Subject: Andy Frisella 100-0 mindset
Location: Miami, Florida
What you will get out of this article: Motivation to take full advantage of this quarantine times (Covid-19). Plus you will learn a foundational mindset that (if applied) will make you operate at champion level.
Invitation: Are you against winning? No? Ok, if you are a winner and want to be surrounded by more winners, join our private (free) telegram group. Click here to join.
Note before reading: I originally wrote this to our exclusive email list (if your signed up, you know what I'm talking about). It was filled with passion, swears and exclamation points. And you know me by now, we keep it real over here. Have you ever been in a mood that is absolutely emotionally motivated? Well, when I wrote this, that's how I felt.
Now for you guys here, we toned down the language and beefed up this article because on the email it was a bit shorter. Long story short, enjoy this you handsome, powerful hooligan :).

Andy Frisella is a Gangster
Andy is one of my mentors from afar. We haven't met yet but the dude has impacted my life dramatically. We've talked about him in our emails and other articles. If you are an entrepreneur especially, we give our massive stamp of approval to check out his podcast starting from Ep.1 all the way down. Click here to learn more about him.
Andy has this mantra. This motto that he lives by. It's called 100-0.
He even has a coffee cup with that message written on it. That's when you know it's serious.
So, this saying "100-0" is a way of life for those brave enough to adopt it.
And like every great message, it might offend some of you. And if it does, maybe that's worth examining internally.
What does 100-0 mean?
It means running up the score in life and demolishing your obstacles.
It's playing basketball and not letting your opponents score one point. It's the train and get better every day in private mindset so you can shine in public.
100-0 is about dominating and obliterating your competition and everything in your way.
The mindset of a world-champion.
Our Declare War Within Family
I receive a lot of emails from you guys. Many of you have some type of challenge in life.
Low confidence. Anxiety. Financial struggles. Addictions. And many others.
A lot of you open up to me.
Tell me about all the real shit that you're going through.
It means a lot to me and when I receive these messages...I genuinely feel for you.
It's the reason I write in the first place.
So if we look at our current situation around the world. Most of you are in some type of quarantine. Covid-19 is affecting you and the entire world.
Now if we were to look how most people are reacting to this situation. They are taking this time as a well-deserved vacation.
Chillin'. Relaxing. Eating garbage food. Getting fatter. Making TikTok dances. Obliterating their minds with Netflix and video games. Complaining about being 'bored'.
99% of the world are wasting this current moment.
It's time to RUN UP THE SCORE!
Capitalize on this current situation.
That business you wanted to make. That skill you wanted to learn.
Now is the fucking time! And pardon the language, but it's the only way I can convey the intensity I feel about this subject.
Every time someone doubted you. Told you that you can't do it. You won't amount to anything. You won't be successful.
Every time your inner Enemy attempts to trick you. Sending an impulse your way. Making you think your out of energy. Keeping you in a fear based state.
Use this lower level energy for fuel.
Transmute all the negativity that you are experiencing and channel it into your own personal development. That's what a powerful man does.
He develops the ability to take the positive/negative and alchemize it for fuel.
If someone doubts you = fuel, thank you.
If someone applauds you = fuel, thank you.
Now. Is. The. Time. To. Run. Up. The. Score.
Just imagine me clapping after every word when you read ^ that sentence.
Now is the time for you to be an example to your family, your spouse, your friends for what is capable if they set their mind to it.
- Now is your time to get in the best shape of your life.
- To start a new business that will give you the freedom that you crave.
- To level up that mindset to world champion level.
- To express your spirit and creativity.
This is YOUR time to pull away from the pack of average.
And let me tell you. It won't be easy. It won't be fairies and unicorns. Maybe this email and our articles on DWW inspire you for one day, two days or even a week.
But there will be a day when you don't feel like working out.
And on that day, you show the world your character.
At that moment you must rely on your own internal resources.
Your Two Possible Futures
You have two potential future realities ahead.
Both of them are determined by the decisions you make right now. In this exact moment.
The small micro moments where you either utilize HYDE i HYDA or act in a sloppy manner.
Which of these will you choose?
1) The future you that is living the life of your dreams. Money, success, power, fulfillment and meaning.
2) The future you that is fat, ugly, unsuccessful, addicted, lazy and an absolute scrub.
If you really want it you'll have it, brother.
Take advantage of this opportunity we are faced with.
When this is all over and you meet with your friends and go out in public.
Will the world be in shock and awe at how powerful you've become?
Or will they look at you in pity?
The choice is yours. It always is and it always will be.
Stay powerful.
PS. Brand new hypnosis track from PowerfulSubliminals. For the last 3 months we have been working on blending our subliminal technology + advanced strategies of Hypnotherapy. It came out better than I even imagined. We call it PowerHypnosis™ technology.
Our team at PS are beyond excited for you to test it for yourself.
This particular hypnosis is for Unlimited Motivation because we re-wire your subconscious brain's self-talk. As you know, if you've been here at Declare War Within for a while, what goes on between the ears determines your success in life.
And - we know how the subconscious works. It does what it thinks you want. Therefore the SECRET to achieving massive success is to learn how to speak and communicate with your mind.
That is exactly what this hypnosis was created to do! This will definitely help you run up the score in life.
So immediately upon listening to our track, you can begin to tell your mind what you really want. Imagine telling your mind you want:
- More money, wealth and abundance so you can have the experiences you deserve which means you live where you want, do what you want and take advantage of all life has to offer.
- A better social life which means you can build a strong group of friends that appreciate you for you while having fun & holding you accountable.
- You can tell your mind to look stronger and be healthier which means you will feel better in your own body, look sexier and be more confident.
- To have a healthier relationship with sex which means you can get rid of any shame and feel good about yourself in the bedroom.
- To feel lovable, enough and have high self esteem which means you can be truly happy and live a life of meaning.
- To have more freedom which means that you can do what you want when you want with whom you want.
- To be a social master and communicate effectively which means you can enter any room at any time and feel completely at ease.
- Meet a high-quality man or woman which means you can tell your mind to look for your soul mate.
- Start a business and work on your entrepreneurial goals which means you can stop being tied to a desk working for a boss you dislike.
- Become a leader at work and receive promotions which means you can make more money, have more responsibility and thrive in life.
Your mind is a feedback machine. Your only duty is to speak to your mind in a clear manner and that's exactly why we created this hypnosis.
Click right here to learn more brother.