June 4

How To Build Self Confidence – 35 Ways To Increase Your Confidence


Subject: How to build self confidence

Location: Orlando, Florida 

People tell me all the time, that I come off as supremely confident.

I don't pay much attention to it but it's interesting to hear. 

The truth is, I wasn't always like this. There was a time where I didn't feel confident at all. I'll spare you the details.

One day I decided enough was enough. I chose to learn how to build self confidence.

The following are a list of the strategies, tools, mindsets and actions you can take IMMEDIATELY to make your dreams into reality.

Bookmark this article to refer back to in the future. 

Without confidence it's impossible to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Look, if you are dreaming big and have these massive goals for the future. Remember this fact.  Most people don't think like you. There is a reason why successful people are successful. A huge part of that is confidence. If you haven't had it by now, you will understand by the end of this article why you keep failing. Believe me. 

With your permission, let's throw a middle finger to the people that doubted you. It's time to commit fully to living your best life. 

Let's go over what is in the way of you obtaining this magical power.


Self doubt.


All forms of self-sabotage.

This is the work of our inner Enemy. It wants to keep us small. It will do anything in it's power to destroy our potential. 

The Enemy doesn't want you to strut around the world making decisions and cashing checks. 

It surrounds us with a force field of fear. If we accept this field, it destroys our soul. That's why you are reading this article. It's time to Declare War Within on this force that's holding you back. By now you are wondering "I'm committed to defeating the Enemy at all costs." If that's the case, this article was written exactly for you.

The advice you are about to read will be ethical and easy to follow, will require very little additional effort or cost on your part, and should pay big dividends. 

However, keep an open mind and you be the judge.  

What will you get out of this article?

I fully expect that by the time you finish this blog post, your confidence toolbox will be packed with so many proven strategies you'll hardly be able to close it. You will learn how to build self confidence.

1. Groom Yourself

Taking care of your body is an expression of self love. Confident people love and appreciate themselves. They realize it's a choice to love yourself.

No baby came into this world not liking a part of themselves. They CHOOSE to love themselves every day. Grooming is an expression of self love.  

Cut your nails. Have a great haircut.  Shower.  Do all the bare necessities consistently. This will make you feel better about yourself, thus becoming more confident. 

2. Don't do things that make you weak

If you take actions that make you feel weak, you become weak.

When you lie to others you become weaker. When you use other peoples thoughts without thinking them through, you become weaker. If you don't want to feel shame, refrain from doing things that you feel shame from. 

3. Have direction in life

People ask me all the time how to be build self confidence. This is one crucial element.

You might not be the clearest on your vision and mission in life. The minimum requirement is to choose the direction you are heading.

Imagine you were a train that was heading north. People would want to hop on for the ride.

Now imagine a broken down train that hasn't moved for years. No-one besides the homeless are hoping on.

how to build self confidence

Direction can be as simple as taking daily actions to improve yourself to match an ideal picture of you in the future. 

4. Be selfish

Confident people are selfish. They realize they can't give to others what they don't have.

People without confidence get 'lost in the sauce'. They attempt to people please and help others. Key word: attempt. They are not helping themselves or the people they perceive to be in need.

5. Have high standards

What other people think was a 'great job' you interpret as the norm. See, confident people believe in themselves. True inner confidence came from overcoming challenges, increasing your competence and improving your habits.

The more you win the more you grow in self belief. Over time your goals become loftier. 

For example, you used to want to win the game. Now your north star is set on winning a championship. Standards.

6. Incredible self belief

True self belief comes from working on your craft everyday. You set out to pursue a goal. You accomplishing it. That's a feedback loop.

The more you accomplish what you set out to do, the more self belief you have.

Incredible self belief comes naturally when you are good at what you do. Increase your competence and skills in your craft of choice everyday.  You will become more confident in your abilities. It's that simple.

7. Encourage other peoples success

Confident people are abundant. They realize there is enough pie for you and me.

If someone else is successful that does not mean there is less for you.

Everyone can win. Someone else winning inspires you to continue winning. Someone losing inspires you to continue to win. Everything is a win. Cheers to that. 

8. Don't frown, relax your jaw

How can you possibly be confident if your body is filled with tension? 

My clients personally really love this one. It's a secret body language hack I learned some time ago. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. What this does is relax your jaw. We hold a ton of stress and emotion in our jaw. Relax the jaw, relax the mind. 

PS. If your natural facial expression is a frown. Remember that is just a habit. You can change it. 

9. Exercise

How to build confidence? Go to the gym. There are no shortcuts to building an incredible body.

One year from now when you look in the mirror, imagine the amount of confidence that will come from realizing that you and you alone created this. You look good, you feel good. 

10. Competence 

Confident people are constantly working on their craft.

Imagine playing a sport. Would you be confident if you didn't know the rules and how to play? No.

Now imagine if you learned from the best coaches. Practiced all day long. Would you be confident in yourself? Trust me. You would. Work on your craft and you will build self confidence.

