Subject: Hating change and judgments
Location: Orlando, Florida
Reading time: 5 minutes
Hey warrior.
How's your morning/afternoon/evening going?
Did you utterly demolish your inner enemy today with a perfect record of wins?
Or maybe that devil within got you a couple times with an impulse or rationalization.
It's all good.
The enemy is our greatest teacher and you and I both choose to learn from our mistakes.
Today I want to tell you a story of what happened to me yesterday and how it relates to your life.
I wasn't feeling like cooking so I decided to head toward our neighborhood Publix.
(Publix is the giant supermarket chain here in the southeast of America incase ya didn't know.)
So after filling my cart I headed over to pay.
Quickly glancing aisle by aisle I found the smallest line and squeezed right in.
Here is were it got interesting.
I had bought some rice chips that were on display and the cash register looked at the bag and said in a very sad voice:
Him: "They changed the bag!"
Me: "Well, do they at least taste the same?"
Him: "I don't know... I'll never buy them again. I hate change."
A couple things hit me all at once when he said this.
First, I judged him super hard.
I'm not proud of it but I did.
Next, I tried to kind of convince him that change was one of the only guarantees in life which he just ignored.
I walked to my car thinking about this conversation and promptly decided to breakdown the mindset that's stopping this sales clerk and many others from creating beauty in the world.
Here are the lessons that I mined:
1. How to be a consumer for life
There are people that create and those that consume.
Creators consciously choose what environment serves them best, the relationship that would be perfect, the business and life work they commit to.
They create their reality.
They create massive value and give it to the marketplace.
They don't accept the world as a static object. They see problems, and create solutions. Sometimes they sell these solutions and make millions.
They dream big.
They are aware of their inner enemy and defeat it on a day-to-day basis.
Consumers on the other hand don't do any of the above.
They only consume.
They were born into this world and think that the world cannot be changed. This is how it is, and how it will always be.
They despise change.
They hate updates and 'new versions'.
They hate on musiscians who are trying a new type of music.
They want things to stay the same so they can consume the same material.
Couple gold nuggets for us to learn from this.
First, change is the only mother fucking guaranteed thing in life. Seriously.
Yeah, I know about death and taxes.
First, many people believe that death is just a rebirth, and i'm sure if you were on an island by yourself you wouldnt have to pay taxes.
Change? Try to stop that.
You literally CANNOT!!!
Every single thing on an atomic and particle level is changing every second.
You cannot put your finger into the same river twice.
Everything has changed.
That resistance to a fundamental law of nature is what keeps people from staying a consumer.
As warriors here who have declared war within, we must head toward the change. Radically accept all change that comes our way and move forward. Whether that change is a chip bag design or a car crash.
2. Black magic
Obviously this man was under quite the spell.
Someone, maybe family or friend put a spell on this young man.
They waved the wand of language and as the words carefully fell into his brain, he accepted them as reality.
Black magic.
Many of us have accepted some type of black magic from the past and till this day it dictates our reality.

Timmy at age 8 was told by his teacher that he is "so stupid".
Black magic.
At age 46, Timmy has never attempted to create anything of value because he believed in this spell cast on him.
"If I'm stupid than I couldn't..."
This employee of Publix was under black magic. Part X and the devil were winning the war inside of him by a landslide.
3. I judged him
This lesson was so crucial for me, and for anyone that has met the enemy.
Listen closely. Most people don't understand the severity of the battle within.
They really don't even know how resistance is the greatest enemy of our entire life.
That's part of the reason why I even created Declare War Within. To spread awareness of this devil inside every single person.
Without awareness, you cannot defeat it.
This young chap didn't have the awareness.
Part X was controlling his life like a puppet.
I judged him wrongly.
What I could have done was acknowledged that this was the work of the enemy.
This is the invisible enemy of resistance working its tricks on another victim.
Next time someone is mean to you or says something similar to this. Don't make it personal "Phil said this!!", realize who the puppet is (Phil) and who is controlling them.
Realize they are under attack by a force.
This doesn't mean you are just someone to walk over. You still have boundaries, and if someone decides to cross the rubicon they will face the consequences.
It means that you can use empathy to understand their situation without it affecting your inner-state.
Life is filled with lessons if you are ready to see them.
Everything is a lesson for a young warrior committed to defeating all of their inner enemies.
Start noticing the enemy in everyone and everything.
Shine the light of awareness more and more on the shadows.
Eliminate all black magic within yourself.
Continue to create.
Love. Learn. Live.