April 2

How To Level Up Your Self Image

Subject: how to level up your self image 

Location: Miami, Florida

Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join. 

What you will get out of this article: a deep understanding of what self image is. Why it's crucial for your development plus strategies to change it starting today. 

Maxwell Maltz just got his degree to become a Plastic Surgeon in beautiful New York City.

He was so excited. Ready to use his skill set to improve the lives of many. 

Within months he had his office ready and clients coming in. Each time they came in with some type of problem. 

Let's say a deformed nose. Maybe it was an accident, or they didn't like how it looked. These patients would feel terrible about themselves because of the deformity. 

Great. This is what he trained to do. Help these exact people feel better. 

Dr. Maltz would do the surgery, the people would look beautiful. They received the results that they really wanted.

You would think, that after having a perfect operation...it would make them happy?

This was the shocking factor. 

Most patients would still think they were ugly, continue having low self-esteem and feel just as bad. 

Dr. Maltz couldn't stop thinking about this.

Patient after patient would look drastically better, yet still view themselves in a negative light. 

Then one day, the idea came to him.

The insight that would change millions (including myself) of peoples lives all around the world. The self-image. 

What is the self image? 

The self image is a subconscious mental map about ourselves and our potential. It's the way we view ourselves. Our own perceived identity. It's the idea that we all act consistent with who we believe we are. 

To break this down, every single moment you experience impacts your self-image. As we talked about here, our subconscious is the soldier. We are the general. It will accept whatever we tell it, whether it is true or false. 

The subconscious mind rules what you do. Science has figured out that 95% of behavior stems from this area of the brain. 

That's a staggering amount!

This means our subconscious has beliefs about money, health and relationships that it has picked up (through experiences growing up) if you were aware of it or not.

In every area of your life. You have a set point.

A status quo.

What you can and can't do. 

The best way to explain this is through a thermostat. 

Imagine in your apartment the temperature was set to 73 degrees. Now, you open your windows and it is 100 degrees outside. Within just a few minutes the temperature in your apartment shot up to 83 degrees. However, as soon as you closed the window it cooled back down to 73. The same thing would happen if the outside temperature was 43 degrees.

That's how our self image/subconscious works. 

We have a set point for every area of our life. A limit. And that self-imposed limit determines how far we can go.

Have you ever noticed how it takes a MAJOR effort to even change your personal growth thermostat degree by 2-3%? Now, to do it consistently over time? Almost impossible.

It's crucial to understand the self-image. Figure out ways to change it in the direction you desire.

If you were playing a video game. And you had the chance to create a character.

Would you want it to be 100/100 money? 100/100 relationships? 100/100 strength and body? Obviously. 

Yet for most of you, your self image is set at some bullshit number. Is it any surprise that your broke if your self image is at a 61/100? No.

Let me ask you the following questions (and be honest):

  • Do you think it's possible for you to be earning money online?
  • Do you think it's possible for you to be a millionaire?
  • Do you think it's possible for you to lose and keep extra weight off?
  • Do you think it's possible for you to find a loving wife/husband/friend?

The famous Henry Ford quote explains this idea perfectly:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,”

It's that simple. 

We can see the power of self-image in habit formation as well.

One of my mentors told us a story about how he used to be fat as a kid.

And, eventually, he got a personal trainer. Went on an extreme diet.

And after months of consistency, he got in great shape.

However, every time he looked in the mirror he saw a fat kit. Not only that, the moment he stopped going to his personal trainer he gained all the weight back.

The way we see ourselves is everything. Do you get this? Do you really get this? 

It's the swag. The mojo. The special sauce.

It's the IT factor.

It all comes back to how YOU see yourself. 

Which leads me to one of the most powerful ideas I've learned in my life:

The world will accept whatever judgment you place upon yourself. 

If you see yourself as a king, so will others.

If you see yourself as a scrub, so will others.

It comes back to what images and thoughts you choose to have in your mind.

We repeat this again and again. 

The most important terrain in the entire world is the area in your mind.

The battle is fought every day. Every moment.

Will you let the external world decide who you are?

Or will you take responsibility. Plant your flag and decide for yourself.

The choice is yours, it always is. 

You don't need anyone's approval

You don't need anyone's approval. You don't anyone's permission.

