January 9

How To Achieve Your 2019 Goals (Follow This Principle)


Subject: How To Achieve Your Goals in 2019

Location: Miami, Florida

Hey man. The new year is upon us. 

  • How is your body & health compared to last year?
  • Are you on path to achieving your business and career goals?
  • Have you worked on your mindset and mental toughness?
  • Are you spiritually aligned - feeling connected and purposeful?

When it all comes down to it...are you more powerful than you were a year ago?

If yes, congratulations. If no, it's time to change.

This article will provide you a powerful strategy to help you achieve your goals. 

Before we jump in, let me remind you what you and I are up against.

Our inner Enemy. The part of us that has only one mission in life. To eliminate your potential.

It will stop at nothing until it has successfully used your weaknesses against you. The only to live the good life is to declare war within. I will write about this till the day I die to remind you and myself to always be on the lookout.

Let's begin with today's strategy. 

New Years Resolutions Do Not Work

How many times have you heard of someone loudly proclaiming their New Years Resolutions?

  • "I will lose 20 lbs!"
  • "This year I will become a millionaire!"
  • "This year I will really improve my health."
  • "This year I will learn xyz skill."

How many times does it actually happen? I'd guess...close to zero. 

New Years resolutions do not work. Point blank. Everyone knows it. But year after year they make the same mistake.

If we zoom out for a moment and look at people as a whole.

There are those that have goals and those that don't. Let's exclude the people that don't.

That leaves us with two groups.

Group 1: People that set goals and achieve them.

Group 2: People that set goals and never achieve them. 

What separates these two groups?

What are the people that are achieving their goals doing that others are not?

The answer is quite simple. Understand this principle and your life will never be the same again. Don't - and continue to fail to achieve your aspirations and goals. 

Here it is:

Goals Require Repetition and Reminders.

Imagine expecting to chop down the worlds biggest tree with one swing of the ax. It's not going to happen. 

Most people, sadly, think like this. 

They think that with a decent amount of effort and strategy they will achieve their wildest dreams.

It's ludicrous and a sign of an immature mind.

Our brains require thousands of swings. Day after day to chop down our tree (goals).

Our brains require information to be repeated again, and again, and again to reach the level of our subconscious mind. 

Goals require consistency, repetition and reminders.

Repetition, reminders and consistency.

Repetition, reminders and consistency.

Repetition, reminders and consistency.

Notice how I am repeating myself? 🙂 

Let's take a look at how this principle is showing up in every area of your life.

Your Health

People expect to lose weight if they eat healthy for one day. Reality: nothing changes in one day.

It takes consistency. Day in and day out. Small changes over time accrue to massive results. 

You will notice better results if you make micro changes. For example, switching from ice cream to yogurt. French fries to sweet potato fries. White bread to millet bread. 

Your Business

Your business, blog, company, will not grow overnight. Fuck you for thinking so. It will take 100x more effort than you can imagine. It will take massive grit, resilience and a soul bound commitment to continue. 

If you are thinking of starting a business in 2019, you must realize this. The fashion company I started last year required 1000x more work than I expected. Most would have quit by now. I didn't know what to expect. You do.

Your Mindset

With affirmations, you can see the same problem. People say the affirmation a couple of times and are surprised when it doesn't work.

I dare you to say your affirmation 1000 times a day for a year and come back here and tell me it doesn't work. 

Goals need repetition and reminders.

Every day. Multiple times a day.

Nothing will truly change until you reach the subconscious mind.

It's like digging a hole to the center of the earth. 

It will take work. It will take time. It will take planning. And most importantly, it will take day after day of drilling more and more. 

What to do about it.

Here are some practical steps you can take to drill your goal down to your subconscious.

a) Post it notes

Create post it notes with your goal written down all over your room. Bathroom. Living room. Kitchen. Refrigerator. 

Surround your house and place of work with reminders. 

Key to making this work for you. Every two weeks move your index cards and post it notes around into new areas. 

We get used to our environment very quickly. You can place notecards everywhere, and they will immediately diasappear from your reality. 

Move them around to keep it fresh in your psyche. 

b) Daily action

This is by far the most important of these practical steps. A small action in pursuit of your goal every single day.

It can be extremely small or large.

For example, doing 1 pushup if your goal is health related. Or going for a full 2 hour workout.

Each day take one step forward in pursuit of your goal.

c) Something in your car 

Place a notecard, post it note and reminder on your dashboard. Keep it there so every single time you drive, you look at it.

It sinks a tiny bit deeper into the endless pit of your subconscious mind. 

d) Weekly and monthly solitude to reflect on your goal

Every Sunday take some time to reflect on your progress. 

  • How did you do this week?
  • What went well?
  • What could you do to improve next week/month?
  • What will you do next week/month?

Commit fully and do it. 

e) Writing it down every single day

Writing has some magical power. We all know it but can't really understand it. Maybe it's just the added effort. Maybe it's the combination of the mind and body focused on a single task (writing).

Write down your goal every single day when you wake up and when you fall asleep.

Write it down.

See it in front of you. This step is life changing. I guarantee if you consistently write down your goals you will be SHOCKED at how fast they become realities. 

f) Repeating affirmations that are aligned with your goal

We wrote an article about affirmations here.

You want to create a thought that has your goal included into it.

For example, if your goal is health related. "I easily gain muscle and loose fat." " I enjoy going to the gym." "I'm so excited to wake up early and do my cardio."

It might seem like nonsense at first (especially if you feel the exact opposite) but guaranteed, if repeated (consistently) you will change your mind.

g) Have mastermind discussions about your goal

Take with your partner. Friend. Join a mastermind. Hire a coach.

Find someone to talk about your goal. Your daily actions.

Make sure that they listen. They don't give unsolicited feedback. They do not under any circumstances reply negatively to your progress.

For example, if you say you want to be a billionaire and your friend laughs, that is not a good sign. He should state back and nod with the assumption that if you said it then it will become reality.

Remember that part of our core philosophy is doing what you said. Being a man of integrity.

Read more about that here.

h) Have your room reflect your goal

Is your room clean?

Does the paint inspire you?

Do the pictures reflect who you are?

If someone walked into your room and house right now. What would they think about you?

Your environment is crucial to achieving your goals. Let it be a haven. A sanctuary for your body and mind rather a pit of chaos. 

Remember this.

Goals need reminders.

Your brain craves it.

Your subconscious can only act if there is repetition involved.

Tell your mind that this is important to you. It needs your direction. Be a leader. 

Thank you for reading.

I got big plans this 2019 and I'm so fucking excited to share all the mindsets and strategies on how to become powerful that I learned.

Stay tuned.

Leave a comment with any of your insights.


PS. Life is a marathon. However, every now and then you need sprints. Sprints are 30 day periods where you go all the fuck in. I created (after much demand) a 30 day program exactly for this. You can read more about it here. Or check out the eBook here.


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