Subject: Get your life in order 3/3
Location: Orlando, Florida
In case you missed it, you might want to check out part 1 here and part 2 here.
Many people have already gotten their life in order. Will you join them?
Two weeks ago we talked about the Snake. The art of re-invention. The snake that doesn't shed it's skin, dies. What got you here won't get you there. Last week we discussed the shark. The shark that stops moving, dies. You must continue to move forward in spite of obstacles.
The final part of this series showcases the tiger.
The Tiger

Tigers are apex predators. They are a constant reminder of overcoming obstacles and fears by reclaiming your place of power. They might blend into their environment but are always ready to pounce and attack. They represent personal strength and courage.
1. Become Excellent
“Don’t be like me. Be better than me. That’s the goal.” — Michael Jordon
"Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude." - Ralph Marston
"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." -Steve Jobs
In part two, we discussed your environment. The power is holds. Removing leeches that suck your potential. Do these 'friends' actually want you to succeed? If not. Banish them from your kingdom.
It's time to replace the old with the new. Model greatness.
Choose someone that you admire. Read their biography. Watch videos about them. Decide on three qualities you appreciate most in them. Develop these within yourself.
When you have a choice between modeling Michael Jordan or someone in the D-league, choose Michael Jordan.
Model greatness. Model excellence. It's an attitude. If you want to get your life in order, model truly great people. They become one of your friends. Their voice whispering in your ear. It's very powerful.
2. Be a Professional
Steven Pressfield, author or The War of Art and Going Pro brought this topic to light.
He draws the distinction between an amateur and a professional.
Here are two quotes from 'Going Pro':
"The difference between an amateur and a professional is in their habits. An amateur has amateur habits. A Professional has professional habits."
"I didn't talk to anybody during my year of turning pro. I didn't hang out. I just worked. I had a book in mind and I had decided I would finish it or kill myself. I could not run away again, or let people down again, or let myself down again. This was it, do or die."
The amateur has goals. Aspirations. What could happen if I just ____ (fill in the blank)?
The professional doesn't play the 'what if' game. The professional is a mindset. He pays the price. He is clear on what he wants. He recognizes the price to pay. He pays it. Daily.
In order to get your life in order, you must become the professional. Until you decide to become a pro, your life will always be a 'What if?'
3. Get Better at Your Craft
Passion is bullshit.
'Successful' people always attribute their success to passion. It's wrong. That's just their way of being humble. All successful people didn't feel passion when they started. You will not feel passion for things until you are good at it. When you become good at something, you will begin to love and feel passionate about it.
What did you enjoy doing when you were young? What activities did you do when time would fly by?
We have natural pre-dispositions to certain activities. We have strengths and weaknesses. Some fields are better for certain personality types.
However, the idea of 'passion' must be dropped. You will feel tremendous passion once you become good.
Work on your craft everyday. When you raise your competence, you will feel passion. Here are the two steps. Turn pro. Become great at whatever you are doing.
4. Re Write Your History
We live our present based on our past. For most of us, the past sucked. We believe that our future success is determined by the past. It's wrong.
The thing is, our memory of what happen was wrong. Science has prove the power of false memories. What we 'think' happened, really didn't. Freaky.
Add to this, our interpretation. When we were young we didn't see reality for what it was. We saw it through a very small minded filter. If our environment's filter was terrible, we picked that up.
So we are living our life now based on faulty past assumptions.
Re write your own history. Write a personal biography. Apply a new, empowering perspective on your past. Look at it as training and character building instead of trauma and sadness. We are releasing a project dedicated to helping people rewrite their past. It's life changing. Sign up here to be the first to know when it is released.
5. Kill Dragons.
“It’s in the act of having to do things that you don’t want to that you learn something about moving past the self. Past the ego.” — Bell Hooks

The tiger channels their personal power. They look fear in the eyes and stalk forward. They leap, bite the flesh and kill their prey.
We must kill our dragons everyday. The dragons are the fears that are holding you back. When we avoid our dragons, they become bigger. They look fierce and ravenous. The faster we charge at the dragon, the smaller it becomes.
A tiger doesn't look at it's prey and run away. A tiger has instincts. When it's time to confront the fear, they charge and attack.
In order to get your life in order, you must do the same. Constantly do things that scare you. Get used to fighting these fear dragons. The more you attack, the more limitless your life becomes.
Dear reader.
You have now finished this three part series on how to get your life together. This is not only for people in the gutter. All of these ideas must be continuously acted no matter how successful one is.
Channel the snake, the shark and tiger in order to change your life.
You truly can do more than anyone could think is possible.
I believe in you.
PS. Remember to write a comment below, take 12 seconds and tell me which of these steps really hit home for you.
Great article, good read. I’m 31 and my past still hurts. Is it too late to start afresh and reach the pinnacle of success
Never too late.