11. Understand what's in your control

Confident people are in control.

They simply know what is in their control vs. what's not.

The weather? Is outside of your control. Your interpretation of the weather? In your control. This ability to separate the two allows them to stay calm and controlled. 

12. Clean your room and clear your desk

Don't make things harder for yourself. Clear your desk and clean your room. Dirty dishes and a stack of papers are portals for the Enemy to enter and create chaos.

The confident person's life is in order. Keep your Castle clean.

13. Set small goals and achieve them

Everyone in our Declare War Within community have a gigantic vision and work on it daily. However, there is another secret of building self confidence. Small wins.

Confident people are winning all the time. Small wins stacking every single moment of every day.

They set small weekly or monthly goals and accomplish. This, as we mentioned earlier, builds the feedback loop. They become more confident and raise their self esteem.

14. Dress confident

You look good and you feel good. Wear well fitting pants, shorts, shirts and everything.

Wear high quality clothing. By neglecting the clothes and appearance you are losing a drastic opportunity to look and be more confident.

15. Get clear on your ideal self 

Two steps:

1. What does your ideal self look like?

2. What systems will you put into place to reach it?

Get clear on your ideal self. How does that person look like? Talk? What traits do they have? What is there mindset like? What is their attitude toward the world?

Next, create the systems to make it a reality. For example, I am working on making my body look like a Greek God. I have processes to make that into reality.

Three times a week I do strength training / Every morning I do a yoga routine / Every Day I do 40 pushups and 40 situps. 

Over time, this system will lead me to my desired result. If it doesn't I will tweak the system until I reach my destination. What systems can you put into place?

16. Affirm to yourself what you want to be

As you gain clarity on your ideal self. Taken the time to create the systems to make it a reality. 

One way to skyrocket your confidence is by focusing on your self-image. Once you take an action that is congruent to your goal. Reaffirm to yourself that YOU are the type of person that does X.

Identity level change is the easiest way to improve your life.

Look, a person that sees themselves as a gym go-er will go to the gym. 

Next time you do an action that you want more of in your life tell yourself 'that's just the type of person I am.'

17. Do what you hate first

People that have self confidence, have confidence in themselves.

This comes from not being a slave in their own reality. They sit on the throne, as kings.  

By consistently doing what you HATE first. You discipline yourself to head towards the mental barriers that surround you. It's a constant attack against our inner Enemy that attempts to keep us stuck in the mud.

18. Do what scares you

Confident people realize this simple fact. Life begins on the other side of your comfort zone. So as a relationship to life itself, they take actions every day that most people wouldn't.

See, that's the difference between a confident person and the rest of the world.

They head towards the dragon, sword in hand no matter how big the challenge.

19. The habit of winning

Focus only on your wins. Even failures are reinterpreted as wins. Everything is a win for the confident person.

The parking spot? A win. Remembering to bring your wallet? A win. Feeling hydrated? A win. They take everything as a win and thus develop the habit of winning.

20. Have boundaries

People with high self confidence have boundaries. Remember that all high status people have self confidence. 

If someone crosses your boundaries, you let them know.

Look, if you were a country, and another country invaded your homeland. Would you let them stay?

No. You would protect your borders. Same goes with boundaries. 

21. Practice a confident walk

Confident people walk with confidence. It's tough to demonstrate this in an article. A confident walk has the following qualities:

  • Purpose
  • Ease and relaxed
  • Slow and controlled

They walk with purpose. They are relaxed and calm in their bodies. Every movement is slow and controlled.

22. How confident people speak

They are not needy. You can immediately tell when someone is needy by the way they speak.

Their sentences end in an upward intonation. They don't speak with passion. They don't make statements. They mumble. They say "umm" and "like" a lot.

Record yourself speaking. Watch the film. Work on improving how you speak daily.

23. Confident eye contact

Confident people will stare right into your soul. They don't shy away from the pressure.

See, when we hold eye contact there is a bubbling of pressure that happens in our bodies. We feel that we must turn away in order to release it.

Confident people have an insatiable thirst for pressure. They thrive on pressure. They look away but never because of the inability to hold it.

24. Be high status

High status is the cheat code of life. Become high status. Practice high status traits. Read this article weekly until they are ingrained in your DNA.

25. Do 3 important tasks every day

Every day ask yourself this question.

What are the three things that if I did nothing else would make today a great day?

Now go and do them. Just imagine how you will feel. If every day you accomplish what you set out to do. Your confidence will skyrocket.

26. Develop your inner killer

In this daily battle against the Enemy you must develop your inner killer

That part of you that is mentally tough. That part of you that has suffered and dug it'self out of the grave time and time again.

Knowing that you can do that will provide a deep inner sense of confidence for your entire life.

27. Nothing to prove and nothing to hide

This is the attitude of the truly confident.

