November 24

How To Use Social Media To Achieve Your Goals

Subject: Social media goals, how to use them effectively.

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this article: In this article I will introduce you to a powerful way to use social media that will propel you to achieving your goals.

In this road to absolute personal power, there is one mission statement that connects everything. Everything we do, we must become the user, not the slave.

Now, let's take a look at social media. 

You have the best psychologists and scientists in the world studying how to get you addicted to social media apps.

Instant dopamine. Social validation. Likes. Retweets. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Attention will always be your most important asset.

Social media destroys it.

It is an Enemy that must be confronted in one of two ways.

First, completely delete the whole thing and stop using it. 

That's a tough one for most.

The second strategy is the one I will show you today. 

The Social Animal

We are a social animal. An animal that since the beginning of times has had a tribe.

This is hardwired in our DNA. There is no escaping it. People like hanging out with people like them.

Look at any city in the world. French people will be near other French people. Russians with Russians. Indians with Indians. Haitains with Haitans. Colombians with Colombians.

We like to associate with those similar to us.

A truth that you might be familiar with is that you are the average of the five people you hang out with.

  • If your friends are broke and working 9-5s, you will be too.
  • If your friends are fat and lazy, you will be too.
  • If your friends are losers, you will be too.
  • If your friends are disciplined and strong willed, you will be too.
  • If your friends are millionaires, you will be too.
  • If your friends are winners, you will be too.

We must change our social environment in order to change ourselves.

The most powerful form of influence is in person. The people you hang out with will determine how far you go in life. Being next to someone. Feeling their energy. 

Moments, even seconds with a truly powerful person can impact you at the deepest level. 

This is the reason why people join mastermind's or private groups. So they can feed off of each others energy and grow exponentially. 

These strategies are great and are recommended.

The lesser known method, is to change the way you use social media.

Like we mentioned earlier, it can use us or we can use it.

Guess what 99% of people do? Let's not be like them (fuck average).

Have you ever noticed that Instagram is similar to life?

You get to decide where your attention goes and life responds accordingly.

On Instagram you like a picture of a Rolex. Next thing you know, your explore page is filled with watch accounts. 

The algorithm is created to give you more of what you like.

So is life. If you tell you're subconscious that money, power, personal growth, love is important to you. You will get more of it.

Call this the law of attraction or whatever you want, but this is reality. 

Now let's learn how to use this to create a circle of winners around you.


(Ps. Follow me at @pinkgorilladaniel if you haven't already)

Like we already discussed, Instagram will feed you back more of what you focus on.

Here is strategy #1 to reap the benefit:

  1. Create a new account and put it on private. This is purely for you.
  2. The explore page will be the one that you do the most work in.
  3. Be extremely conscious of every photo you like. 
  4. Be extremely conscious of every person you follow. 
  5. Like photos of quotes, materialistic objects, people that you admire and desire.
  6. Remember that Instagram will give you more of where ever your attention goes.
  7. View your time on Instagram as visionary productive time as you are not using it to watch stupid videos but as a tool to motivate yourself to pursue your ideal life.

Strategy #2:

  1. On your personal account, unfollow all your friends from high school and college that are not serving you in any way.
  2. Hide people's account and story if they post any negative material.
  3. Go out of your way to comment, like and support any friends that are on the upwards spiral in life.
  4. Delete the app 3 or 4 days of the week. 
  5. The intention for when you go on instagram is to support, show appreciation, share, and connect. Keep it high vibration. 


Twitter is similar to life with different parts of it being described as their own world.

There is 'black twitter' , 'trump twitter', 'sports twitter', 'red pill twitter', 'democrat twitter'.

The same principle applies.

The people you follow create your own universe.

Follow these steps to reap the benefit:

  1. Create a new account. This is purely for you.
  2. Follow people that only spread positivity, abundance, growth and strength.
  3. Stay away from politics and any type of negativity. 
  4. Block all low vibration trolling, hate speech and negative DM's or comments.
  5. Like and retweet messages that reflect the person you want to be and the life you want to live.


The same principles apply to Facebook.

You have the ability to create your own world that aids your growth vs. distracts you from it.


  1. Download the News Feed Eradicator. "But Daniel, I use Facebook to connect to all my cousins that I love to dearly!" I call bullshit, but let's say that it is true. You can still message them. This plugin that can be downloaded (free) on Google Chrome is so fucking useful.
  2. Hide any political or negative messages.
  3. Follow pages that support your purpose.
  4. Comment and like all positive messages. Support others.

Podcasts, Email lists, Pinterest, TikTok...

For all other social media apps, the same principle applies.

Ask yourself this question if you are in doubt.

Is this helping me reach my goal or pulling me away?

Is this helping me become the person I am meant to be or pulling me away?

The answer is always simple.

Yes. No.

There is no in between.

While podcasts and email lists are not considered 'social media' they deserve special attention.

There are podcasts episodes that will fundamentally shift your reality.

60 minutes of listening and your life is forever changed.

The only 'bad' part of it is that you are not paying $$ for this knowledge.

Therefore it will go over your head. You won't value it.

Don't be this person. Listen to a podcast and APPLY. 

With email lists, use to unsubscribe from all of those spam lists you are on.

Join email lists like ours, that are focused on VALUE first and selling you second.

Every part of your environment should be geared to helping you become a winner.

Change your relationship with social media. Become a user.

Ask yourself the magic question...

Is this helping me reach my goal or pulling me away?

Is this helping me become the person I am meant to be or pulling me away?

Yes or No. Black or white.

Adapt this information to your preferences and apply it.

With deep appreciation, thank you for reading.



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