Subject: Self improvement apps
Location: Orlando, Florida
What you will get out of this: Look, we all all use our phones more than we would like to admit. Might as well use it to improve and excel in our life. Here are the apps I use on a day-to-day basis to stay at the top of my game. Go through the list and see which ones you can add to your arsenal.
Disclaimer: some of the links I get a small percentage as an affiliate. However, I'm not doing it for the couple dollars I might receive. I personally use all of these apps and they have dramatically helped my quality of life.
1. Audible

The amount of knowledge I've gained from listening to Audiobooks is unreal. I listen to them on walks, while driving and whenever I have a spare moment.
If you haven't started listening to audiobooks by now I don't know what the FUCK you have been up to. It's such an incredible resource.
Click here to sign up for a free trial + free book. This is my affiliate link, if you sign up I get a free book and so do you.
2. Evernote

Evernote is truly incredible. You can create notebooks for different projects. It allows you to organized in every area of your life. Plus it syncs with your computer instantly.
I map out articles, videos, my vision in Evernote.
I use it multiple times a day.
Click here to sign up. It's free, but the premium version has numerous benefits.
3. Podcasts

If I'm not listening to Audible, you can find me in the Podcast section.
There are podcasts for ANY topic you can dream of. Interviews of the greatest experts in whatever field you are curious about.
Also - make sure to subscribe to the DWW podcast 'Meeting and Defeating the Enemy Within'. It is now called Gorilla Strategies. Search Gorilla Strategies wherever you listen to podcasts.
4. Moodnotes

This is such an INCREDIBLE tool. I used this every day for a couple months and the results were astounding.
My emotional awareness was on steroids. The awareness of how I felt, and then the understanding of what my brain was actually going through had powerful results.
This is a great tool for anyone that has negative thoughts, and finds themselves in a 'negative' state for most of the day.
Just search Moodnotes in the app store, the cost is $3.99 and is worth every penny.
5. WinStreak

I've used this app for a couple years and it's so powerful and simple. Believe me.
You write down your wins from today and your projected wins for tomorrow. It rewires our brain to appreciate and notice all the ways we are succeeding in our life instead of just looking at our failures.
This is literally re-wiring your brain to becoming a winner.
6. Insight Timer

I've been using insight timer for the last year for my own meditations. Great tool for timers and they have a vast variety of guided meditations as well.
I started my meditation practice using Headspace. Another incredible tool for learning mindfulness. After the habit was built, all I wanted was a timer to do my own practice.
I use Insight Timer daily as a way to track my personal practice.
7. App

As of writing this article I am in the 1400-1500 range in my ranking.
I'm not good by any measure but I do play daily. I started in the 800s and have learnt to play.
My goal is to reach the 2000s. Not only is it extremely fun, but it has greatly developed my critical thinking and strategy.
I play chess online, which also allows me to be competitive.
8. Quora

Incredible resource filled with questions and answers about topics you were always fascinated by.
I also consistently answer questions that you will not find on the blog.
Quora is such an invaluable tool for those of us that are curious.
9. GoodNewsNetwork

The daily news is a vehicle for our Enemy.
You literally can feel the fear coming from the TV if you focus on it.
When we read and see all the terrible things that are happening, we end up focusing on how the world is such an awful place.
I check this app out every now and then, to hear incredible heart-warming stories that didn't make it to the fear based news networks.
10. Sweatcoin

I started this app recently. If you have been following DWW for some time, you might have realized I'm a BIG time walker. I love walking and I make sure to hit 10k+ steps a day.
Sweatcoin is an app that PAYS you to walk outside.
Not only can I walk now and be filled with genius ideas, I'm getting paid for it to?
Sign me up.
Click here to get started.
11. Honorable Self Improvement Apps Mentions
Duolingo - The best app to learning a new language. I used this to become proficient in Spanish.
Headspace - I meditated with Headspace for over a year. Once I was done with the guided meditations, I started using Insight timer. This app is incredible for anyone new to meditation or wanting to be re-inspiring to continue the journey.
Lumosity - Brain training app I used to use consistently. If you can upgrade your brain software it will help in every area of your life.
Youtube - I use Youtube everyday. You can find interviews, video explanations and all sorts of wisdom from the best in the world.
Dark Sky - one of the top weather apps. It will tell you exactly when the rain is starting in your area. Freaky accurate. Sometimes it says 'Rain starts in 7 minutes' and right on cue it starts pouring.
Acorns - A great tool to start investing and creating a savings account. Acorns takes the extra change from daily purchases and invests it into stocks. It all works automatically, and you won't even notice the difference in your account. Click this link to sign up.
PS. What self improvement apps can you recommend? Take 12 seconds and let me know in the comments.