Subject: How To Develop Your Emotional Intelligence Skills
Location: Miami, Florida
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What you will get out of this article: You will learn how to develop your emotional intelligence skills. Understand why this is important, how it is affecting your life. Plus you will learn strategies on how to use emotions to fuel your personal power instead of harming you.
How To Develop Your Emotional Intelligence Skills
All humans deal with emotions on a regular basis. People feel sad, happy, motivated, depressed and everything in between.
For 99% of people, emotions are the compass that directs their life.
If they feel good they will take good actions.
If they feel bad they will take bad actions.
Having emotional intelligence skills is the greatest predictor of your success in life.
Without EQ (emotional intelligence) you are a slave.
Think about how most people live.
If they don't feel good, they won't go to the gym. They won't call their client. They won't take the necessary actions to move forward in life.
They are a slave because emotions run their life.
If you don't have EQ, then your emotions tell you what to do.
They are your master.
And if they are your master, you cannot become a great man.
A great man isn't reliant on good feelings to get the job done. A great man is a professional.
If he feels like it or not, he will get the job done. Do you understand this?
EQ Development
Imagine every emotion as a person.
There is a 'real life' person called 'happy'. Another called 'sad'. etc. etc.
You are the home and place of living.
Do you let everyone into your home? Random homeless people on the street? No, you don't. You are highly selective of who comes into your place of rest.
Now, emotions are people. You must lock the door of your house to emotions that are not serving you in the present.
If Mr. & Mrs. Sad and Depressed comes knocking on your door, do you let them in?
No, you don't. Kick them the fuck out.
Just because an emotion comes knocking on your door, does not mean you must let them in. This is the true nature of emotions.
The 3 Roles In Life
In the popular business book E-Myth, author Michael Gerber illustrates three different roles you must play in life.
The awareness of these roles is an absolute game changer.
Let's break it down.
1. Owner
2. Manager
3. Employee
These are the three parts of you.
The employee is the one who does the job. The manager creates the weekly planning for the employee to do. The owner decides what work must be done as they are in charge of the entire company (It's the owner's goals).
For example. Let's use a physical goal.
The owner part of you decides what the goal/ideal is for you.
You want to lose x amount of body fat and build a body similar to a greek god.
The manager takes in the goal and creates a plan on how to make it into reality. Eat more of this food, less of that. Workout 4 times a week. Cardio on Sundays.
The employee part of you works out. Eats well. He is on the ground just following the instructions of the manager.
You play all these roles.
Now applying this process to EQ.
99% of people are forgetting that they are also Owners/Managers of their life.
They let their emotions decide what they do, rather than the manager.
Get clearer on your goals. The process/rituals required to reach them. And do the work.
Whether you feel like it or not, follow the process set out by your own personal manager and owner.
Emotions Are Fleeting
Stop respecting your emotions so much.
It's just an emotion. Don't give it that much credit.
First, many emotions can be fixed simply by shifting your body language.
Next time you feel terrible, jump up and down with your arms raised upward (power pose) for two minutes.
Tell me how you feel after that. Radically different? Exactly.
Besides your body language, we are social animals that constantly pick up energy from others.
You can be around a really sad person and suddenly your sad as well.
Now, an emotion which wasn't yours, to begin with is dictating your life?
Do you understand the implications of this? We cannot live in our basements away from people. We go through life engaging and picking up others energies. Developing your emotional intelligence skills will allow you to act in the correct manner, whether you FEEL like it or not.
The Game Of Emotions
How fast can you change your emotional state?
What are the key activities that WHEN YOU DO IT, you feel great?
This is the game of emotions. If you notice yourself feeling 'bad', how quickly can you change your emotional state?
This is true power.
Feeling bad becomes a trigger for you to change your state to feel good.
This is the mark of a true professional.
An understanding that you are the owner. You are the spirit. You are not your emotions.
Become emotionally stronger and watch your life prosper.
It's time for you to develop your emotional intelligence skills.