Subject: Dreaming big
Location: Orlando
Hello Warrior, question for you.
Are you winning the war against your inner Enemies? Not letting that slimy manipulative force dictate how you see the world?
Whether your answer is yes or no, or you won or lost your last battle.
It's time to re-commit and continue winning.
Self doubt will be there. Fear will be there. Worry and anxiety will be there.
All of your enemies will be there. That tricky force that knows us better than we know ourselves. It uses our weakness!
You know what I mean. For instance, if my weakness is fast food, it will make sure I eat the most fattening carb filled foods.
It knows fully that when I ingest this garbage, I feel like garbage.
If I feel like garbage guess how my level of production and commitment to my vision is?
Yep. Very low.
The devil has it's tricks. The more aware of them you are, the better you can overcome them.
This morning, the devil almost defeated me.
Last night I set an intention to wake up at 7am full of energy.
As the universe is always listening, it granted me this and I magically woke up at 6:58am.
A whole 120 seconds before my alarm clock.
As I'm lying there awake, a seductive voice spoke ever so gently...
"You went to sleep kind of late, might as well nap a little bit more to gain energy for the rest of the day."
I closed my eyes for one minute becoming dangerously close to dreamland until I jumped out of bed and immediately did 10 jumping jacks (the secret to stop snoozing).
Close one, devil. Close one.
However close it is, I won this battle.
I also know that every single day is an absolute world war between me and my Enemy.
It will flood me with impulses, feelings and thoughts in order for me to not do great work.
People ask me as the founder of Declare War Within, it must be easy for you.
No. It's not. Every day is a struggle, some easier and some harder.
"The enemy is a very good teacher." - Dalai Lama

What would we be without our competition and enemies?
It's knowing that the enemy is working hard that drives our greatest growth.
Now, enough about all that.
Today, I will shine some awareness on our invisible enemy. Specifically the way it uses the how to stop us from accomplishing what.
This is something that I personally struggled with for quite some time without knowing it.
I feel deeply that it's one of the main reasons why people are not doing great work and living life as Creators.
Let's use some case studies to demonstrate this:
1) Elon Musk Planning to colonize Mars
Before SpaceX we knew that this was out of the question.
I mean, no one has gone to Mars, and you plan on living there?
That "what" is too big. It's impossible.
Just give up.
I mean, HOW will you do it?
Just like when it was 6:58AM and my enemy whispered for me to stay in bed, this is such a seductive question.
You really can't answer it for big goals, because you DO NOT KNOW YET!
People realize, I don't know HOW and immediately cancel out the goal.
The secret to every creation on the world started by determining WHAT they wanted and the HOW came way later.
When Elon first dreamt about colonizing Mars maybe he had a few general ideas.
Build a rocket, inhabit the land, make it cost effective, get public opinion, etc etc.
As you commit to the WHAT, you bend reality to find ways to make a HOW.
2) Pink Gorilla Fashion
6 months ago I didn't know a thing about the fashion industry and how to create a clothing company.
However, knowing this principle I decided on WHAT I desired to create.
I was tired wearing other peoples brands. I was tired of wearing clothes that didn't fit my body. I was tired of this shitty quality for high prices.
I decided that I will create my own fashion company with great material that is minimalistic and will stand for something. If it sells to someone, cool.
I didn't know 'how' to do anything.
Suppliers, warehouse, fabrics, colors, LLC, lawyers, taxes, patents, trademarks.
None of it.
I figured it all on the journey.
I decided WHAT and the HOW came later.
3) Most people on Earth
They want to start a blog but don't know how to make it and monetize it.
They want to create a film but don't know how to do it.
They want to make a lot of money but don't know where to start.
They want to look like a greek god or goddess yet don't know how to get there.
They want X and don't know HOW to Y.
Stop this nonsense. It's absolutely the work of the devil.
He has convinced you with his invisible self to not go for it. There are too many obstacles.
Yet the truth is that the obstacle is the WAY.
Choose what you want and make it happen.
You literally can create anything. I'm serious.
If you don't believe that, then you know you are under the spell of resistance. You are stuck in a simulation. Someone has cast a black magic spell over your mind.
Don't let your enemies enjoy this satisfaction any longer.
Whatever you want. Create it. Don't let the HOW stop you.
This is how greatness is made. This is how anything world class was done.
"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was." - Muhammad Ali
He decided WHAT then let the HOW come after.
Now, it's your turn warrior.
Will you let your Enemies determine how you see the world?
Don't let HOW stop you from starting your WHAT.
Sending an avalanche of love to you from Florida.