Stop giving up your power to others.

Decide who you want to be, and BE it. Now. 

There is no real difference between you and the people you admire.

The people you look up too. If they did it, you can too.

And dude, I'm not saying that to be motivational. For real.

I'm saying that in terms of - stop putting people on pedestals.

Everyone that looks like they have a perfect life, guess what. They fucking don't.

We all have problems. Rich people have problems. Poor people have problems.

Don't complain. Take responsibility. The only thing stopping you is YOU. And stop waiting for permission to take your life into your own hands.

You can change your self image.

You can change the way you see yourself. And as soon as you do. The universal truth comes in handy: We all act consistent with who we believe we are. 

Fuck believe. KNOW that you are this powerful, rich, uber successful, healthy strong man. KNOW IT. And I guarantee your real life results will match it. 

The Most Powerful Journaling Questions Known To Mankind

By now - you understand how important it is to re-create yourself by changing your self-image. 

Because the subconscious learns by repetition, I'll continue saying this:

We act consistent with who we think we are. You can change your believes and thoughts. Whatever judgment you place upon yourself, the world will accept. 

  • If you judge yourself as an average worker, guess what the world will accept?
  • If you judge yourself as a world class entrepreneur, guess what the world will accept?
  • If you judge yourself as a master in the social arts, guess what the world will accept?

So, guys. This process. These questions I am about to show you are worth billions of dollars. To be honest - I have only shared them with my private coaching clients and the highest tier inside of our Patreon

I swear. On everything. If you answer these questions with intensity, focus, emotion, desire and follow up by taking actions...your world will transform.

As you'll see in a few moments, avatar is another word for saying 'you 2.0'. An avatar is a character or identity that you create (just like in a video game).

"An avatar is an embodiment or personification, as of a principle, attitude, or view of life." - Jesse Elder

So these questions are here for you to upgrade your personal character.

An avatar upgrade. A 'you 2.0'.

I learned these questions from one of my early mentors, Jesse Elder. He's amazing in many ways (journaling techniques is definitely one of them). 

(side note: I recommend copying and pasting these on your phone for easy access).

Let's begin.

  1. What are you?
  2. Who are you?
  3. Why are you here?
  4. How do you want your Avatar to be?
  5. How do you want your Avatar to feel?
  6. How do you want your Avatar to look?
  7. How do you want your Avatar to behave?
  8. How do you want your Avatar to move through life?
  9. What effect do you want your Avatar to have on the people around you?
  10. What are the qualities of your Avatar?
  11. What do you want your Avatar to have?

Those are the questions.

Simple and effective.

Answer them with pen and paper. On your phone. Outloud. Whatever works for you. I'd recommend committing to answering these questions for 90 days to see some real change.

Now, the next strategy is to utilize...

Affirmations & Subliminals

I wouldn't say it - if it didn't work.

I literally have upgraded myself COUNTLESS times because of my mental chatter and subliminals. 

Remember this formula?

Thoughts --> Feelings --> Actions --> Character --> Destiny

  • Your destiny will be determined by your character.
  • Your character is determined by the actions you take.
  • Your actions are determined by your feelings.
  • Your feelings are determined by your thoughts.

We must go straight to the source. Change our thoughts.

Make our thoughts into the most powerful, resourceful, creative, abundant, confident voice in the entire world.

Affirmations and subliminals are how you do that. 

The feedback that we've received about PowerfulSubliminals.com has been fantastic. For those that are excited & curious about subliminals. Let me briefly explain what it is. 

Sub = below

Liminal = the line

In this case, we want to go below the line of our conscious mind into the subconscious. 

Subliminal audio does exactly that. Since 95% of your behavior is in the subconscious, that is our number 1 priority. They are tracks filled with 30+ pages of affirmations that are recorded and put onto a healing tone/binaural beat. Affirmations on steroids. Click here to learn more. 

Think good thoughts. Listen to your subliminal audio.

Answer the journaling questions.

Act as if you were the person in your self image in THIS moment. 

Improve day by day 1% at a time.

It's time for you to stop being a 60/100 in any area of your life.

I know your ready. Ready to improve. If you are reading this, I know you are the type of person that is willing to put in the work. 

Prove it to yourself. Starting right now. Let's get it, brother 👊


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