March 12

Harnessing The Speed Of Implementation For Massive Success


Subject: speed of implementation

Location: Miami, Florida

What you will get out of this blog post: learn about speed of implementation in order to get more results in your wealth, health and career.

Speed. Speed. Speed. Speed.

Urgency. Urgency. Urgency.

Our inner Enemy lulls us into a false sense of security.

"Everything is going perfectly."

"You can do it tomorrow."

"What's the rush?"

"Next time we can finish the job."

These are all variations of attacks.

Attacks from our inner Devil that will stop at nothing until your potential is destroyed. 

It's a clever opponent. Because it knows that only through action will you improve and move forward in life.

Life requires movement. At the most subatomic level, everything is changing.

Atoms are constantly moving.

You are constantly moving.

This must be reflected in your day to day decisions.

Begin this process by focusing on your speed of implementation. 

Here is a thought experiment that came to me last year during a walk

Your idea is a baby. 

Our mind works in miraculous ways.

You'll be in the shower. Walking. In the gym. Having a conversation.


An idea pops into your head. An insight. A connection.

Some type of wisdom has now been downloaded into your brain.

All of us have experienced these types of creative inspiration.

This 'inspiration'. Think of it as a newborn baby.

See, a baby needs immediate attention, food and care or else it will die.

Every single moment after the baby is born must be attended to.

Do they need to burp? Eat? Drink? Be touched? 

Every moment matters.

If a newborn baby is ignored, it dies.

The same process happens with your idea.

If an idea of yours is not acted on with SPEED and URGENCY then it dies. 

Urgency and speed is the life force of your idea. This is where speed of implementation comes in.

How quickly do you take action on your insight?

How many times have you had a great idea for a business? Yet a month later, you have done nothing to move it forward.

This is the key differentiating factor between people that get results and those that don't.

Everything that needs to be done, must be done fast.

This does not mean low quality. Or done without attention to detail.

This just means that you value every moment and act with focused attention and urgency.

You value your time.

You have self-respect.

You attack your problems before they grow into something bigger.

Speed of implementation is the secret of successful people. It allows you to harness the force of momentum.

You become a magnet to opportunity and creativity.

Speed of implementation is the hack. The way to utilize this life hack is through urgency and speed.

The Engagement Paradox

This paradox came from 'Coming Alive' by Phil Stutz & Barry Michels. This book is one of the main inspirations behind Declare War Within. Learn about it here

It's a lie that your inner Enemy has convinced you.

It has told you that you "don't have enough energy" to do X activity.

Going to the gym after your day job.

Making another phone call to a client.

Working on your business.

Responding to emails.

Spending time with loved ones.

Working on a passion project.

Your Enemy convinces you that there isn't enough energy to do any of this.  

I'm here to tell's a lie.

The engagement paradox explains that in order to GAIN more energy you must ENGAGE with more life.

That means you could be exhausted after your day job and you still head to the gym. You might notice that within 10 minutes a random burst of energy fills your body that lasts you through your workout.

We have more energy than we can imagine.

It all begins with ENGAGEMENT.

Not avoiding work.

Begin taking focused action with SPEED & URGENCY.

Tap into an unlimited amount of energy by engaging with every action you take during the day.

You can do it faster.

People have incredibly off time frames. 

"It'll take 2 weeks to finish this." 

When in reality, it could be done in 2 days.

Whatever you are working on.

Whatever goal you have.

Reduce the time frame.

How could you achieve your 1 goal in 30 days?

How could you finish X work in half the time?

What would you have to do more of and what would you be doing less of?

Whatever it is. You can do it faster.

Begin by re-engaging with every area of your life.

Attack. Attack. Attack.

Speed. Speed. Speed.

Urgency. Urgency. Urgency.

Don't let any powerful insights die again.

Utilize speed of implementation and begin having results. 


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