Subject: Develop your inner-killer, mental toughness
Location: Orlando, Florida
Reading time: 5 minutes
Hello warriors.
As you and I both continue to wage war on our inner enemies.
The part of us that as the great Steven Pressfield named 'Resistance' in his book "The War of Art".
We are reminded the power of our invisible adversary in this quote from Steven himself:
"Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work. It will perjure, fabricate, falsify; seduce, bully, cajole. Resistance is protean. It will assume any form, if that's what it takes to deceive you."
We know this.
We fight this formless creature every single day whether we are aware of it or not.
We also know that the enemy is our greatest teacher.
Every challenge, roadblock, trick and frustration that the devil puts in our way is an opportunity to become stronger.
Stronger than yesterday is the motto.
By overcoming the obstacle, we become stronger.
As the story of Sisyphus, we roll the boulder uphill just to watch it roll back down every single day.
The difference is, that while the work of overcoming challenges is the same every day, the inner growth is what truly matters.
The outside actions are the same, but the mental fortitude, toughness and killer inside all of us becomes stronger with every boulder brought to the top of the hill.
Let me repeat this for you once more:
Every time we overcome an extremely difficult or unpleasant thing we develop our killer.
A strong inner killer = greatness in the outside world.
Step 1: Show your mind who the boss is (kill your inner bitch)
For example. You are doing pushups and can only do 20. See if you can do 21, or 22 or maybe even more?
Every time you feel like quitting remind yourself as Navy Seal David Goggins says "quitting is 40%". When you feel like quitting, remind yourself that this is only 40% of how far you can go.
Do one more pushup.
Do one more lap.
Proof read that article one more time.
This is less about the results but more about what is going on internally.
To develop your inner killer, you must always show your mind who is in charge. This is what mental toughness is all about.
When your mind says "quit!" you say continue.
When your mind says "warm shower" you say cold.
You are constantly showing your mind who the fuck is in charge. This is what it means to develop the inner killer.
The only thing you have control over is your mind. If you don't you are not a killer.
It can be developed through meditation and by BEING tougher at this exact moment.
Step 2: Choose a difficult mission
Make your vision and mission more challenging and harder.
If your job is extremely easy right now, either work somewhere else or make it more challenging.
For example: If your job is to pick up trash, make it more challenging. How fast and efficiently can you pick up all of the trash?
How would it look like if I made this 5% more challenging?
How would it look like if I wanted to be 5% more efficient?
Everything you do is training.
Everything you do is training.
Everything you do is training.
Everything you do is training.
I cannot stress this enough. Yes I know I wrote it four times 🙂
You might ask, what am I training for?
Your souls evolution. Your character. Your inner killer.
Step 3: Defeat all addictions

Addictions keep you weak.
Addictions make you a slave.
You must have X or else Y happens.
A killer is not a slave.
To develop a strong inner killer you must defeat all weakness.
This is in alignment to step 1: showing your mind who the boss is.
Example1: Coffee.
I love coffee.
I drink it every morning.
However, knowing about my inner-killer I take a 1-2 weeks breaks without any type of caffeine to prove to myself that I can live without it.
I am the chooser, the coffee and caffiene is not dictating my choices.
Example2: Need for approval.
It's an addiction.
Solution: put yourself in situations where people will look down on you.
Constantly remind yourself that the only permission you need from the world, comes from within.
Example3: Porn.
Is it helping you in any way shape or form?
The answer is no. Stop lying to yourself.
Remember what Steven Pressfield said:
"Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work. It will perjure, fabricate, falsify; seduce, bully, cajole. Resistance is protean. It will assume any form, if that's what it takes to deceive you."
Part X will use ANYTHING to get you from doing your work.
You know what you are addicted to.
No matter how small (texting while driving, wasting time on instagram).
Ask yourself this question and purge the weakness from your body.
What needs to be removed and cleansed from my body and mind?
Side note: We don't want addictions, we want conscious choices. I choose coffee in the mornings, when that choice becomes an addiction "I need coffee" then I take a break. Same with every other substance or choice we make. We reassert our power as the chooser not the slave.
This is how you develop your inner killer.
The strength, will and mental toughness is grown through this process.
The process of defeating our inner enemies and reasserting our thrown.
Declare War Within. Create a revolution inside of yourself.
Create a fortress of mental toughness.
Enough tyranny of Part X, create a new version of yourself by developing this killer.
As you read through this article I'm sure some addictions came to mind, write in the comments section what you are committing to stopping.
With love, Daniel.