds.

You hope for a first round KO but are ready to go the distance.

That's how you accept reality.

You pray for the best case scenario but are prepared for the worst. 

2) Adapt and Adjust

It's not the biggest and the strongest that lasts throughout time (evolution).

Charles Darwin is always misquoted. 

According to his book: "it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”

Able to adapt and adjust to the environment. 


Your environment has changed. Maybe you work from home now. You can't travel anymore. All social events are put on hold. 

The faster you accept that times have changed, the quicker you will begin winning.

Let's use the fighter example again. That same boxer studied the opponent's style and figured out his techniques. John trained specific counter moves in order to take advantage of that particular style.

Fight night comes. And his opponent, in the fifth round changes up.

He switches his style - something he's never done before. The tide of the fight quickly turns. With John now losing and getting dominated.  After the 8th round, he heads to his corner shocked.

At this point he has two choices.

  1. Adapt to this new approach and make the necessary changes. 
  2. Continue with his gameplan and lose.

The one that adapts will prevail.

It's that simple brother. Adapt and adjust. 

Accept this current Covid-19 situation. Yeah, it sucks. Yeah your plans for X, Y and Z are ruined. But fuck it, dude, accept it and move on. That's the only way to start winning.

Just think about all the average people complaining and avoiding reality. They aren't adapting and they WILL lose. Don't be like them!

3) You are how you are when the shit gets real

You think you are this type of person.

But the reality is... you are how you are when shit gets real.

When the going gets tough. When the bills start to pile up. When your stress skyrockets. When you have more and more problems in life.

How you show up THEN. In the HEIGHT of the struggle, is who you REALLY are.

Does this make sense?

Your character is revealed in the trenches of war. Not at home when life is good.

This is an opportunity. COVID IS AN OPPORTUNITY!

Are you getting this?

It's an opportunity if you decide to VIEW it like an opportunity. 

Take this time to develop and show yourself (and the world) what you are made of.

You got heart.

You got soul.

You got character.

Develop and take advantage to get in touch with these parts of you. 

(btw: this is that 'it factor' that separates us from the 99%)

4) Level Up

Most of us have a lot more free time on our hands. 

All those things we "always wanted to do but never go to"...well. Now is the fucking time to do it!

Laser focus on your weaknesses. Level up.

Increase your discipline. Willpower. Courage. Patience.

Think about the people you admire. What character traits do they have?

Now, create a plan to work on those for yourself.

Become who you admire, through consistent day-to-day action and focus. 

5) Spend time with yourself

With this extra time, we can continue to wash and hide our pain or confront it.

Drugs. Alcohol. Numbing TV shows.

Our inner Enemy will do everything it can to avoid spending time with ourselves.

Desmond Tutu has a great quote about our only role in life.

“Remember, we are only the light bulb and it is our job to merely keep screwed in.”

Our job is to keep our light screwed in and to clean the lightbulb of all dust in order for it to shine bright. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to screw your light bulb in.

Connect to who you are. What you stand for. 


No matter how bad times are - you can focus on three fundamentals.

Wake up early.

Eat clean.

Workout and break a sweat.

Low discipline? This is the solution.

Make it part of your 5 daily battles.

Set an alarm clock and put your phone across the room.

Immediately upon waking up, start doing jumping jacks. Pushups. Get the blood moving. Do the workout immediately or later in the day.  Throw out all the trash food in your apartment. 

If you are winning in these three areas - you will begin winning in the other parts of your life.

It transfers over. 

Win in the fundamentals. Win in life. 

7) Stop complaining

Every time you complain, you give away your power.

You give up your responsibility.

You choose to be a victim.

Whether your excuses and reasons for complaining are correct - doesn't matter.

In order to win when others lose, you must eradicate this type of behavior.

The world is testing us in these times. Most people will wither and lose.

What will you choose to do? Make every moment count and stay strong.

I know that other people will try to connect with you over how stressful this time period is.

Cut that shit immediately.

It's possible to THRIVE right now. Don't feel guilty when you start WINNING. 

Life is happening right now. Don't wait until this is over. Use this time NOW.

Respect yourself. Respect this moment.

Let's get it. 

Last note before I let you go.

Don't save this for next week. Life happens NOW not later. 

Talk to your grandparents. Talk to any old person. Every single one of them agrees. Time goes by so quickly. Don't waste NOW.

You create your amazing future life by the action you take RIGHT NOW. Good - I know you understand how you can win while others lose. 

PS. Also - if you are ready (truly) to upgrade your life and are looking for a lil boost. I highly recommend listening to subliminal audio.

Tony Robbins, Tiger Woods and many others say that subliminal audio played a huge role in their growth and development.

Click here to learn more. 


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