September 9

10 Commandments of Dominance


Subject: 10 Commandments of Dominance

Location: Miami, Florida

Source: The Human Zoo by Desmond Morris

What you will get out of this article: a clearer understanding of dominance, the traits and principles to follow along with practical steps on how to apply it today.

What makes a man dominant? 

For the ladies that follow DWW, this is written for men but the majority is applicable for you as well. 

Let's start with the definition:

dom•i•nate [dä-mə-ˌnāt]
1. to have control of or power over (someone or something)
2. to be the most important part of (something)
3. to be much more powerful or successful than others in a game, competition, etc.

Here are some traits to get you started:

  • His impact is visible. His presence is influential.
  • He knows what he wants. With time he is able to vividly define his desires and ambitions. 
  • He is charismatic in terms of attracting others to get behind his vision.
  • He is in relentless pursuit of his vision and goals.
  • He takes responsibility for himself and others.
  • He has control over himself.
  • He is a winner in life and that is felt just by being around him.

Now let's dive into Desmond's laws of dominance and how you can apply them starting today to wield more powerful in your life.

10 Commandments of Dominance

Here are 10 commandments from the book 'The Human Zoo'.

Incase you haven't realized we share 90%+ DNA with chimpanzees and certain monkeys.

It's safe to say we are similar in many ways.

Self awareness is rare. Do you truly know why you do things? If you are being honest, the answer is no. A lot of what you do is evolutionary and has led you up to this moment because of millions of small adaptations. 

Using this logic, we can clearly state that learning from an animal that shares so much in common with us would be a wise decision.

Let's begin.


The head baboon clearly displays the trappings, postures and gestures of dominance as he walks around sleek and beautifully groomed, calm and relaxed, with a deliberate and purposive gait.

You've got to act the part.

If you walk the earth with a hunched back, head forward, looking down, clothes unkempt and nervous energy pulsating through you... don't be surprised if your life is shit right now. 

Kind people act kindly.

Powerful people act powerfully.

A lion always does lion shit. 


When rivalry is brewing, he scares the active member with an aggressive and terrorizing charge.

Life is not all flowers and rainbows. While the intention is always to live in harmony with others. Conflict is sure to arise. If you are in a position of power, no matter how much good you do it will trigger people's insecurities.

They will lash out.

For this commandment, you can't be rushing at people fists flailing looking for fights.

That is not tactful.

In modern times this translates to have strict boundaries.

If another person is talking badly about you, ruining your reputation and actively creating ways to destroy your plans. This must be confronted. It must be done swiftly and to the point.

Your potential enemy must recognize that you are on a mission. Either they get behind it or leave and do something else. 

As a man with his feet planted on this earth, you must demonstrate this with your actions.


If necessary, he is capable of overpowering the challenger.

You can overpower your opponent through mind and body.

You are not a weakling.

That is why it is crucial to develop your physical power.

We want harmony, not conflict. However as we mentioned is not just rainbows and butterflies.

There is competition and it is happening everywhere you look.

It is better to be dangerous in a time of peace than weak in a time of war.


Besides being physically strong, he is also cunning, quick, and intelligent.

The mind is the single greatest asset any human being can master.

The mind is so fascinating that even in this day and age we have no idea what's truly going on.

When you develop a sharp mind the world becomes your oyster.

In this day and age of distraction, a focused person has all the cards.

To develop your dominance, be aware. Be quick. Be cunning. Think two moves ahead at a minimum.

Don't be a slave to your mind, use it for it is the key to your power. 


He suppresses squabbles within the colony, even though these may not threaten his own position, thereby reinforcing his claim as chief.

The pre-requisite to a man with dominance is leadership.

He leads the people in his immediate environment to a more positive future.

If your friends, family, co-workers are always fighting within the ranks, they won't be able to grow.

You want your kingdom to be peaceful. A sanctuary for all those that enter.

Keeping the peace is an expression of the dominant man.


He permits the subdominant baboons, who are helpful to him in warding off external attacks, greater freedom of action and closer proximity to him than weaker males making less contribution.

Remember this for the rest of your life.

The powerful man rewards behavior he wants to keep and punishes behavior that he wants to eradicate.

You are building your environment.

If the people you hang out with are weak you will soon follow suit. 

If the people that surround you are strong, you will soon follow suit. 

Knowing this, the powerful man will reward strength and punish weakness.

When one of your employees, team members, friends really comes through for you. Do not ignore it. Reward it. For it is behavior you would like to be repeated on your road to growing your kingdom.


He protects females and infants, who tend to cluster around him, from other baboons, thereby ensuring the survival of the clan.

The dominant male is future oriented. 

He is responsible for himself and his tribe.

Females and young children are vital for your future success.

Whether you have a family now, you can apply this.

Everyone has a role. My friend from the Israeli army told me that there are soldiers and jobniks.

A jobnik is one that has a desk, a computer and is more 9-5 oriented. 

While they are teased by the soldier, both know that each role is vital to the success of the nation.

The jobniks research will prevent the soldier's death. The soldiers courage will save the jobniks life.

Different roles, yet both needed for future success.


The head baboon determines the programs for the group, which moves to a new location when he moves, rests when he rests, and feeds when he feeds.

The dominant baboon is the leader.

Never underestimating the responsibility that comes by wearing the crown.

Lead your people. Keep an eye on them. Do they need rest? Do they need inspiration? Do they need to be strengthened? How is moral? 

These are the questions a leader is always keeping an eye on.

He might not need the rest nor the food. However he knows that he is only one piece of the puzzle. 


He continually reassures the members of his concern and love of them as he approaches in the friendly mode of lip smacking.

Large groups of people have a tendency to play 'telephone'.

A game from when we were children.

Everyone (could be groups of 20+) will sit in a circle. Someone will start with a sentence at random. For example, "the house is purple and there is a car outside."

By the time it reaches the last person the sentence becomes "the earl gray tea was drunk by a Slovakian man."

How did this happen? Someone didn't hear correctly. Someone played a joke. Someone misinterpreted the sentence. 

To prevent gossip and complaints from his tribe, you must consistently approach them in a friendly manner.

This prevents the game of telephone.

It reaffirms their loyalty, their support and submission to your rule.


He assumes command at the forefront of battles with external enemies.

Lead from the front.

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." —John Maxwell

It is in the dominant man's nature to lead his tribe.

To show courage.

To show strength.

To lead by example. 

How can your people support you if they find you quivering in fear at the back?

Lead from the front.

Commit to being a man of dominance in your life.

Remember these commandments of dominance and apply them.

Comment below with your favorite strategy and how you will implement it.

Thank you for reading, 



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