You have nothing to hide and nothing to prove to anyone. You are free to express yourself how you would like. There is no neediness behind your intentions.

It's simply: this is me, like me or don't. I don't really care. ​​

28. Act as if

This is such a game changer. If you want to be confident. Act confident. Moment to moment ask yourself. What would a confident person think right now? What would they do right now? How would they move? How would they feel?

Act as if you are the most confident person in the world, and you will be. 

29. Do what you are good at doing

Do more of what you are good at. When we have a certain competence in an activity we naturally feel more confident.

If you have never worked out a day in your life. Imagine going to the gym and seeing 100 different machines. You would feel overwhelmed.

Now, if you had worked out for the last 10 years every day. When you walk into a gym, you are at complete ease and confident.

Confident people work on their craft, increase their competence every day. I will keep repeating this because its the foundation. Do more of what you are good at and you will naturally feel and be more confident.

30. Self control & discipline 

Look, we are here talking about self confident. You have confidence (trust) in yourself.

How can you possibly ever be truly confident if you cannot control yourself?

Discipline, self-control are the pinnacle of true confidence. Everything external is easy. Internally getting yourself to do what you know you need to do is an incredible power.

31. Kindness, no reason to put others down help them get to your level

There is no reason to put others down. If you were a king, why would you put someone else down?

The confident person is not insecure. He doesn't need to do that. He can be kind and just while still holding firm boundaries. The confident person does kind actions because he wants to. It's a selfish desire.

32. There is no need to have something happen

The confident person is not attached to the result. They put in the work. They strategize. They create the system. They do everything in their control to master their destiny. They also realize that there is no NEED to have something happen.

If it happens? Cool. If it doesn't? Cool. They are confident and carefree about results.

33. Remove people that are not confident or inspire them to be more

If your friends are not confident, send them this article. People that are committed to becoming confident in their life don't hang out with others that are not.

Imagine two scenarios.

Scenario 1: You and your friends feel fear and avoid all opportunities to display courage. 

Scenario 2: You and your friends feel fear and immediately take action on it and inspire each other to move forward.

Choose scenario 2.

34. Be your own cheerleader

Confident people are not waiting for others to compliment them.

They are motivated from within. When they do great work, they congratulate themselves. After doing this consistently, self praise becomes their greatest fuel to keep on truckin'.

35. Make decisions

How to build self confidence? Make decisions.

Confident people sometimes make the right decision. Sometimes they make the wrong one.

This does not deter the confident person from acting. People that are insecure, will leave decisions till tomorrow. Confident people understand that it's better to move forward then wait it out.

36. Confident people are leaders

They don't follow the herd.

Confident people are leaders, leading other humans to the promised land.

Since they have direction and have worked on their high status. People naturally gravitate to them. Leaders appreciate that trust and lead them to a better place.

Which one will you use starting tomorrow?

Let me know in the comments.  

PS. We have just released our first hypnosis track from PowerfulSubliminals. For the last 3 months we have been working on blending our subliminal technology + advanced strategies of Hypnotherapy. It came out better than I even imagined. We call it PowerHypnosis™ technology. 

Our team at PS are beyond excited for you to test it for yourself.

This particular hypnosis is for Unlimited Motivation because we re-wire your subconscious brain's self-talk.

As you know, if you've been here at Declare War Within for a while, what goes on between the ears determines your success in life. 

And - we know how the subconscious works. It does what it thinks you want.

Therefore the SECRET to achieving massive success is to learn how to speak and communicate with your mind.

That is exactly what this hypnosis was created to do! (can you see how excited I am right now). 

So immediately upon listening to our track, you can begin to tell your mind what you really want. Imagine telling your mind you want:

  • More money, wealth and abundance so you can have the experiences you deserve which means you live where you want, do what you want and take advantage of all life has to offer. 
  • A better social life which means you can build a strong group of friends that appreciate you for you while having fun & holding you accountable.
  • You can tell your mind to look stronger and be healthier which means you will feel better in your own body, look sexier and be more confident.
  • To have a healthier relationship with sex which means you can get rid of any shame and feel good about yourself in the bedroom. 
  • To feel lovable, enough and have high self esteem which means you can be truly happy and live a life of meaning. 
  • To have more freedom which means that you can do what you want when you want with whom you want. 
  • To be a social master and communicate effectively which means you can enter any room at any time and feel completely at ease.
  • Meet a high-quality man or woman which means you can tell your mind to look for your soul mate.
  • Start a business and work on your entrepreneurial goals which means you can stop being tied to a desk working for a boss you dislike.
  • Become a leader at work and receive promotions which means you can make more money, have more responsibility and thrive in life. 

Your mind is a feedback machine. Your only duty is to speak to your mind in a clear manner and that's exactly why we created this hypnosis.

Click right here to learn more brother.


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  • Wow. I loved the article about confidence. Thanks a lot! I am in my way to becoming a stunning woman rasiating confidence where ever I walk in

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